I work in a public school district and i visit about a dozen different schools. Bosses are making us share our calendars, thinking they’ll be able to track us and catch us doing something wrong. I’m planning to add “started my period” every couple of weeks. Are there other good outlook tricks to fuck with them?

  • @gex
    19 minutes ago

    Add your driving to/from schools to the calendar, turn by turn

    • 9:21 - Leave parking lot, turn to Capital Blvd and drive 420 ft
    • 9:22 - Turn right towards Trawick Rd and drive 2.5 miles
    • 9:27 - Turn left, enter parking lot
  • Pudutr0n
    2 hours ago
    • Spam personal fake notes everywhere. “Joey’s little league game”, “Call dentist” and make completely useless ones like “remember the thing” for maximum annoyance.
    • Add obscure religious holidays and random countries’ national festivities. “Bhutan Losar day. Get decorations.”
    • Put in washed up celebrities’ birthdays “David Hasselhoff’s b-day”.
    • Include random bad album release anniversaries. “18 year release anniversary of Kid Rock - Live Trucker”.
    • Register inaccurate astrological milestones with random advice. “Leo ascending in Pluto. Good day for new beginnings”.
    • Every once in a while add events that are just random characters such as “HERDBhbcdbcnn nnnnnnnn” which you can later claim were added accidentally from your pocket.
    • Make sure some of the events are written IN ALL CAPS
    • Be lavish with your use of exclamation marks!!!1!!111
    • Occasionally add reviews of your day scheduled for a few hours later as if using the calendar as a diary, including details about health conditions and sex life. “Rough day today… had a lot of work and <partner> didn’t want to get frisky because of the hemmorhoids”
    • Write down random math calculations here and there that suggest you are confusing the calendar with an excel spreadsheet “=27.5/3”
    • Include the most bland and sad motivational quotes every couple of days with several typos as if written ina rush: “YO cndo it!!!” “YOU WILL ALEAYS BE BEeeTIFUL, gril. Ownit!!!”
    • Add fake Google search queries as if confusing the calendar with your search bar “cheap viernamese restaurant charlottesville” “how dolphins swim so fast ND jump”

    Extra bonus points if you can invite him to the “events” and get the calendar to send him push notifications for occasional 5:30 am “wake up early for the thing”. If he accuses you of bad faith for inviting him, tell him it’s the default and you keep forgetting to remove him.

    Not only will this annoy him, it will render the system impossible to supervise and you can always claim you ALWAYS organize your personals through your calendar and this “is just how i organize”.

    Good luck and give em hell.

    Edit: Elaborated and more ideas

    Edit 2: Few more ideas.

    • @TodayOP
      544 minutes ago

      I love these! Thank you! When we take a personal day we now have to invite her to it in our calendar. I think I’ll be taking some extremely personal days.

    • @Death_Equity
      132 hours ago

      You are petty and disagreeable to overreaching management, I love you.

      • Pudutr0n
        72 hours ago

        Best part is, public school teachers are basically unfireable in most parts of the developed western world for anything short of Child endangerment, so they probably can get away with all of this and more. :D


        • @TodayOP
          541 minutes ago

          Yeah. Worst I’ll get is probably an email.

    • @[email protected]
      72 hours ago

      This was a fantastic read. OP I hope you do this (and then tell us about it or post screenshots)

      • Pudutr0n
        42 minutes ago

        Thank you. I consider myself a decent managerial saboteur / supervisional terrorist

        Some people might take this further like spamming tech support/ IT with nonsensical tickets that somehow end up being something brought up to management which would force them to determine some policy (which they hate doing)

        Others might find it amusing to open debates about how certain harmless terminology used in calendar events may cause offense to “people we should be looking after” due to “ideological considerations” “possibly triggering” even if no relevant members of any group are in the team. Some people may bring this up in HR.

        The key concepts to destroy any organizational effort are “techincally allowed”, “plausible deniability” and “could get someone in a lot of trouble”.

  • @[email protected]
    82 hours ago

    The only one here so far not likely to immediately get you in trouble is the one about setting calendar reminders. By default, everyone with access to the event gets the alert with the event reminder.

    Also, just being stupidly stringent with your time logging. 10:03-10:17 Gas, 8.9gal, $XX.XX to start pushing for (increased) mileage compensation.

    Log every minute you go over time. It’s a wonderful way to make managers twitchy.

