A video which features Ron DeSantis that includes a symbol often associated with neo-Nazi groups has been met with outrage after it was allegedly retweeted by his campaign team.

  • Flying Squid
    1021 year ago

    Why is there even outrage at this point? It’s not a secret these people are Nazis. They’ve barely hidden it. Thankfully, DeSantis has no chance at all.

    • manillaface
      931 year ago

      Don’t get complacent. That was the word about Trump until he won in ‘16.

      • Flying Squid
        1 year ago

        DeSantis is going against Trump. It’s very clear who Republicans like more.

        EDIT: So sorry, I have no idea what happened.

      • @islandofcaucasus
        191 year ago

        I was worried about DeSantis at first, but he’s a value brand Trump. He doesn’t get people riled up like Trump does. I’m still worried about Trump though. I drink think he could win again but I didn’t think he’d win in 2016

        • snooggums
          111 year ago

          DeSantis doesn’t get the right riled up, but he is effective in ruining everything intentionally like McConnell. He won’t get the Republicsn nomination till Trump dies, but he will probably be the successor.

          • @[email protected]
            191 year ago

            He’s effective at ruining everything in Florida, where he has Reublican supermajorities in the legislature to back him up. I’m not convinced he’s actually an effective politician like McConnell.

        • @PhoenixRising
          51 year ago

          I don’t think the corporate sponsors of the gop will allow DeSantis. Trump was VERY good for business, DeSantis has shown that he is a threat and can’t play nice.

        • @GiddyGap
          21 year ago

          There’s fortunately a lot more opposition to Trump this time around. Hopefully enough to keep him out of office.

    • Raltoid
      1 year ago

      They’re trying to present it as if it was shocking, to “subtley” deny what they are, but actually spreading who they really are.

      It all falls into their mindset of thinking most people secretly agree with them. They’re idiots who think it is some clever ruse to rally support.

  • Tiger Jerusalem
    561 year ago

    Holy crap. In other countries people would be arrested for using fascist and nazi imagery. What kind of hell hole is the US becoming?

    • chaogomu
      481 year ago

      Becoming? The only reason why Nazi ideology didn’t take off in America in the 1930s was because American conservatives wanted a home-grown fascism, not that imported shit.

      Even so, there was that massive Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden that everyone forgets about. Allen Dulles, who went on to become the head of the CIA when it was formed, is said to have shed real tears when America declared war on Germany.

      It was also an American Neo-Nazi who created Holocaust Denialism.

      • NaN
        181 year ago

        America First was only one such group, the German Abwehr was very active in America.

        Father Coughlin had a radio audience of tens of millions and literally read Goebbels’ propaganda over the air. He had his own militia group.

        The Silver Legion was another one.

        A man named Leon Lewis formed a civilian spy ring that was tracking Nazis in Los Angeles. One of its members even warned congress of a planned attack on the Hercules Powder plant a year before it was blown up (cause still officially unknown).

        I think Pearl Harbor is the main reason this stuff was stopped.

        • @Literati
          31 year ago

          The podcast Ultra by Rachel Maddow goes into the history of this period and is really good

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      Somehow, we’ve fully confused facts for opinions, and now you’re just allowed to say whatever hateful nonsense you want because pearl-clutching centrists don’t believe anyone can make restrictions on speech that couldn’t be abused.

    • @EhList
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

    • SnowboardBum
      -11 year ago

      Our first amendment to our constitution gives us protections not to be arrested for unsavory speech. It’s a knife that cuts in every direction. Trump couldn’t just lock up AOC, willynilly, for her trashing of him on the daily.

  • @SangriaFerret
    531 year ago

    "Newsweek has not been able to verify if it had been shared, or the account from which the clip was retweeted from. ’

    So… They just published this article without confirming that it even happened? I’m not doubting that it did because it seems pretty on brand but you would think a major news outlet would make sure before they publish an article stating it did.

    • @EhList
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

    • @Cabrio
      91 year ago

      News gotta go fast, 24 hour news cycle and still not enough time for all of it. Fact checking? That’s for losers, and if you’re not first you’re a loser.

      • @EhList
        1 year ago

        deleted by creator

        • @2ez
          31 year ago

          It’s unfortunate how successful this propaganda is, but it makes sense.

          It’s well produced content with a catchy song. It’s normalizing hate through meme culture and radicalising impressionable people.

          Similarly, I believe this documentary talked about qanon and right wing hate groups using similar tactics on facebook, instagram and other “normie” social media, not just the 4chan incel cave, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feels_Good_Man

      • @[email protected]
        61 year ago

        Take my angry upvote; it’s true; getting there first matters more than getting it right for those views. They maybe go back and edit later.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Was hoping we could do better here at not just sharing and upvoting articles based on titles, but this is already in my TopDay, so…

      • @EhList
        1 year ago

        deleted by creator

  • @thorbot
    361 year ago

    I guess Rhonda Sandtits is trying really hard to be as equally awful as the orange shitstain that he’s running against

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      And it’s (thankfully) failing terribly because he has about as much charisma and personality as a potato. Nothing about him seems authentic. It’s like his campaign thought “Hmmm what do Trump supporters like? Nazis and fascism? Yeah let’s run with that.” and it’s clearly not connecting.

