• @[email protected]
    414 months ago

    The world leader is probably a 700 pound woman in Alabama drinking sweet tea. You can get type 2 just by being in a room with her.

  • @grue
    324 months ago

    • Dharma Curious (he/him)
      164 months ago

      Can confirm. I drank basically nothing but sweet tea from the ages of like 10 until I was in my mid twenties, only supplementing with mountain dew.

      Yes, I am diabetic, and my teeth have suffered. I drink almost exclusively water now. But Jesus, if you grew up in the south in the 90s and 00s, I don’t remember anyone but my mom ever drinking water, and even she drank almost exclusively coke.

  • @[email protected]
    254 months ago

    Considering how much tea some people drink, the person who’s actually #1 probably knows they’re in the top 10, surely.

    • @[email protected]
      64 months ago

      The person’s drinking more then anyone they have ever met for starters. That would raise some suspicion in that circle of people.

    • @[email protected]
      34 months ago

      How do we define it? The volume of liquid, or the weight of tea used for brewing?
      I’ve seen to many people drinking what’s closer to milky brackish water than a tea

        • @CleoTheWizard
          24 months ago

          I’d argue yes. What people care about more is minimum steep time and minimum leaves by weight per mL water. You can use the brew ratio for this to actually define your tea to a standard like black tea. Though you’d have to define brew ratio which I trust the British to do.

          After you define those things though, you’d probably measure the amount of liquid and kind of ignore the weight of the tea and steep time, so long as they go over the minimum per serving. Unless you want to argue that adding more leaves/steep time means that you’re consuming more tea, which seems wrong.

          • @[email protected]
            4 months ago

            Yup, if anyone can come up with an adequate measure for this, it’ll be the British. They’ll probably use some stupid units for it though, but fortunately online conversion tools are available.

  • @[email protected]
    144 months ago

    I have about 4 pints / 2ish litres each day, so I reckon I’m placed high on that list.

    • M137
      14 months ago

      You’re gonna have a bad time with kidney stones, if you’re not already.

      • @[email protected]
        24 months ago

        That’s simply not true. If it was, the whole of Northern Ireland would be struck down with kidney stones. Tea is not great for you if you have them, but it doesn’t cause them in everyone.

      • @[email protected]
        24 months ago

        From my quick searching I’ve seen pretty mixed answers. The studies I found seemed to say that it didn’t contribute to kidney stones, the extra water offset the extra oxalate and some even said the risk of kidney stones was lower. But that was for “moderate amounts”.

        Tea and coffee in moderation are not a problem. While tea and coffee do contain some oxalate, the extra fluid outweighs any possible disadvantage. In fact, some studies suggest that drinking moderate amounts of tea and coffee can actually lower the risk of kidney stones. In general, if you do drink caffeinated beverages, keep your daily amount of caffeine to no more than 400 milligrams. That’s equal to four or five cups of regular coffee.

        A meta-analysis based on 3 studies showed that the relationship between tea consumption and kidney stones was borderline nonlinear, with a 4% decrease in the risk of kidney stones for each 110 ml/day increase in tea consumption [15].


  • pruwyben
    114 months ago

    Everybody is probably at the top of a leaderboard for some very niche thing.

  • HubertManne
    104 months ago

    I bet that same person leaves a bunch of half cups around. I want categories. Most tea drank when every cup is drank to the last drop.

      • HubertManne
        24 months ago

        yeah. I know. im just betting the person who has like two dozen half cups a day is going to be more than the person who has 9 but drains it.

        • @Opisek
          34 months ago

          Why would you pour yourself tea and then not drink it?

    • @Psythik
      24 months ago

      We don’t need categories; just go by mL consumed.

    • Toofpic
      14 months ago

      I kind of stopped doing it that often, but the usual cups and mugs are too small for me, so I drank te out of a 0,5 l mug. Most of the times, I wouldn’t do that in one approach, so I had some cold tea left later.

      • @grillgamesh0028
        14 months ago

        only a half litre???

        absolutely pathetic. drink tea from a litre bottle, or don’t drink tea at all.

        • Toofpic
          24 months ago

          I don’t mean ice tea from a bottle, I mean proper tea I make for myself at home. Nobody counts “lipton green kindatea, 2l” (although it is better than most sodas)

  • @thawed_caveman
    54 months ago

    You may not know that you’re at the TOP of the leaderboard, but you probably have a pretty good idea that you drink a lot of tea.

  • @[email protected]
    34 months ago

    Hmm, now I’m afraid to know what the most American individual would be. Sugar? Oil from deep fried foods? It’s probably simpler to just go based on BMI.

    • @[email protected]
      24 months ago


      A) logically someone has done the most X in Y so long as one person did X one time there. Like, not only would there also be someone in the US who drank the most tea, there’s also someone in the UK who shit the most this year too, and the US would have their own most-shitter, and then the most-shitter in the entire world may be one of those two guys, or they may be the most-shitter from China or even Luxembourg. Same for “playing volleyball” or “stubbing your toe,” ad nauseum.

      B) In the US the real question isn’t sugar but HFCS, we barely have real sugar here unfortunately due to a revenue generating scheme dating back to like the 50s or some shit.