Hi! Um… this is a long shot, but I want to get the word out, and this place’s ethos is exactly what would be my ideal scenario for this.

Long story short, it’s about Warframe. Bit longer than that, I have a lvl. 8 Ghost Clan with all of the essentials unlocked and built, it’s now a Railjack garage. I’m thinking of opening it up to anyone interested, anyone starting out, anyone who wants or needs a safety net of sorts in this game. The main point, I would very much like it to become a Space Commune, a safe space for all, where consensus, expression, and mutual respect are nourished.

Made a larger post about this here (haha what is hyperlinks: https://lemmy.world/post/21788886 ), so I won’t take up any more space here. HMU!

  • @QuantumStorm
    174 months ago

    Awww I love this idea for a warframe clan! If I wasn’t already in one, I’d happily join. But I’m down to play with others if anyone wants to add me. Just shoot me a dm and Ill send you my in game name when I get home.

  • Aatube
    74 months ago
    omg is that black maga elon musk my king 🔥🔥🔥🔥


  • @[email protected]
    54 months ago

    If I wasn’t the leader of a clan meself I would totally join yours! We could always do that thingy where we group our clans… never tried it but remember reading about it

    • @latenightnoirOP
      24 months ago

      Oh, right the Alliance mechanic! I completely forgot that was a thing!

      Sure, could be at least interesting to try! I swear, I have almost spent enough time in Warframe for it to be considered a second job, yet I still haven’t tried everything there is to try…

  • @greedytacothief
    44 months ago

    Been on and off Warframe since it launched (beta maybe), but it’s always like years between. I probably only have like 60 hours total. So whenever I come back I’m just as lost as when I started playing. Like oh, I have a ship now, oh there’s story now, you can fly! No wait it sucks, there’s an open world section!

    I don’t have the time for Warframe now, but it could be fun to be confused with other people.

    • @latenightnoirOP
      14 months ago

      Honestly, that’s a great sentiment, and part of why I wanted to do this without any skill restrictions!

      Gonna drop my in-game username through a private message, add me whenever you feel like it!

  • zombie bubble kitty
    24 months ago

    :O I didn’t expect to open lemmy and see stuff about warframe, i was just about to hop on lol

    id totally join if i hadn’t already made a clan for my gf and i haha, I’ll shoot you a PM tho!