    Also, there are certain things you could reasonably expect them to want logged with this that legally they are not allowed to ask for. Not “Took a big fat steamer”, what are you, 12? But “Bathroom” 1:10-1:15, and dare them to challenge it on the record. If they do, take it up the chain “I felt pressured to include this information in my time logs and now I’m being judged for it”. That should raise alarm bells with anyone up above them.

    Most of all, chill out. Just keep your shit in order and keep moving on. No reason to jeapordize your employment for pettiness.

    • @TodayOP
      227 minutes ago

      Yeah. I really need to learn how to let things go and stop being petty, but I just can’t stand her stupid lying face! “Share your calendar so we can find you if there’s an emergency.” Well, you could call me or you could use the multi million dollar emergency alert system that i sign into at every building.

  • @[email protected]
    3 hours ago

    Does your boss fish? If not, this might look disturbing to him.

    Five Guys Hooker tournament 2-4. Entry: $75. Min length: 8". Biting = Big O

    Fishing tournament sponsored by Five Guys from 2-4pm. Entry fee is $75. Any fish under 8" don’t count towards total weight. “Big O” lure is expected to perform well.

  • Rhynoplaz
    93 hours ago

    Have you ever thought of tracking your bowel movements?

    Don’t forget to note consistency and whether or not there’s corn.

    • @Death_Equity
      52 hours ago

      Be professional, use the Bristol Stool Chart.

      • @TodayOP
        124 minutes ago

        I actually have that on the wall in a couple of my schools. I could take a pic and note my ‘score’.

    • @Death_Equity
      22 hours ago

      Including snacks. Notate all deviations, including free samples and “one grape from bunch”.

  • @[email protected]
    63 hours ago

    Just have a work calendar for your working hours, don’t put anything personal on it.

    Most calendar systems let you maintain multiple calendars, and share them independently, but you still get to see them all at once on your interface.

    • @TodayOP
      116 minutes ago

      I only use outlook for meeting invites. For now I’m just making up a fake weekly schedule and copying it to each week.

  • monsterpiece42
    63 hours ago

    Period every couple of weeks… lmao.

    For every hour put “8am block” “9am block” etc and it will completely fill their calendar.

    You could use a paper planner and refuse to use the calendar too.

    • @TodayOP
      114 minutes ago

      I use a separate calendar for real stuff. Just making up stuff to put in this one and copying it each week.

    • @[email protected]
      42 hours ago

      I like this. Just one little further tweak: every hour block should be a time zone conversion to a completely useless time.

      For example the hour long block at 8:00am would be: 0:00-0:59 Ugandan time

      For even more bonus points, account for Uganda not observing DST.

      • @TodayOP
        213 minutes ago

        I love this!! Everything in my calendar is now going to occur in a different time zone !

  • @[email protected]
    94 hours ago

    Throw in a abortion appointment in there from time to time, and maybe a STD full check up. Maybe a " retry to get gun license." And maybe once or twice a month put The unholy orgy on a weekend.

    • @TodayOP
      19 minutes ago

      Many people have quit and sent letters to the school board on their way out. I’ll include “Dinner with ___ (rotating list of people who have asked the board to fire her).”

    • @Death_Equity
      32 hours ago

      “That Eyes Wide Shut party.”

      “Anal cleanse”

      “Oral Cleanse”

      “Facial with boyfriend”

      “Facial with trainer”

      “Bestie massage”

      “FBI interview”

      “EOD license review”

      “Meet with handler”

      “DOL debrief of investigation”

      “Oral argument with Boyfriend”

      “DEEP tissue massage with other boyfriend”


      “” “Knitting” "

      “Bad Dragon review due”

      “Bible Study”

      “Struggle Snuggle”

      “Train(stretch before, and during)”

      “BBC show party”

      “Prayer with elderly”

      “That thing with horses”

      “Doctor visit after horse thing”

      “Followup about the prolapse”

      “Oncology appt”

      “shave head?”

      “Wig shopping?”

      “Meet with lawyer about will”

      “Tell BF”

      “Tell sir”

      “Talk with pastor/confession?”

      “Record video for (insert kid name here)”

      • @[email protected]
        21 hour ago

        You can’t just write BD review. You have to tell us which toy you got and how much you enjoyed it?

  • @jordanlund
    24 minutes ago

    Add a bunch of just normal things and then right in the middle:

    10:45 - Rectal exam