Microsoft boss Satya Nadella will earn a wallet-busting $79.1m (£60.9m) this financial year, up 63 percent on his compensation for 2023.

The huge boost to Nadella’s pay in both cash and stock, announced by Microsoft last night, comes after a positive year overall for the company’s financial revenues - but a turbulent 12 months for its employees.

2024 has seen two mass layoffs at Microsoft, with 1900 staff laid off in January, before a further 650 Xbox employees were shown the door in September.

  • Lettuce eat lettuce
    325 minutes ago

    Remember, he’s the real victim here, he had to sign off on all those layoffs, he’s going to have to live with that decision…

    …in one of his multiple mansions.

    He gets paid that much because he’s one of the few people on earth who can make those kind of tough choices. The poor guy must be weeping into his caviar.

  • @[email protected]
    41 hour ago

    Fire the CEO and hire back the best with pay rises, if they’re willing. JC, MS, get a grip on yourselves.

    • @ameancow
      74 hours ago

      We can’t even get people to go outside and meet live humans for sex anymore, everyone has switched to online apps for dating. People order food and groceries because we learned from Covid we don’t need to actually interact with other people.

      Does anyone actually expect us to mobilize and topple powerful financial institutions? We have the most comfortable society on Earth in the US. Despite how miserable everyone is, nobody wants to leave their soft chairs and giant computer monitors and immersive video games and discord chat channels where you can mute and block anyone you don’t like. The only thing that could possibly change our course at this point would be some transhumanist/singularity nonsense like artificial general intelligence being developed and wrecking the economy.

      But that’s tech being developed and controlled by the wealthy elite, so my hopes faded long ago.

      • r00ty
        42 hours ago

        Maybe someone can make an app, so I can have someone paid at an insultingly low hourly rate to go protest/riot in my place?

          • r00ty
            256 minutes ago

            2.49 extra for assured personal rioter. Otherwise you’ll get the standard service where your rioter may have another riot to attend to first.

  • @Burn_The_Right
    6 hours ago

    What a miracle! He must work that much harder than everyone else there! I’ll bet A.I. could never do as good a job as he does!

    I almost forgot… I heard his marbled meat will taste better than many other breeds of billionaire, especially when slow-smoked over Mesquite. I hope we are able to taste that one day.

    • @riodoro1
      75 hours ago

      Im a vegetarian but this one would be good for the planet, so…

      • @Burn_The_Right
        55 hours ago

        Hello fellow vegetarian! I made the comment while holding my nose. It would definitely be my one meat exception.

    • @Telodzrum
      -267 hours ago

      Exactly, they were labor heavy and he fixed a problem which resulted from gross over hiring. Sounds like he’s doing a good job.

        • @Telodzrum
          -86 hours ago

          I mean, yeah. Isn’t that what we would like here? To not have to work if we don’t want to and yet tech progresses steadily, industry still operates, the world continues moving while people are free to engage in their desired pursuits?

          • @[email protected]
            11 hour ago

            If everyone has all their needs adequately met and excessive 79 mn annual salaries are non-existent.

          • @[email protected]
            33 hours ago

            Not If the profits are in the hand of a single owner, who relied on his workers to get to this point of automation and profit

            • @Telodzrum
              02 hours ago

              Transition periods are never without issue.

          • @[email protected]
            56 hours ago

            Yes. Those laid off workers aren’t going to a world where they’re free to engage in their desired pursuits. They’re making hard decisions to keep their family alive. That second part is important.

          • queermunist she/her
            76 hours ago

            As long as they’re generating profits then that wealth will not go to the people who lose their jobs. They’ll just be a surplus population.

            • @Potatisen
              36 hours ago

              *in America

              Americans have to realise there are other ways to run a country. What’s going on there isn’t normal for the rest of the world.

              • queermunist she/her
                35 hours ago

                Profits by definition only go to the owners and investors. Once they’re seized by the government they’re no longer profits, they’re company expenses.

      • @Pavidus
        156 hours ago

        This just might be the stupidest fucking comment I’ve seen all week.

      • @[email protected]
        16 hours ago

        They were labor heavy because they (and all the other tech giants) overhired during the pandemic assuming that record profits would continue forever. Then they had Surprised Pikachu Face when that didn’t happen. That’s not doing his job. It should have been obvious the spike was temporary.

  • @ikidd
    106 hours ago

    Satya’s union of 1 knows how to negotiate apparently.

  • TurboWafflz
    1079 hours ago

    And I bet he does less work in a day than every single one of the people who were laid off to fund his pay

    • @[email protected]
      135 minutes ago

      Lemmy, stop upvoting this BS, you jealous basement dwellers.

      Say all you want about unfair pay, but those CEOs work absolutely mad hours and the most insane schedules you can possibly imagine.

    • @[email protected]
      449 hours ago

      Maybe they can come up with some technology that would someday take the position of CEO. Think of the savings…

      • @[email protected]
        178 hours ago

        Right, but the whole point of a corporation is to benefit insiders at the expense of the owners, employees, suppliers, customers, people that breath air, dolphins, platypi, etc.

          • @[email protected]
            42 hours ago

            Nah, maybe in terms of stock price temporarily. But these layoffs are all anti value by destroying institutional knowledge, employee loyalty, etc. C suite fucks don’t know anything about their businesses and these sorts of moves always fuck owners in the end. Look at boing, GE, etc. When these Jack Welch types get into management they always fuck over the long term owners and get very rich doing it.

            Then again, Im a weirdo that believes in equities having long term intrinsic value so don’t listen to me.

  • @TommySoda
    779 hours ago

    Every time a big company lays people off I always try to remember that it’s not because they aren’t making enough money as a company. It’s because the “important” people want more money.

    • @slaacaa
      22 hours ago

      “Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of a cancer cell”

    • sunzu2
      239 hours ago

      He get this pay becuase he laysoff people.

      Executive compensation is structured around this.

      He wouldnt bother withnthe layoffs if his comp didnt improve…

    • @[email protected]
      199 hours ago

      Yeah they want to make it clear that they laid off people and he should not get rewarded for it, however I think we all read ‘thanks to the layoffs he could increase his pay’

  • @[email protected]
    319 hours ago

    Wow! He must be not just hundreds but many thousands of times more productive than an average employee! Incredible! Well deserved.

  • @[email protected]
    35 hours ago

    Each day I become closer moving my setup away from windows entirely. I installed Ubuntu alongside windows but now I’m thinking I want a different distro and need to repartition I guess.

  • @[email protected]
    339 hours ago

    Absolutely insane. I literally cannot fathom accepting that much money when there are so many other people who need it more.

    • @[email protected]
      27 hours ago

      Employees are a companies biggest expanse. Thats why they want to get rid of them as much as possible. Why are people really thinking that AI will free up new jobs? There is a finite amount of things only humans can do more “effeciently”(not sure if thats the right word, forgive my german) or better, and it is only getting smaller.

  • Kalkaline
    36 hours ago

    Come on guys, you can’t expect them to take care of their CEO and their employees.

  • @dis_honestfamiliar
    6 hours ago

    Interesting… So according to this ign most of that was awarded in stock. It kind of solidifies the comments about making money for the share holders by cutting costs. Was gonna say would be nice for us peasants to be awarded in stock but then I would feel like crap if I’d get ton of money while others lost their job.