• Lost_My_Mind
    5 months ago

    This is why I’m stubborn.

    I had a kidney stone. Went to the ER. They told me that department was closed for the day. I told them I wasn’t leaving because the bus ride over was absolute hell. They could either put me in a hospital room until they could treat me, or they could call the experts back into work.

    Turns out the person I was talking to was an idiot. The department wasn’t even closed. There was NO way I could have rode that bus again. Every bump was like being stabbed in the testicles by shards of glass that were INSIDE the testicles. Noooooooope. Fuck it. I’ll wait in that hospital room for 4 months before I get back on that bus!

    Me being stubborn allowed other nurses to overhear the situation, as I braced myself using the counter top. The other nurses brought me in for this thing that basically shakes your insides with soundwaves. That didn’t work, so they got the specialist in. They were able to squeeze me into their busy schedule. Then they shoved a lazor jp my urethra, and turned my insides into star wars. Pew pew pew. They used the lazor to carve the kidney stone into smaller pieces that were small enough to pass.

    And if I’d have just accepted the receptionists word, I’d have had to get on a bus again for an hour of bouncing up and down in agony.

    I have SOOOOOO many stories where me being a stubborn asshole turned out to be the right move, but that story is the only one where people shoved things up my penis.

    • idogoodjob
      5 months ago

      The shakes your insides with sound waves thing was prolly a lithotripsy. Had to get the same thing done and thankfully that worked so my insides stayed star wars free

    • SturgiesYrFase@lemmy.ml
      5 months ago

      I just recently started getting mystery pain in my balls, unfortunately for me there doesn’t seem to be any physical signs. No inflammation, no infection current or past, no kidney stones. Best the GP can figure is it’s nerve related. Kinda felt like someone had my jewels in a vice grip, then occasionally would let go so they could give em a really hard punch. I say felt because the GP put my on nerve pain meds that seem to be working. Takes the edge off anyway. And they are an antidepressant as well, so my nuts hurt, but at least I’m in a good mood.