• @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    Interestingly, it replaces any result containing an expletive with either “Bobo” or “Wumbus”

    const startStrings = [
    const connectiveStrings = [
    const vowelStrings = [
    const endStrings = [
    const vowelDictionary1 = {
      a: [
      e: [
      i: [
      o: [
      u: [
    const vowelDictionary2 = {
      a: [
      e: [
      i: [
      o: [
      u: [
    const randomNumberBetween = (bottom, top) => {
      const diff = top - bottom
      const rando = Math.floor(Math.random() * (diff))
      return rando + bottom
    const randomNumberNext = (num) => randomNumberBetween(0, num)
    const randoNext = (num1, num2) => {
      if (num2 === undefined) return randomNumberNext(num1)
      else return randomNumberBetween(num1, num2)
    function namer(){
      let source = ""
      let str1 = ""
      const num = randoNext(3, 6)
      // Get start of string
      source = str1 + startStrings[randoNext(startStrings.length - 1)]
      // Add some chars from array 2 or array 3
      for (let index = 1; index < num - 1; index++) {
        source = index % 2 != 0 ? 
          source + vowelStrings[randoNext(vowelStrings.length)] : 
          source + connectiveStrings[randoNext(connectiveStrings.length)]
        // Stop if greater than the number
        if (source.length >= num) break;
      let char = ''
      let currentLastLetter = source[source.length - 1]
      // if last letter is not a vowel and 50% chance, add some letters
      if (Math.random() < 0.5 && !(vowelStrings.includes(currentLastLetter))) {
        source += endStrings[randoNext(endStrings.length)]
      // otherwise if the last letter is a vowel
      else if (vowelStrings.includes(currentLastLetter)) {
        // if 80 percent chance
        if (Math.random() < 0.8) {
          let newCurrentLastLetter = source[source.length - 1]
          char = newCurrentLastLetter
          // if its short add something from voweldict2
          if (source.length <= 3) {
            const maxValue = vowelDictionary2[char].length - 1
            const index2 = randoNext(maxValue)
            const str3 = vowelDictionary2[newCurrentLastLetter][index2]
            source = source + str3
          // if its long add something from voweldict1
          else {
            const maxValue = vowelDictionary1[char].length - 1
            const index2 = randoNext(maxValue)
            const str3 = vowelDictionary1[newCurrentLastLetter][index2]
            source = source + str3
      // otherwise add a vowel
      else {
        source += vowelStrings[randoNext(vowelStrings.length)]
      // from end of the source, every character
      for (let index = source.length - 1; index > 2; index--) {
        // get the character
        char = source[index];
        // if its a vowel
        if (vowelStrings.includes(char)) {
          // get the two to last letter
          char = source[index - 2]
          // if its also a vowel
          if (vowelStrings.includes(char)) {
            // find the letter in between and add a letter to it
            // so "noco" turns into "nocko" etc
            char = source[index - 1]
            switch (char) {
              case 'c':
                source = source.substring(0, index) + 'k' + source.substring(index);
              case 'l':
                source = source.substring(0, index) + 'n' + source.substring(index);
              case 'r':
                source = source.substring(0, index) + 'k' + source.substring(index);
      // small percent chance of doubling the string if its shourt. a la ka-ka
      if (source.length <= 3 && Math.random() < 0.1) {
        source = Math.random() < 0.5 ? source + source : source + '-' + source;
      // maybe add an m, p, or b, if there's an e at the end
      if (source.length <= 2 && source[source.length - 1] === 'e') {
        source+= Math.random() < 0.3 ? 'm' : ( Math.random() < 0.5 ? 'p' : 'b')
      // blacklist words
      ].forEach(expletive => {
        if (source.includes(expletive)) {
          source = Math.random() > 0.5 ? 'Bobo' : 'Wumbus'
      return source
  • sagM
    62 months ago

    I am gonna put this to Sidebar.

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    For fun, I just ported it to Python

    from random import random
    from math import floor
    strings_start = [
    strings_connective = [
    strings_end = [
    strings_vowel = [
    strings_expletive = [
    dictionary_vowel_1 = {
      "a": [
      "e": [
      "i": [
      "o": [
      "u": [
    dictionary_vowel_2 = {
      "a": [
      "e": [
      "i": [
      "o": [
      "u": [
    def random_num(num_1, num_2 = None):
      return floor(random() * num_1) if num_2 == None else floor(random() * (num_2 - num_1)) + num_1
    def random_name():
      num = random_num(3, 6)
      # Get start of string
      output_name = strings_start[random_num(len(strings_start) - 1)]
      # Add some chars from array 2 or array 3
      for index in range(num):
        if index % 2 == 0:
          output_name += strings_vowel[random_num(len(strings_vowel))]
          output_name += strings_connective[random_num(len(strings_connective))]
        # Stop if greater than the number
        if len(output_name) >= num:
      last_letter = output_name[-1]
      # if last letter is not a vowel and 50% chance, add some letters
      if random() < 0.5 and (last_letter not in strings_vowel):
        output_name += strings_end[random_num(len(strings_end))]
      # otherwise if the last letter is a vowel
      elif last_letter in strings_vowel:
        # if 80 percent chance
        if random() < 0.8:
          # if it's short add something from voweldict2
          if len(output_name) <= 3:
            value_max = len(dictionary_vowel_2[last_letter]) - 1
            suffix = dictionary_vowel_2[last_letter][random_num(value_max)]
          # if it's long add something from voweldict1
            value_max = len(dictionary_vowel_1[last_letter]) - 1
            suffix = dictionary_vowel_1[last_letter][random_num(value_max)]
          output_name += suffix
      # otherwise add a vowel
        output_name += strings_vowel[random_num(len(strings_vowel))]
      # from end of the output_name, every character
      inserted = 0
      for index in reversed(range(1, len(output_name))):
        index -= inserted
        # if the target letter and the letter two indices back are both vowels
        if output_name[index] in strings_vowel and output_name[index - 2] in strings_vowel:
          # find the letter in between and add a letter to it
          # so "noco" turns into "nocko" etc
          char_target = output_name[index - 1]
          match char_target:
            case 'c' | 'r':
              output_name = output_name[:index] + 'k' + output_name[index:]
              inserted += 1
            case 'l':
              output_name = output_name[:index] + 'n' + output_name[index:]
              inserted += 1
      # small percent chance of doubling the string if it's short, a la kaka or ka-ka
      if len(output_name) <= 3 and random() < 0.1:
        output_name += output_name if random() < 0.5 else '-' + output_name
      # if name is short and has an e at the end, add an m, p, or b
      if len(output_name) <= 2 and output_name[-1] == 'e':
        output_name += 'm' if random() < 0.3 else 'p' if random() < 0.5 else 'b'
      # if generated name contains an expletive, try again
      for expletive in strings_expletive:
        if expletive in output_name.lower():
          output_name = random_name()
      return output_name
    if __name__ == '__main__':