• @fluxion
    2 days ago

    Yah you could be like me and vote for Jill Stein in protest of the Democrats not being progressive enough, end up with 4 years of fucking Trump instead, and then later find out Jill Stein has been taking money from Russia, the most belligerent enemies of democracy and rule of law on this planet.

    So yah, you have other even more shitty options to avail yourselves of until 4 years from now when we’re not even a fucking democracy anymore.

      • geekwithsoul
        72 days ago

        Yeah, like the candidate you voted for: Pro-Israel candidate Rachele Fruit. Quoted earlier this year:

        And anyone who is interested in reading and learning about the history of Hamas will be convinced that it’s not about liberation. It’s about genocide against the Jews.

        And then when called out for it, you were proud of voting for someone who’s supporting Palestinian genocide. Despite complaining about Harris “not doing enough”. You’re either a liar or a hypocrite.

        BTW, you might want to be careful spamming more comments with copy/paste nonsense - you already had a bunch removed today for just that reason. Which I guess makes you a spammer, doesn’t?

        • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
          1 day ago

          Yep, I did vote for her. Sent in the ballot yesterday. I’ve never denied it. You’ve posted about it several times and each time I’ve not only admitted it, but said I was happy and proud to. Not sure why you keep posting it. You’re free to do that, but I’ve already made a post about it: https://lemmy.world/post/20821124

          BTW, you might want to be careful spamming more comments with copy/paste nonsense - you already had a bunch removed today for just that reason.

          Here’s the modlog: https://lemmy.world/modlog/1252

          My comments were answering someone who was copying/pasting the same comment about me several times in a row. So I answered each one. Mine were removed and his comments were removed too. Funny how you left that part out. But here ya go:

          • geekwithsoul
            61 day ago

            So let’s recap - in just the past couple of weeks you got a temp ban for trolling and then engaged in spamming replies because…<checks notes> “He started it!”

            You like to pretend you get the reaction you do because of your support for third-parties, but in reality it just seems you’re getting back what you put out there. Perhaps if you engaged in good faith in anyway, you wouldn’t receive the reaction you do? But that’s the point, isn’t? You have made yourself literally the worst possible voice for the ideals you pretend to hold. Much like the third party candidates you are so fond of propagandizing for.

            • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
              1 day ago

              You’re free to believe whatever you want about my motivations. Not my concern. Modlog and my post log are public and I’ve posted direct links to both several times. Thank you! :)

  • SatansMaggotyCumFart
    332 days ago

    Yes they are.

    Trump or Harris are going to be president come January 20th and don’t act like Rachele Fruit or Jill. Stein might actually have a chance.

    You’ve stopped responding to me so unlike the candidates you’re promoting you must know when you are beat.

    • @anticolonialist
      -142 days ago

      Those are your only 2 choices, they don’t represent what we want in government and do nothing to earn our votes. Rewarding bad behavior results in more bad behavior, that’s how Democrats went from he party of Carter to the party bragging how many Republicans they have coming on board.

      • @[email protected]
        31 day ago

        It’s true. DNC does not represent what i want but I know GOP IS getting rewarded for their actively bad behavior. Allowing them a sliver of a chance is enabling GOP to be bolder.

        • @anticolonialist
          -62 days ago

          I do get tired of liberals and their arrogant smug hubris.

          • @stoly
            11 day ago

            lol lol lol and you went personal. Biggest sign of insecurity there is

            • @anticolonialist
              -41 day ago

              I didn’t go personal. That’s a generalization.

        • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
          -141 day ago

          Sure, but I’m not running for prez and I’m not creating ads against others who are.

            • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
              1 day ago

              Because even tho more disagree with me, that doesn’t matter, because I’m not running for president. It’s the ones who disagree with the idea of there only being two parties, that the Democrats need to worry about–not me. Thanks!

              • @[email protected]
                219 hours ago

                It’s become obvious that you don’t post in spite of critics but because of them. You’re a trumper fueled by your contrarianism. Everyone can see it.