      It’s like he’s running as a parody of Trump. A cheap generic knockoff. And so far it appears the GOPers want the name brand.

    • ptsdstillinmymind
      51 year ago

      I hate both parties equally, but Republicans are Nazis, fascists, and racist. Democrats are just corporate lobbyists.

      • pizza_rolls
        511 year ago

        Republicans are also corporate lobbyists in addition to being nazis

        • @Zombiepirate
          301 year ago


          I dislike water chestnuts, but I’d hate one soaked in radioactive diarrhea a lot more.

          • Setarkus.MX
            111 year ago

            Another quote to add to my now begun collection of (political) analogies. The second one after “Voting for [right wing party name] is like shitting in your own bed because you’re angry about not being able to sleep at night”

            • @Cabrio
              1 year ago

              Here’s one I reappropriated and modified from a dumb Conservative that was using it ineffectually:

              Conservatives are like vegan cats, fed the wrong shit so it’s all they can regurgitate.

        • @[email protected]
          41 year ago

          This one in particular isn’t doing a good job of it though, considering he’s been biting the hand that feeds Florida with his Disney feuds. Really, clowns like DeSantis should be all the proof corporate America needs to understand these nazis will turn on them in a heartbeat too, but capitalism loves fascism too much to really step in.

      • norbert
        171 year ago

        I’m not a fan of either party but one of them are outright fascists courting the most hateful ignorant people to win votes.

        The other are corporate sellouts, maybe one day if we all go vote we can drag the discussion back to the left a little and get an actual lefty candidate instead of corpo whores

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          The DNC is literally just a corporation and there is absolutely no future for left politics within it’s hostile structure. As the rate of profit continues to fall, they will continue to follow the republicans in implementing fascist policies because those are the short-term profitable policies their corporate owners demand.

          The success of mild democratic socialism in some western countries was a historical anomaly that owed it’s existence to two conditions that no longer exist: the presence of a colonial economic bounty, and the need to complete with the Soviet Union.

          I’m realizing this comes off terse and hostile, sorry, im just typing in a hurry because my battery is dying lol

          • Chetzemoka
            71 year ago

            Listen, you’re not wrong in the long term. But right at this moment in history a true dem majority in both chambers brings the feasible voting reform (new voting rights bill and maaaaaaaaybe ranked choice voting (I know that’s a pipe dream)) that can lead towards true reform without a revolution that will only injure poor people more than rich people like they always do.

            If the repubs right now win, we’re going to see a war. Or worse, just a straight up dictatorship

              • Chetzemoka
                21 year ago

                We definitely don’t, and that kind of hyperbole doesn’t help

                • @[email protected]
                  1 year ago

                  When was the last time you voted on whether to invade another country, or double the price of food, or to turn something as simple and basic as health care into a luxury commodity until people can’t afford to have teeth? I don’t remember voting to let covid rip, or give tanks and murder robots to the cops, or to ignore climate change for decades. I was never consulted on if we should have the world’s largest system of prison slavery.

                  All of these decisions were made for us, at our expense, because they made the donor class more money, and we live in a dictatorship of the rich.

                  “The United States is also a one-party state, but in typical American Extravagance, they have two of them.”

                  -Julius Nyere, first president of Tanzania

      • Doug Holland
        111 year ago

        I hate both parties equally.

        Words to chuckle at.

        • ptsdstillinmymind
          -51 year ago

          They are and it’s the main reason both are against any other parties in the US. I find it absolutely hilarious that people defend either party when wage growth is nonexistent. Health care and insurance is a fucking racket and housing prices and rents are ridiculous. But hey cheer for my side, they’re better! 🤡🤡🤡

        • ptsdstillinmymind
          -61 year ago

          Supreme court justices from both parties voted unanimously to kill ethnic reforms. Yea, just the Republicans are corrupt. The house and Senate voted down a ban on stock trading. Yeah, keep up your fangirling for your side.

      • @thesprongler
        51 year ago

        I hope you don’t hate Nazis, fascists, and racists as much as corporate lobbyists.

      • @TrismegistusMx
        11 year ago

        Ever notice how nothing Democrats do to resist Republican fascism works? That’s by design.

        • Hextic
          51 year ago

          Ratchet politics.

          Repubs move right and dems prevent moving back left.

        • @Polydextrous
          1 year ago

          While I disagree that it’s “by design,” I will grant you that they definitely benefit the more loathesome the far right becomes. It wasn’t a feature, it was a result they didn’t foresee that they’re just taking full advantage of.

          Their goal is absolutely to get elected and stay in power, it’s not to do away with the fascist edifice quickly being built higher and higher to the right of them. Trump’s brand of open racism and hostility was a boon for the democrats. They raised an obscene amount of funds from citizens while continuing their donations from business. Trumps basically widened their revenue stream. If we stay mad and scared, they stay flush. Which…huh…is very much the far right strategy as well, isn’t it?

