I’m not really looking to hear from people who don’t think this way, with answers like “insecurity”, “toxic masculinity”, etc. I want to hear answers from men who really detest men who sit to pee.

Follow-up questions:

  • when you have to piss while shitting, do you stand up turn around and piss on your shit and then sit back down to finish shitting?
  • are you ever groggy in the morning?
  • how clean is your toilet and surrounding floor, and whose job is cleaning it?
  • what are your true passions in life?
  • @[email protected]
    135 minutes ago

    They can be fucking annoying. Like we get it, you sit down and think you’re somehow superior for being different. Otherwise I take no issue with them.

  • Cyborganism
    523 hours ago

    Guys who do diss other guys for not peeing standing up have major self esteem issues or insecurities.

    I’m a man and I pee sitting down because:

    • it’s more comfortable
    • it doesn’t splash pee water everywhere all over the toilet bowl and the floor or my pants.
    • can access the toilet paper easier to wipe clean instead of just shaking it and having a wet pee stain on my underwear
    • I have my hands free to use my phone
    • I can also fight anyone that might barge in an try to assault me while I pee without peeing on myself so it’s a tactical defense position.
    • @[email protected]
      152 hours ago

      Real men sit to pee so they don’t have to clean their own piss up later.

      Whenever I talk about this, some asshat will come along and make a comment about sitting on a tree. No, dumbass, I don’t sit to pee on a tree. Or a urinal. I sit to pee on my toilet at home so I can tell you what an idiot you are while I’m pissing just to prove how manly I am.

      • @almar_quigley
        660 minutes ago

        Real men pee however they want and make sure not to leave a mess for the next bathroom user. Standing or sitting has nothing to do with masculinity.

      • Cyborganism
        31 hour ago

        Hahahahahaha! “dO yOu SiT aT a UrInAl Or On A tReE?” That is some wrinkle-free brain logic right there.

      • Cyborganism
        11 hour ago

        So do you pee with your dick bent backwards between your butt cheeks to piss in the bowl while you face the door?

    • @[email protected]
      22 hours ago

      You fool, the pee is to be used as a standoff weapon to assert space and give time to determine your strategy.

      • Cyborganism
        21 hour ago

        If your attacker comes from behind, which is the most likely scenario, you’ll be caught off guard with both hands busy holding your junk. All they gotta do is shake you a little for you to be covered in your own piss. Checkmate.

  • @[email protected]
    35 minutes ago

    I sit to pee coz of my 6G PA 🙂‍↕️.

    I gained the bonus of dual streams when I installed the upgrade. So it’s sorta impossible to not spray the floor/my pants.

  • stinerman [Ohio]
    2 hours ago

    I want to hear answers from men who really detest men who sit to pee.

    I fear that you will not many of these kinds of people on Lemmy. If you really want a good answer, you’d have to post it somewhere like Twitter or Truth Social.

  • Boozilla
    253 hours ago

    “What is that? An umbrella? Are you afraid of a little rain? Are you gay? What’s the umbrella for, so you can stick it up your ass?”

    I’m ripping off Bill Burr here. Macho men are drooling morons who die at age 54. Why ask them their opinion on anything?

  • @breadsmasher
    213 hours ago

    I cant ever recall a time I have questioned, or been questioned, as to why a guy would sit to pee. I sit at home because its more comfortable. I stand at public toilets because the seats are gross

    • Bob Robertson IX
      11 hour ago

      I’ve only been questioned once about sitting to pee… it was after about 10 years of being married. My wife asked one day if I sit while peeing at home, and when I told her that I do she said “I’ve always wondered why there isn’t pee all over our bathrooms”.

      • @[email protected]
        143 minutes ago

        This leads me to two questions:

        Do you guys often miss while standing and, if you do, not clean up after?

        When you’re sitting do you not have an issue with the pee splashing UP the side of the bowl onto the seat? I have this happen often.

        • Bob Robertson IX
          118 minutes ago

          Do you guys often miss while standing and, if you do, not clean up after? Yes… and, sadly, not always. Just take a look around a urinal (which shouldn’t be difficult at all to miss) and I don’t think this is just a ‘me’ issue.

          When you’re sitting do you not have an issue with the pee splashing UP the side of the bowl onto the seat? I have this happen often. The biggest issue I typically have is the toilet water is really cold if I accidentally hang down into it, but I normally don’t have a problem with pee hitting the sides of the bowl.