              • @very_well_lost
                31 day ago

                Looks like plenty of people disagree with you

                Those are your words to another commenter, whom I think we can very safely assume is also not running for president. So why bring it up at all if it doesn’t matter?

        • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
          -342 days ago

          Well, if you believe plenty of people don’t disagree with you, then neither you nor the Democrats should have anything to worry about or be upset about when it comes to third parties. Thanks, friend! :)

          • @just_another_person
            172 days ago

            Everyone in the entire country has something to worry about BECAUSE there are only two parties. Did you have your pills this morning?

          • @orclev
            2 days ago

            That would be fine if it weren’t for the fact that the races are so tight that every vote matters. If Harris had a healthy lead on Trump to the point where a couple hundred votes here and there could be thrown away and she’d still win nobody would worry, we’d say “sure, throw away your vote, or you know, just stay home, you do you”, but unfortunately that’s not the case. So yes, the vast overwhelming majority of people disagree with you, but unfortunately even being wrong your vote is still important.

            On the topic of whether there are more than two parties, first past the post means no, there aren’t, there can’t be more than two parties. Fix first past the post if you want an actual democracy. Until that happens, voting 3rd party is functionally the same as not voting, in either case your vote isn’t being counted to determine the winner.

            • geekwithsoul
              112 days ago

              Monk would evidently much rather vote for Pro-Israel candidate Rachele Fruit. Quoted earlier this year:

              And anyone who is interested in reading and learning about the history of Hamas will be convinced that it’s not about liberation. It’s about genocide against the Jews.

            • @anticolonialist
              -22 days ago

              If she didn’t swing hard right maybe polling wouldn’t be so tight.

              • @orclev
                32 days ago

                That can be true and she can still be the best candidate. There’s a very long list of people I would rather see elected president but unfortunately the reality is that only one of two people are going to win. It’s either Harris or Trump, and while I don’t like Harris for many many reasons, she’s not an existential threat to democracy like Trump is so she gets the votes. The only way to fix this is to get some kind of proportional voting implemented at the federal level. Personally I like STAR voting, but even the worse choice of ranked choice is still better than first past the post.

            • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
              -212 days ago

              Voting for who you want to, isn’t throwing away your vote. It’s exercising your rights. Thank you! :)

              • @just_another_person
                142 days ago

                No, it’s throwing a vote away when it has no chance of affecting the election. It literally means your vote does nothing.

  • @MegaUltraChicken
    262 days ago

    “OP has stated that they have no issues with a Trump victory and constantly floods the feed with pro Trump propaganda. They will only engage in bad faith and refuse to take responsibility for the things they post. The people controlling this account are here solely for political purposes and have no interest in anything other than harming this community.”

    Keep that in mind. I didn’t write this, just posting what someone else wrote. Thanks!

      • @MegaUltraChicken
        52 days ago

        Take it up with the authors of the comment. Clearly people agree with them. I just post what I find interesting.

  • @jordanlundM
    122 days ago

    If you want to vote for someone who will get more than 1% of the vote, no, no there aren’t.

    Technically writing in Mickey Mouse is a choice, it has slightly less of a chance than voting Green or Libertarian.

    Meanwhile, failing to vote for a major party candidate only helps the candidate you dislike the most:


    Don’t like Trump? Think he’s a danger to every single thing we believe in as a country? Vote for Harris. Anything less only helps Trump.

  • @9point6
    122 days ago

    Holy shit yes they are.

    If you vote for a third party in an American election, you’re only giving a vote to your least preferred option.

    The rest of the world is counting on you lot to not vote in the literal fascist you’ve got running.

    Do not fuck this up.

    Vote Harris and hold your nose if you have to, but literally any other vote is actively malicious and will likely hasten the end of the modern world.

      • @9point6
        122 days ago

        I hope you truly own the part you have played in helping the fascist rise to power if it happens

        It will be your fault.

        • @[email protected]
          -12 days ago

          Look at you talking about rising fascism in future tense. It’s given rise by people that defended the status quo which enabled it.