• @MimicJar
    1317 hours ago

    I agree with the article. I’ve been telling friends that with a different name this show is a classic mobster rags to riches story, like Goodfellas.

    Of course on the other hand the universe this story is set in, the 2022 Batman film, is also a realistic world. Sure there is a vigilante in a bat suit with some high tech gear, but nothing truly magical that fall into “superhero” status. The same holds true for Catwoman and Riddler, both are grounded generally in reality. So it only makes sense that the show would be the same.

    Although perhaps that’s changing. (Minor spoilers) At the end of the most recent episode Oz does find himself a new safe house. It definitely has a “Villain’s Lair” vibe to it, so we might get a few fantastical devices that The Penguin is more known for. Although in keeping with the universe, probably nothing more complicated than what the Riddler used in the film, which is still pretty grounded.

    • @[email protected]
      414 hours ago

      I was half expecting them to find the batmobile down there, with all of that music playing it seemed like something really big was around the corner.


      But it’s just a spot to hide and grow shrooms.

      I’d be very surprised if they have anything like an umbrella weapon pop up. I don’t think the show has even hinted at Batman being in the city at all. Maybe during the first episode?

      So yeah, it is pretty grounded. It’s also excellent if you’re on the fence about watching it.

  • @[email protected]
    416 hours ago

    I would have agreed with this article until the last episode I saw, with Sophia in the Arkham asylum. It was a total tone shift. Every Arkham scene was completely cartoonish. I almost turned the show off, but then I cut it some slack, because ultimately these are comic book characters in a comic book setting and I could still imagine an interesting story.

    • @eran_morad
      814 hours ago

      I mean, you have to suspend disbelief. The rampant criminality is nonsensical, even with a corrupt police force. And Oz would have been a dead man long ago, pissing off those crime families.

      • @[email protected]
        12 hours ago

        True, but I expect that in a show about a criminal, especially when his name is in the title. I don’t expect to see a state institution framed in the way they showed Arkham.

        Some lady stabbed herself to death, alright? Why? Because she’s crazy, obviously. Crazy people don’t work that way, though, not in your standard Sopranos style show.

        Remember that scene with that gal who chewed on those pills so her mouth was full of red liquid? Remember those multiple scenes where they tortured Sophia with electroshock, to the point she had visible scars (this is not how electroshock works)? It was all silly AF.

  • @eran_morad
    217 hours ago

    More like an antihero show.