• @Lasherz12
    137 hours ago

    Interesting how the same people who talk about billionaire flight if we do them the slight injustice of taxing them for their access to our financial system that made them rich will bury their heads about how dedicated these paypal degenerate fucks will gladly expend hundreds of millions to destroy our democracy instead of moving.

    • @krashmo
      56 hours ago

      Who’s going to buy the $80 million houses if all the billionaires move out of the country? Think of all those sad real estate agents endlessly serving little sandwiches at open houses.

  • @[email protected]
    5210 hours ago

    Good god, imagine if that money was spent on something meaningful like climate adaptation or building housing. Hell, reinvest it in the your companies, at least it would create something. What a staggering waste…

    • Zerlyna
      910 hours ago

      There’s a lot of people with demolished houses and businesses right now. So sad.

  • @espentan
    2810 hours ago

    Of course they do, it’s vital for them, to ensure the US remains a country where they can legally exploit the population and keep taxes to a minimum.

    • @[email protected]
      78 hours ago

      The “staggering” amount they’re spending is nothing for them. It would be the equivalent of multi-millionaires giving 10s of thousands of dollars.

      They’ll save more in taxes in a day.

  • @just_another_person
    79 hours ago

    That’s about the only way you’re going to get the ultra wealthy in this country to divest and recirculate all the money they have been hoarding.