Trump told Benjamin Netanyahu in one call this month, “Do what you have to do,” according to six people familiar with the conversation who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive and confidential information. Trump has said publicly that the two have spoken at least twice in October, with one call as recently as Oct. 19.

“He didn’t tell him what to do militarily, but he expressed that he was impressed by the pagers,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), who was on a call this month with Trump and Netanyahu, referring to the Israeli operation that killed Hezbollah leaders with explosive batteries inside pagers. “He expressed his awe for their military operations and what they have done.”

Graham added: “He told them, do what you have to do to defend yourself, but we’re openly talking about a new Mideast. Trump understands that very much there has to be change with the corrupt Palestinian state.”

  • @barsquid
    328 minutes ago

    Aren’t the pagers a war crime? Hiding explosives inside regular objects?

  • @[email protected]
    15 minutes ago

    Trump will pull out some Marshmallows and roast them in the fires of their Burnt out towns. Vote against him for any kind of future.

  • @[email protected]
    474 hours ago

    Don’t forget to vote third party to teach the Democrats a lesson about genocide….

    Seriously the American Gaza protests are 100% about disenfranchising Democrats. They absolutely never go after Republicans. Ever. Ask them about this and they get suuuuper defensive and angry.

    • @[email protected]
      -132 hours ago

      Of course not. These protests are about saying “we want to vote for you, but we need to see you do something about this”

      Republicans being bloodthirsty fascists is a given, Democrats aren’t supposed to be. Kamala’s campaign should be the one messaging how awful Trump would be for Gaza, not random forum posters, but they don’t because she doesn’t have any functionally different policy on that than Trump.

      I don’t get why this is hard to grasp.

      • @[email protected]
        282 hours ago

        If you voted uncommitted in the primaries - rock on brother, you were part of sending a strong message to the DNC.

        If you plan on voting anyone but Harris in the general election - get fucked, you’re accelerating the genocide.

      • @[email protected]
        31 hour ago

        You know what virtually every 3rd party advocate like you doesn’t say? Anything about how the 3rd party candidate would be good for Americans’ day to day life.

        What will your 3rd party candidate (lets ignore the fact that not a sigle post advocates an actual candidate)do for me that directly impacts me and my family’s life? Will they fund social security? Are they advocates for ranked choice voting? Are they pro choice? Are they pro universal Healthcare? How about corporate reform? Dark money in politics? Net nutrality? Fucking crickets on all these topics from yall.

        If you would get off the ONLY topic you all spew, maybe, just maybe, you could change some minds. The 3rd party push is so disingenuous, it’s just as bad as Republicans who only vote for Trump due to him helping overturn Roe v Wade.

      • BlackbeardOPM
        92 hours ago

        Well then you’re about to get what you want. You’ll teach her a lesson. Congratulations. Hope it’s fucking worth it.

        • @[email protected]
          -82 hours ago

          Lmao they’re not going to learn anything. Their takeaway will be “we didn’t try hard enough to capture moderate Republicans” and shift further to the right.

          Instead of getting mad at people for not voting for a candidate that doesn’t align with their interests, maybe you should be mad at the Democratic party for running a dogshit campaign. Even from a pragmatic point of view, its a lot easier to put pressure on the party than to yell at hundreds of thousands of people with varying reasons for not wanting to vote for her.

          • @[email protected]
            132 hours ago

            I’m deeply pissed off at democrats for a lot of shit… I’m still not willing to murder women or Palestinians to express it.

            If Trump is elected, women will die easily preventable deaths and he has promised to accelerate the genocide.

            • @[email protected]
              -82 hours ago

              I’m not even advocating against voting for Harris, just don’t blame the people that didn’t if she loses.

              • @[email protected]
                52 hours ago

                I won’t, although they should feel deep shame for contributing to a genocide.

                I think Harris was a weak pick and our lack of a primary was a serious mistake. I blame the DNC for hand picking the next candidate instead of allowing the democratic process to proceed.

                But, at this point, Harris is our candidate… so I hope to fuck she wins.

                • Rhaedas
                  11 hour ago

                  Do more. Get her and others in office, and then let them have it with your demands that we not only stop helping the war, but be active in forcing it to stop. Do that regardless of who is in office, but even in the “both sides” mentality which is more likely to sway to a huge public outcry, left or right?

