I increase the exposure on just about every post I create. TV is just so dark.
TV is just so dark.
Example A:
Lampshaded on 30 Rock. I actually preferred the lighting from the live shows.
Not mine, but apt:
my corneas are still scarred from the end of Picard when they’re back on the brightly-lit Enterprise after three seasons of candlelit ships. at this rate starfleet officers are going to need eyepatches like pirates for when they turn away from a screen
All dramatic media after Batman Begins: Dark/Gritty
Odd how far that series strayed from its origins, though it is hardly the only one.
I get that both Tim Burton and Joel Schumacher each pulled from '66 Batman, but Nolan did his own thing. For better and worse, I admire the work. Just too bad about Ledger and the promise of his return as the Joker.
Snyder-verse was DOA, despite Cavill’s passion and appreciation for the source material and Richard Donner films.
Speaking of technology sins, there was that one Transporter movie where the guy plugs a third-generation iPod into a security camera via the headphone jack and downloaded a video.
I lost IQ points watching that.
Don’t you dare!
Smarty is good.
As opposed to, um…
Easier to hide the bad CGI or poorly made props.
The “prime future” comm badge was first seen in TNG’s All Good Things. It replaced the “fake future” comm badge from earlier in the series that fused the rank pips with the badge. t was later reused multiple times on Voyager. Captain Kim wore it, Captain LaForge wore it, before Endgame.
The hook look to the Picard comm badge makes it look like a bad alternate future. I’m glad Prodigy brought back both the AGT badge and uniforms.
Don’t forget the future from DS9s The Visitor with an elderly Jadzia.
And Bashir:
Edit: …Captain Nog and Jake
Damn, I forgot.
I didn’t forget that episode, one of the franchise’s best, I forgot that they used the AGT future costumes.