  • Bob Robertson IX
    194 hours ago

    I always sit to pee when I’m at home, mostly so I don’t have to worry about spray/drippage/seat positions, but I also believe that men have this amazing power where we have the ability to stand and pee… and I think the biggest flex you can make when you have amazing power is to only use that power when it makes sense. Restraint is power.

    • @ZagamTheVile
      -83 hours ago

      So like having guns to make sure we don’t lose the 2nd ammendment?

      • Bob Robertson IX
        12 hours ago

        No, more like using a pen to write about how important the 2nd amendment is, without actually needing to own a gun first.

        But, like, what point do you think I was trying to make? That if I don’t sit down to pee then I won’t be able to pee standing? I’m really confused at your attempt to shoehorn politics into a conversation about piss.

        • @ZagamTheVile
          31 hour ago

          I was being goofy. Of course it doesn’t make sense. Jesus, Lemmy has gotten as bad as reddit. It’s all people ready to fight at the drop of a hat.

          • Bob Robertson IX
            459 minutes ago

            Yeah, sorry… someone else had riled me up, and I didn’t do a cache flush before seeing your comment.

      • @kitnaht
        12 hours ago

        Not everything has to be political my guy.

        • @ZagamTheVile
          01 hour ago

          I was being silly. Not everything has to be serious my guy.

          • @kitnaht
            11 hour ago

            It’s okay to simply be wrong and admit it you know. Much more honorable as well. Being silly with a political joke, is still being political.

              • @kitnaht
                54 minutes ago

                Hah, I’m totally making an assumption here, but I’m willing to bet you’re the type who tests the temperature of the room by saying something mildly political like this, and then if things go well, you’ve successfully hijacked a conversation - and if they don’t, you just back off and pull the “it was just a joke, I was being funny”…

                Unfortunately you backed yourself into a corner here because the “it was just a joke!” doesn’t really land well when you’re trying to inject politics into a conversation that has literally nothing to do with them. I know I’m kinda hard calling you out here, but I’m just saying - it’s not a good look.

                • @ZagamTheVile
                  036 minutes ago

                  That’s a lot and I’m not going to read it. I promise you that I care exactly as much about your opinion as you do mine. You should go touch grass if you’re so worked up that you can write two paragraphs moaning about a joke you didn’t get. It’s guys like you give us guys that sit down to pee a bad name.

  • Bear
    029 minutes ago

    I want to hear answers from

    Sweet summer child. First time?

  • @bahbah23
    63 hours ago

    when you have to piss while shitting, do you stand up turn around and piss on your shit and then sit back down to finish shitting?

    I tried this once when I was probably about two or three years old. It did not go well.

  • @count_dongulus
    22 hours ago

    Takin up the one stall to pee when there are three urinals open and I gotta blast

  • @MrJameGumb
    84 hours ago

    Is this still a thing that people get upset about though? Personally I think a man sitting down just to pee is kind of silly, but I certainly wouldn’t make fun or get upset about it. I think the last time I heard someone make a joke about men sitting to pee was like 15 years ago lol

    • @recapitatedOP
      4 hours ago

      I will say the option to stand up is one of my favorite male privileges, but I’m also aware that such a petty thing to fav probably indicates my lack of perspective. But it is incredibly convenient in gross places and nowhere places.

      • @[email protected]
        83 hours ago

        I only stand in public at urinals.

        Having to clean my own bathroom put a stop to the standing at home.

  • @yesman
    43 hours ago

    The King James Bible has the phrase those who “pissith against the wall” several times. In context it’s pejorative for the rude class or enemies of King David, but Christians who insist on the KJV struggle to read and understand it, and have taken it as God’s own description of male. and therefore pissing standing up isn’t just an aspect of masculinity, but it’s essence.

  • Mayor Poopington
    63 hours ago

    We will make fun of how you hold a spoon. It doesn’t mean anything, were just giving each other shit.

    • @Lost_My_Mind
      33 hours ago

      looks at your username

      Wait, do you poop while standing up?

      • Mayor Poopington
        22 hours ago

        Don’t tell me you’re one of those scrubs who poops sitting down

  • @[email protected]
    22 hours ago

    I would never give a damn what others do in a bathroom, aside from: don’t make a mess. (Or clean it yourself right then.)

    I stand to pee and am observant that I do not make a mess. I aim such that there is no mess and am critical of cleanliness. If I had a miss, I would clean it then and there. I clean my own bathroom every week at least and do not see evidence of failure in my technique.

    YMMV and that’s ok. Worrying about others is a weird self esteem thing.