• @whotookkarl
    7 hours ago

    I miss d&d alignment charts we used to meme before compasses

    Borg is tip top left because resistance is futile or bottom left because Borg within the collective free associate to accomplish common goals?

  • Flying SquidM
    1911 hours ago

    O’Brien way off the compass in a corner on another website, just going, “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!”

      • Flying SquidM
        89 hours ago

        Sure, if you can get him to talk long enough between agonized screams, he’ll brag about his proud ancestry.

    • @[email protected]
      55 hours ago

      Wouldn’t he be top middle?

      He didn’t approve of Cardassian use of slave labor, but didn’t stop it either. He disapproved of most business ventures and seemed more concerned with order than economics.

      • @[email protected]
        3 hours ago

        So his economic views are, hey you know, I don’t like slavery, but mostly I just want the status quo to remain the same.

        The status quo for the civilian economy of DS9 being markedly more capitalist than any other Star Trek show.

        Sure, the crew (maybe all long term inhabitants of DS9? I don’t remember) have the equivalent of a social safety net in that they have replicators for basic needs, but the shop keeps sell things for various currencies and credit, Quark of course runs a goddamned casino and VR prostitution simulation business for profit.

        I dunno. I guess I’d say quark should be moved almost all the way to the right, and then Odo would be above Worf.

        See this graphs axes aren’t all that’s being considered here, just collective economy vs private economy and authoritarian libertarian… theres a whole bunch of social stances that are associated with, but don’t necessarily directly connect to just those axes.

        Does Picard end up in the bottom left because… he notably, directly promotes a collectivist economy be adopted in opposition to some other more individualistic economy?

        No. Its because he has views of other individuals, all as valuable specialists whom he respects equally… a kind of social outlook associated with a more collectivized society.

        Now… I haven’t actually seen too much of Voyager… but unless Neelix is explicitly an anarcho capitalist, ie, all governments are stupid, the economy should be completely individualistic and profit driven… it looks to me like he’s just placed in the bottom right because … well, in our world that ideology is commonly associated with being a-ok with being a pedo groomer… but that doesn’t necessarily follow directly.

        There are plenty, plenty of people in our world who are quite authoritarian, and are well known for abusing children… Catholic Priests, Fundamentalist Protestants, Basically any super traditional, super religious people, a whole lot of Epstein’s associates, like Trump…

        Hell, he seems to very much enjoy cooking just for the hell of it, loves to socialize and be useful to others with no direct compensation. You could argue he should be shifted leftward from that.

        … I am rambling at this point. This graph is a meme joke with poorly defined objective bases for what lands one where on the chart.

        EDIT: I am also running off of 3 hrs of sleep… pretty sure I’m delirious at this point.

      • @[email protected]
        4 hours ago

        Do the changelings even have an economy? They seem to just have an ability to exist without a need to gather material things

  • @Olap
    3312 hours ago

    Needs Morn smack in the middle, he just has such a wide range of hard to argue with viewpoints!