• @[email protected]
    324 days ago

    Billionaires after donating to a cause that wouldn’t have to exist if they were taxed fairly didn’t exist.


    It really is high time we started aiming for more than just taxing exploitation.

    • HubertManne
      134 days ago

      Thats the point of taxes though. It should keep climbing and earning more should be harder and harder and harder till you just can’t realistically get to that point. Of course as part of this taxes have to be on all earnings for both individuals and corps. non of this capital gains crap.

      • @UnderpantsWeevil
        -44 days ago

        Thats the point of taxes though.

        Glancing at the current genocide in Gaza

        If only we’d taxed the Military Industrial Complex, this wouldn’t be happening.

        • ℍ𝕂-𝟞𝟝
          24 days ago

          Well, taxation means fewer billionaires meaning less money in politics meaning more chance for sane people to be elected meaning less guns and genocide.

        • HubertManne
          24 days ago

          well we are not doing things well be it taxation or like everything else.

    • @[email protected]
      24 days ago

      I mean taxation can be a strong correcting force when applied well.

      For example, exponentially increasing the property tax on housing that you don’t live in for a minimum of four months out of the year.

      Doesn’t sound too exciting, but landlords would basically be limited to three properties before the economy of scale made hoovering up the entire local housing market impractical, and it also severely puts the rates up on company landlords since it is not possible for them to live in any property, only operate out of one.

      End result, massive flood of units onto the open market, lowering housing costs, and costs of living by extension since those usually rise with housing prices as well.

  • @Aceticon
    4 days ago

    I come from a country - Portugal - which before 1974 had a Fascist Dictatorship and during that time there were 9 very rich families which were fully entwined with the dictatorship and supportive of it and pretty much the rest of the country was crushingly poor (and this is no exageration: at one point this European country was the recipient of Food Aid from countries such as The Netherlands, which, by the way, I know from family members, amongst other things sent cheese, so Dank u wel Nederland!).

    The “ladies” of those very rich families used to boast of how much Charity they did.

    Rights, consecrated in Law (ideally a Constitution) are for everybody and cannot be arbitrarily denied or withdrawn because, say, the person has not shown enough thankfulness.

    Charity is entirely arbitrary, given arbitrarily in arbitrary amounts and taken away arbitrarily for any reason, even maliciously to inflict suffering on the needy.

    The function of Charity is not to help, is to salve the consciences and polish the social image of the very people who with their actions the other 99% of the time cause the very suffering they so loudly and overtly claim the be reducing with their “charity”

  • @UnderpantsWeevil
    4 days ago

    Putting up $10M of my own money for the UnderpantsWeevil Memorial Foundation For Running For Mayor Next Year and Giving Six People A Down Payment on Cancer Treatments. I’m hiring dozens of children and siblings of the local newspaper and local media staff as well as bringing on the spouse of the County Judge and the best friend of the Biggest Party’s County Chairperson to help with this critical issue as consultants.

    If you’d like to donate your own money to help with this important effort, show up at any of these businesses owned by my closer personal friends and pay them an extra $3 at checkout, so they can claim your donation as a write-down on their taxes. And if you’d like to volunteer? Here’s a stack of pointless busywork assigned out by one of the nepo-hires mentioned previously.

    Together, we can end the initial cost of a cancer screening for six people. And as someone whose name is being plastered all over town, I assure you that together we can do so much more. Don’t believe the Epstein Flight Logs. I’ll see you all next November.

    • @[email protected]
      54 days ago

      show up at any of these businesses owned by my closer personal friends and pay them an extra $3 at checkout, so they can claim your donation as a write-down on their taxes

      It doesn’t work that way. You get a receipt for your donation and get to claim it on your taxes. The company does not.

  • @Smoogs
    74 days ago

    “You must come to my gala”

  • massive_bereavement
    44 days ago

    And donating to the foundation with their name as a way to cash in PR, and having their family on the board where they get a C-exec salary, and making said foundation deal with companies from where they have previously bought stock, like a money ouroboros.

  • molave
    24 days ago

    That’s the point, because otherwise the billionaires will not donate at all.

    • @Dasus
      14 days ago

      I know it’s only tangential, but made me think of “what are they gonna do”, which made me think of a related bit of standup.

      ISMO - The world’s debt

      “If the countries owe money to banks, how stupid are thr countries to pay? As a country has an army. The bank has four cashiers and a cleaning lady.”

  • @[email protected]
    4 days ago

    Billionaires after donating to a cause that wouldn’t have to exist if ̶t̶h̶e̶y̶ ̶w̶e̶r̶e̶ ̶t̶a̶x̶e̶d̶ ̶f̶a̶i̶r̶l̶y̶ Capitalism didn’t exist

  • @Cliff
    4 days ago

    “Charity is the drowning of justice in the craphole of mercy.”

  • @PugJesus
    14 days ago

    “No amount of charity in spending such fortunes can compensate in any way for the misconduct in acquiring them.” - some socialist or something idk

    • ✺roguetrick✺
      4 days ago

      Last good Republican, even if he was a colonialist demagogue. Ike was merely inoffensive and Taft should’ve just gotten out of Teddy’s way. Hoover, Coolidge, and Harding were obviously worthless.

      • @PugJesus
        14 days ago

        Coolidge was a decent human being and a progressive, just someone who had an utterly bizarre and antiquated view of federalism.