• @[email protected]
    284 months ago

    No no, it’s fine! Nothing is going on! It’s all expected and normal.

    Except, you know, it’s 90f/33c outside. Two days before November.

    That’s probably not a harbinger of doom or anything.

    • @Carmakazi
      134 months ago

      80f in New Jersey right now. The northeast.

      Supposed to be 85f tomorrow.

      • @Fredselfish
        74 months ago

        82F in Oklahoma! Halloween tomorrow, yeah totally normal. /s

        Ladies and Gentlemen we are fucked, and if we let Trump win next week. We can bend over and consider the war against climate change lost.

        • @[email protected]
          54 months ago

          I think the war against climate change is already lost. But the ride down will be worse with Trump at the wheel.

      • @[email protected]
        134 months ago

        As I’m sure nobody will find surprising, it’s Texas.

        I just re-checked the local weather station I have in my back yard and I guess it’s not actually 90, but 87 right now.

        But I mean, that’s more than close enough.

        It was still in the mid-90s last week, which is just freaking bizarre since October is normally more like 60s and 50s and somewhat wet and you know, Fall-like. Trees still have all their leaves, and such.

      • KaRunChiy
        54 months ago

        It was yesterday in nebraska, then a massive storm just dumped water on us and now it’s 60 something

  • @Sanctus
    114 months ago

    “This report confirms that the world faces planetary scale challenges … yet it also provides clear pathways and solutions, demonstrating that with urgent, decisive action, we still can avoid unmanageable outcomes,” the researchers wrote.

    And anyone with a modicum of power to make these changes will immediately ignore this report.

  • @Lost_My_Mind
    -104 months ago

    Increasingly uninhabitable? Oh, I absolutely agree! I went to Target the other week, and the whole time I was walking around the store, I kept thinking how all these assholes should just be dropped in a pitt of acid.

    Look people, it’s real fucking simple. Don’t stop and talk to your neighbor while your carts are side by side blocking the entrance to the aisle.

    Don’t walk so slow 90 year old women with a walker can pass you.

    Don’t stop and stare at the mustard section, as if you’ve never seen mustard before in your life. Meanwhile blocking the whole damn mustard section for everybody else.

    If your kid starts yelling and screaming, smack em. If they cry, smack em again.

    There is never a time your cell phone conversation about hemroid cream needs to be on speakerphone. This doesn’t just apply to stores. This is a 100% of the time rule.

    Speaking of speakers, you do not get to bring your bluetooth shitty $5 from 5below speaker thats clearly blown out, and blast it full volume as it rattles like an infant baby.

    If you park in 2 spaces, I’m keying your car, asshole!

    Small talk with the cashier extends for the time they’re ringing you up. Once your shit has been rung up, and placed in bags, pay and get out asshole! Go make friends in the park. I PROMISE you, the cashier doesn’t give a shit about whatever home improvement projects you’re working on, that she’ll never see.

    Don’t argue that some 16 year old making min wage stocking shelves didn’t smile at you enough. Humans are allowed to feel however they feel. If they don’t feel like smiling, maybe YOU should go jump off a pier.

    Yes I’m angry. I’m angry because all of YOU

    motions to all of society

    All of YOU were apperently never taught the rules for being in spaces with other people. Then you wonder why a movie theater or a shopping mall gets shot up.

    “Nobody could have seen it coming. There was nothing we could have done.”

    Yeah, there IS a lot you could have done. Why don’t you go ahead and show me the last 10 public shootings in Japan, or Ireland, or Austrailia, or China, or Canada.

    Some countries you’ll need 20 years worth of time, others may need centuries. Others may not have 10 yet.

    Meanwhile I could pull the last 10 American shootings from google in the past 2 weeks.

    The best way to prevent shootings has nothing to do with actual gun control. It would help, but it doesn’t address the core issue. The core issue is that people are out of their god damn minds over here feeling like everyone is attacking them. And that has EVERYTHING to do with how considerate people are to other people these days. Do you even care that you just cut in line? Do you even care that you just farted in that elevator? No. The world revolves around you, doesn’t it?

    I swear. Everette True needs to become a religion.

    • @Grimy
      114 months ago

      What are you even on about? Each time I see your username, it’s always just the worst take possible.

      • @Lost_My_Mind
        -74 months ago

        Found the guy who stares at mustard for seemingly hours.

    • @[email protected]
      114 months ago

      If your kid starts yelling and screaming, smack em. If they cry, smack em again.

      Username checks out.

    • @Fredselfish
      -14 months ago

      I’m with you 100% on everything. Fucking United States is Fucking lost its mind and yes I follow Everette True, he is my spirit animal and I join that religion in a heartbeat.