they’re not Anons anymore since we now know their names
Yes I’m sure those aren’t at all made up.
That is how you spell pheonix and I don’t care what the Oxford English dictionary or anyone else says.
Shut up Fenix
That’s just misspelled cat food
sheds a single protoss tear
Now I need a Fenix Down
Shut up Dan Le Sac
I think it was the wordsmith Scroobius pip that wrote that lyric
Ah, I only know the song, didn’t know which of the two wrote it
Thurman is short for Turd Ferguson
Is your name Thurman?.. Thurman Merman?.. Jesus.
The Thurman is easy to shorten, at least nowadays. Just add a thick drawl to the ‘Thur’ and say, “but everybody calls me Thor,” and roll your eyes a bit. They’ll laugh, tease you about it a bit because you got named after a comic book character, and then you won’t be known as Thurman.
I’m well aware that Thor did not originate in comic books. Thank you for reading my TED Sp(ew)Ed.
Thursday is Thor’s Day. Just say your name is Thur and a day of the week is named after you.
I knew a Thor in highschool. I think his name was actually Anthor? I could be wrong. Knew his brother also, named Mordecai. They had a lot more sibling I never learned their names. They were an…interesting family.
A kid in my kids class went by Thor… short for Thorafin
I work with a Furman, like not even a furry. (As far as I know.)
Maybe you could shorten Thurman to Thurry?
I’m getting an image of cold tomato soup with hair in it.
Can’t they just, adopt the correct version of their name?
I have a friend with a very arcaic name and most people don’t know what we call him is not his real name.
People don’t realize that this has always been the case. I learned my wife’s grandpa’s real name at his funeral.
When I was much younger, my gf and I joked about naming an unwanted child to punish them (in reality, we’d get an abortion). We decided Paisley was the best bad name. But I think Thurman’s parents hated them even more.
Just have a middle name
Thurman Groidel Cosby
Phoenix is a cool name, tho. Even if it’s spelled wrong.
One chance at life? Wait till these jokers learn about Reincarnation
Hey Thur
That’s just Mike Tyson calling someone sir
Though I’m not gonna say my name here, I could respond to that thread.
harry Truman