• RockyBockySocky
    310 months ago

    Why do I want protein in my ice cream?
    Why are they talking about it like it’s normal and I should know what protein in ice cream does?
    I’ve never heard protein mentioned in the context of ice cream, vegan or not.

    • TheTokingTurtle
      210 months ago

      My guess is they’re trying to provide a substitute for yogurt or frozen yogurt for people who are transitioning.

    • @Buddahriffic
      -710 months ago

      Protein is difficult to get when cutting meat out of your diet. There aren’t many options. This is a new option. It does the same thing as protein in other foods does. What’s the problem with having protein in chocolate gelato form?

      Ice cream does have protein btw, as do most foods.

      • RockyBockySocky
        1110 months ago

        Protein is difficult to get when cutting meat out of your diet.

        It really isn’t, it’s weird that this myth is still going strong.

        Plants have plenty of protein.

        • @Buddahriffic
          110 months ago

          Main point is there is now one more to take or leave.