They have no idea what weebs are going to do to the poor mascot.
Rule34 has been in full blast already.
Also some interesting W40k crossover
Dogma vibes
That’s just a golden calf with more steps. Little fuckers even yellow. Damned priests need to read their book
Archbishop Finichella says the mascot was inspired by the Church’s desire “to live even within the pop culture so beloved by our youth.”
I’m getting strong “how do you do, fellow kids” vibes here.
Luce like in Lucefer/Lucifer?
Sounds about right for the church that is the choice of pedos
^ Pavlovian response
It’s pronounced as loo-che
You can pronounce it however you want, It is the same root word.
Lucifer means morning star. Luce means light
Education saves lives
Sounds like you’re interpreting too much into this. They probably just wanted a short name that’s easy to remember with a somewhat religious touch.
I mean, obviously man.
I think her name is Lucy but they all call her Luce
So much “wait, what?”
Light, huh? Soon famous sinners are going to start mysteriously dropping dead from heart attacks…
Good try, but I much prefer this Luce mascot:
Holding what looks suspiciously like a modified red trident.