• @yesman
    2212 hours ago

    Frankenstein’s monster doesn’t deserve any sympathy; he’s pure evil. I know this contradicts the opinions of the characters in the book. He does suffer mightily and unfairly despite all efforts at kindness.

    The problem is that his solution is to create another to suffer as he has. He even instructs the Doctor to make her hideous like him so that she’ll have no choice but to be his companion. The doctor wonders if this will be enough to stop the “bride” from going rogue.

    These are the only two times in the novel anyone considers that the “bride” might have motivation or pathos of her own.

    He also refers to his potential bride as the “female” which, well ya know.

    • Flying SquidOPM
      1312 hours ago

      Interesting way to look at the story. It certainly is an odd choice for a book written by a woman. A daughter of a notable 19th century feminist no less.

      • @[email protected]
        711 hours ago

        In fairness it’s two men discussing a woman, in her era it makes sense that’s only to ensure she’s subservient to them.

    • @yamanii
      212 hours ago

      Looks like dark romance isn’t a new phenomenon at all lol.

  • MyTurtleSwimsUpsideDown
    4516 hours ago

    My take is that Frankenstein is a surname, and, as Victor was the monster’s progenitor, they are both Frankenstein. If the context is clear enough for some pedant to “well, actually”, then it is clear enough to understand which Frankenstein is being discussed.

    • @Cintari
      1011 hours ago

      Personally I think it’s ok to call the monster (or that style of monster) ‘a Frankenstein’ on the basis that it was created by Dr. Frankenstein the same way you’d call a painting by Picasso ‘a Picasso’.

    • Flying SquidOPM
      2916 hours ago

      Maybe we should call the Creature “Frankenstein Jr.”

    • @Aeao
      814 hours ago

      Precisely. He considered the doctor to be his father. He likely would have called himself Frankenstein as well.

  • Atelopus-zeteki
    516 hours ago

    Then we would always have to differentiate The Creature from The Creature from The Black Lagoon.

    • Flying SquidOPM
      416 hours ago

      We’ll be okay. We already have The Creature from the Haunted Sea and The She-Creature.

      And IMDB tells me there’s a 1950s movie called Creature With the Atom Brain and I have got to see a movie with a title like that.

      It must be one stupid creature if it has a brain that tiny.

      • Atelopus-zeteki
        416 hours ago

        Hmm, I’ll await your report. I was interpreting it as a creature with a brain made from atoms. In which case it could be a very heartwarming and wholesome tale that appeals to all of us creatures.

        Flying Squid, “Look, it’s The Creature!”

        Me, “Which one?!?”

        • Flying SquidOPM
          616 hours ago

          It is on YouTube…


          Here’s the plot description:

          Several years earlier gangster Frank Buchanan was deported to his native Italy through the efforts of law enforcement authorities and rival gangsters who inform on him. While in Europe he meets scientist Wilhelm Steigg, who has perfected a method of reanimating dead people and controlling their behavior with oral commands. Buchanan underwrites Steigg’s experiments and uses his technology to wreak revenge on his enemies. Unfortunately radioactive poisoning is a by-product of the process, and authorities use radiation detecting devices like Geiger counters to pinpoint the source of the sinister plot.

          Also, Steigg is a Nazi.

          And yet I’ve been burned before…

        • @jaybone
          314 hours ago

          Is my brain not made from atoms?