High costs cited as the main reason for piracy acceptance

  • Yprum
    4 months ago

    Yeah like no shit Sherlock…

    I am neither Norwegian nor young, but can only agree with the premise. We have been paying for Netflix for many years, Netflix seemed to be back in the day a company that understood what was needed to be done against piracy. A couple of years ago we thought of adding Disney+ to our subscriptions as it is great for the kids. I’ll pay happily if the service and content is worth it, but I can’t justify adding also HBO, Hulu, Amazon, Apple+… Guess what happens if I can’t watch a show because it’s not available where I live (happens too often) or it’s in yet another subscription walled platform? And that would be for content I dont even own and can watch whenever, it just might disappear… I also have what I consider a rather large collection of DVDs and BRs, at least I own those but I hate using them (too much unskippable stuff, warnings (threats) against pirating, annoying to use as I need to switch discs for changing content…), and that’s just not a good way of discovering new content, its only for those I really like and want to have and rewatch.