                  This didn’t begin with this election or Harris’ campaign, although it sure feels like coverage ramped up around that time. Coincidence?

                  A side note on the primary - I do agree that Biden shouldn’t have started a second run and we should have had a proper primary. We didn’t, and the change to Harris was so late in the game doing a primary (if that’s even legally possible) would have done more damage and missed the effect it had on Trump. We can’t fix the past, only try and navigate the present, otherwise we’d probably be best to go back to 1947 and prevent this whole mistake of using superstition and western colonialism dictate what borders are where.

          • BlackbeardOPM
            22 hours ago

            Good luck at the gulag.

  • masterofn001
    204 hours ago

    I’m still undecided.

    Can I wait until I’m in a camp to cast my vote for the Hitler fan?

  • @dogslayeggs
    83 hours ago

    In order to stop the genocide we need to vote in the people who will destroy the country and commit even more genocide, in the hopes the wreckage of the country can be salvaged into something better. I’m comfortable making this choice, because the extra genocide will only be happening to other people, not to people like me who look just like them over here in the states.

    • Flying Squid
      2 hours ago

      I’ve actually heard on two occasions now from the ‘don’t vote for Kamala’ people that more genocide does not make things worse because you can’t get worse than what is happening now.

      Which- yes you absolutely can.

      (Then again, I saw someone a few days ago say that Israel is worse than the Nazis by the reasoning that the Nazis were orderly about their genocide.)

      • @[email protected]
        52 hours ago

        The absolutely trash argument I’ve gotten is usually… “Less genocide is still genocide.” and then them advocating for taking an action that’s likely to cause more genocide.

        This is one topic where people taking a “principled stand” are just fucking idiots.

        • Flying Squid
          32 hours ago

          Yep. I’ve seen that one too. “Less genocide is still genocide.” Which implies that an additional two genocides of brown and queer people don’t deserve to be counted.

      • @barsquid
        124 minutes ago

        They don’t usually write it so literally, that’s rare. They usually just pretend than any amount of evil is equally evil.

        • Flying Squid
          121 minutes ago

          It was rare. They’re getting more brazen because they are realizing the “vote third party but it doesn’t matter which candidate to teach them a lesson” concept isn’t especially compelling.

  • @InverseParallax
    4 hours ago

    2 points:

    1. More blatant violation of the (edit: corrected) Logan Act

    2. The Israeli attack on Iran should very neatly effect the election I’d think :(

    • teft
      174 hours ago

      I think you mean a violation of the Logan Act. The Hatch Act prohibits federal employees, except POTUS and VPOTUS, from engaging in some forms of political activities. The Logan Act criminalizes the negotiation of a dispute between the United States and a foreign government by an unauthorized American citizen.

      There’s even a section in the Logan Act wikipedia page about trump.

    • granolabar
      54 hours ago

      Who is gonna do something it?

      Owner class and their puppets are mostly above the law.

  • BlackbeardOPM
    4 hours ago

    Additionally, and most interestingly:

    A pro-Trump super PAC called Future Coalition PAC has been placing contradictory ads targeting Arab voters in Michigan and Jewish voters in Pennsylvania. The group’s digital ads in Michigan portray Harris as taking Israel’s side against pro-Palestinian protesters. In Pennsylvania, on the other hand, the group’s ads question her support for Israel and accuse her of “pandering to Palestine.”

    Sorry not sorry, but the left got played like a fiddle by not understanding the more immediate existential threat to their survival, and now I’m afraid we’ll all suffer for it. Bibi put Biden in what he knew was an unwinnable situation where he had to choose between appealing to 3% of Michigan voters (Arab-Americans) and appealing to 3% of Pennsylvania voters (Jewish Americans), and now the left flank is turning toward Trump over it and he might win both states:

    “Because the situation has escalated in recent weeks, I think a lot people say what’s the difference?” said Warren David, a third-generation Arab American who is president of Arab America, a digital media platform. “ I am shocked at how many people say they are voting for Trump, when we were talking to people on the streets in bakeries and in different places. Trump is really capitalizing on this.” David said he was approached by a Trump surrogate to appear at his conference in Michigan this weekend and said no. Others — including leaders from the “uncommitted” movement who urged votes against Biden in the Democratic primary race — are appearing, he said.

    Heaven help us all.

  • @Rapidcreek
    54 hours ago

    Of course Bibi supports him. They’re two sides of the same coin.