          It’s incredibly fucked up, because while everything above is definitely true, it’s also true that they are the finger in the dike between neoliberal corporatist bullshit and those fascists taking full power. Both are pretty fuckin distasteful options. And it’s hard to do anything…but whether it’s distasteful or hard or awful or any other horrible adjective, fascism is still fascism. A lot of us have the privilege of not being a clear target when fascists come to town. The marginalized groups are the first line that go down if we fail to keep up the fecal facade of neoliberalism. A shitty decision, but one that we unfortunately have to make every two years.

        • @Cabrio
          11 year ago

          Who won the civil war? Do republicans need to be told again?

          • BombOmOm
            1 year ago

            Who won the civil war?

            The Republicans headed by Abraham Lincoln.

            They fought the Democrat southern states who were not happy giving up slavery.

            • @Ensign_Crab
              1 year ago

              Misinformation is allowed in this community so that conservatives can pretend that the southern strategy never happened.

            • @Cabrio
              1 year ago

              So based on your reply you’re a loser Southern state Democrat who’s still salty about losing your slaves. Something tells me you didn’t vote Biden though… You do realise we know which side is which despite how disingenuous you try to be, you’ll always be a stupid, half-baked, soft in the noggin loser.

              • BombOmOm
                1 year ago

                You asked which side won and specifically mentioned Republicans. I responded with which side won. Do you deny Republicans won the civil war or did you just not want the answer to the question you asked?

                • @Cabrio
                  1 year ago

                  Being intentionally belligerent doesn’t make you intelligent, but the way you avoid my accusation proves it was on point. Typical Conservative, only want to pretend to be a Democrat when it suits you to be disingenuous. What’s wrong, your pathetic Republican party name not worthy of your support? Coward. We both know how you vote.

    • NaN
      21 year ago

      Trump is a narcissistic buffoon, he does evil but it is like an elephant in a glass shop, he was lashing out everywhere and especially at anything Obama did. Ron is intelligent and calculating. He knows exactly what he is doing. Both would damage the country immensely, but I think Ron would do so much more effectively. He’s also only 44, this stuff isn’t going away.

  • @Ensign_Crab
    261 year ago

    Is anyone even remotely surprised? This is all Republicans are anymore.

  • DigitalTraveler42
    221 year ago

    We’ve had Nazis protesting all over Orlando and Tampa practically every weekend these days, yet our governor and his surrogates just encourages more of this Nazi crap.

    Thankfully we have Volusia county Sheriff Mike Chitwood actively trying to arrest as many of these Nazi fuckers that he can get proof of wrongdoing for, he seems to be the only authority figure in the state actually trying to do something about the growing Nazi infestation we’ve got going on here in Florida.

      • DigitalTraveler42
        1 year ago

        I’d rather avoid a cop being governor, but if there was one to be governor I’d be okay with it, definitely better than the current Nazi enabling dipshit, definitely better than Grady Judd or one of the other dipshits he does political commercials with, possibly better than Nikki Fried, although full recreational pot under Fried would be nice.

  • @ohlaph
    141 year ago

    The competition to see who is the most racist.

  • exohuman
    91 year ago

    Anyone have an archive link to the post and video? I want to share it. People need to know.

    • @thefloweracidic
      11 year ago

      Yes! Seriously, this is a great smoking gun, all I was able to find was a screenshot from the video, but nothing else.

    • loobkoob
      61 year ago

      It’s more aesthetically pleasing and rolls off the tongue better than “regurgitated xcrement”

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I see some people that are suggesting that, while that symbol might be popular with nazies, it is likely too ubiquitous to bo only popular with the nazis. That might be true, but political figures should probably exercise a bit more caution than the average citizen when it comes to these kinds of things, if only for the optics.

    On the other hand, it is likely tedious to go through all of the media that passes through a political campaign to ensure that these types of things are caught, even if there are staffers assigned to specifically these types of things.

    On the other, other hand, it is probably simpler to just not agree with nazis.

  • pizza_rolls
    51 year ago

    If this video wasn’t created to highlight that Desantis is a fascist then we should definitely start doing that and getting him to unironically support them lmao

  • @thefloweracidic
    41 year ago

    Anyone know the source video? Or the account that tweeted this?

    • @EhList
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

    • @Wrench
      41 year ago

      Me: I don’t know what that is, let me check the article

      Sees the picture

      Me: uh, yeah, that looks like some obvious nazi or nazi suggestive, shit

        • @Wrench
          51 year ago

          Uh, no. The imagery of WW2 era style uniformed soldiers basking in the radiance of a glowing nazi-like symbol.

          • @[email protected]
            21 year ago

            Sure, but I was asking about the “wojack” meme specifically. That’s been around for a while and I never got the impression that it was a far right thing.

        • @gerbler
          11 year ago

          Yes, I don’t know why the article even mentions the doomer because the neonazi symbol in question is the sonnenrad at the end. It honestly almost comes off as a deliberate misdirection.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      Now I think it’s more neutral, but it depends on the context he’s placed in and what accessories the artist adds to him.