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This is a problem that can be solved.
That’s true, but unfortunately it won’t be solved, at least not in the US. Simply because private prisons are such a profitable business there.
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
Friendly reminder that prisons are a profitable business. There are relatively few private prisons, but companies like Sysco make a ton of money from public prisons and prisoners are leased out as slaves too.
As is government owned prisons. Corporations profiting from punitive slavery and bribing politicians to keep the slaves coming is the norm for ALL US prisons, not a “private ones only” exception.
I’m pretty sure you’re absolutely right. I just can’t say much about all this myself because I’m from Europe. Things are very different here: private prisons are unimaginable for very obvious reasons. Doesn’t mean that we don’t have similar problems (people trying to get rich on this) with public prisons, but at least all this is treated less as a business in Europe, which of course it should never be for very obvious reasons.
Alas the UK has begun outsourcing prisons to private companies like G4S to profit from.
We are ever the worst of Western Europe.
Yes, unfortunately the UK has always been much more US-oriented than the rest of Europe, especially when it comes to neoliberal sham rationalization measures like this. I assume that the UK’s exit from the EU has reinforced this tendency once again.
Many states have legalized weed to varying degrees, and not all prisons are run the same either.
Yes, I’m aware of that. What’s your point?
You seemed not to be aware of that based on your original assertion that private prisons would not allow for solutions in the US.
I don’t think anything will change about people being sent to prison for trivialities as long as there are private prisons. Because if you organize this matter according to capitalist logic, the illusion arises that people in prison would not cause costs in the public budget, but just profits for private companies - just like in a hotel where the beds have to be occupied as best as possible. In my opinion, this fundamentally contradicts the purpose of prisons. It is not about generating profits, but about ensuring the functionality of society - in the worst case by locking people up because they are a danger to society. In a capitalist logic, you lock them up for trivialities because that generates profits. That should never be the case. There are purely economic arguments against this approach, namely that the labor of those imprisoned unnecessarily is lost and at the same time costs are incurred for all citizens as a result of this imprisonment. For this reason alone, private prisons are absurd. They are also morally wrong because they create monetary incentives where there should be none.
It is already solved in 24 US States. The federal government hasn’t done shit, so the States changed the laws themselves. Of course that doesn’t resolve issues like drug tests for federal jobs, or questionnaires for firearms purchases, but those are edge cases that don’t affect most people.
I assume you mean the problem of going to prison for a little weed, right? Or are private prisons illegal in 24 states? That would be news to me.
So yeah that solves one fraction of the problem… IE bigger one being, a single mistake at one point in life, basically wrecks your ability to reform and become a productive citizen.
Not solved until it’s federally legal, those “edge cases” effect a lot more people than you’d think, and add in the non-legal states who’re also affected. 24 isn’t even half.
That’s okay we just replaced them with homeless people who are charged with assaulting a police officer after the 5th time they’ve watched their entire life go into a trash bin.
In parts of the US. I hate living in a progressive state and getting lumped in with the backward ass parts of the country. This problem in particular differs across state lines. Unfortunately the best I can hope for now is for my state to be left alone.
Nah dude. Every prison is a profit center. California just voted to be a slave state to keep those profits rolling.
I don’t know what you mean. I thought California was one of the states that banned private prisons, but I live on the other side of the country, in NJ, where we’ve also banned private prisons, and are trying to stop the feds from putting private immigration detention centers in too.
If you mean prisons in general, I think that’s a different discussion.
All that means is the private company cannot own the actual prison. They can staff, supply, and build prisons; and use prison labor to make products.
Completely understandable. From my point of view, I can’t understand how there can be such a thing as private prisons at all. It’s a terrible approach, no matter where in the world. I haven’t looked into it much, but as far as I know, the US is the only country that organizes state sovereignty according to capitalist logic(at least in some states). In my opinion, that is absurd.
I feel like I understand but if you can elaborate on the last part I’d appreciate it. And I just mean it seems to extend far beyond just capitalism, although that’s surely a driving factor. It’s hard to remove capitalism from a place that basically was made by people trying to hang on to their money.
What I mean is that I am not aware of any other country that privatizes state sovereign rights in the way that the US does: If someone is sentenced to prison for any crime, it is a punishment that the state determines and thus usually carries out. In the US, however, it is possible for a private company to enforce the sentence “on behalf of the state”. This is a very US-American procedure which, as far as I know, is not implemented in this way anywhere else. I may be wrong, but where I come from, Europe, this is unthinkable because private companies are not allowed to take on government tasks as important as these - at least not to this extent. Another example is the privatization of the military, as Blackwater, now Academi, and others have been doing for decades in the US (recently also Musk with Starlink). In Europe, this is also a matter for the state and the state alone. Even in Russia under Putin’s regime, private armies are officially illegal, although of course they still exist (not officially tho).
Wasn’t there a candidate during the last election who wanted to legalise cannabis?
Don’t ask me since I’m from Europe. But even I know that this candidate could not possibly have been Trump.
Biden? Yeah he said he would but he’s running out of time. OH you meant Kamala? Yeah she probably said it too, but of course she lost so there’s that, and it’s questionable if she’d actually have solved it or left it on the table so she could run on it again in 4y, and again in 8y when the next guy runs.
Yeah, it’s a pretty straight-forward solution. OP should have just used intergenerational wealth to buy politicians and make their preferred substance of entertainment (or coping mechanism) legal. It boggles my mind how so many people ignore obvious solutions like this.
Hey, my dad only gave me a small million dollar loan and I did alright.
I think they meant that the problem can be solved by people not being dicks and going out of their way to ruin someone’s life just because they don’t approve of what that person puts in their body.
As opposed to drugs like crack cocaine which actually will ruin your life, so if you use it, you’ll have problems that can’t be solved.
Not anymore.
yes, give him more drugs
Legalize all drugs? I agree
passing to the left hand side ?
All the comments in this thread are focused on drugs but the bigger issue is that maybe we should not have non-violent felonies ruin a person’s whole life. When you do the time after the crime and get released you are still being punished forever. That’s the real injustice! A non-violent felony should be forgiven or expunged after a certain time.
The president elect is doing just fine with his convictions (I’m sorry to bring politics up here, but it does seem relevant.)
… here we go again
We can send him messages. I have already. If he gets enough messages for something he might work to change it. Sure he’s a wild card who keeps bad friends, but at least he’s not a sell out.
But at least he’s not a sell out.
Is it bad that I zeroed in on the can of coconut milk and thought about how much I’d like some coconut milk right now?
No, because my mind went to the pic of the McDonalds feast. One of them anyway.
You think… he cares about anybody but himself…?
Selfish acts are often disguised at selfless.
Other than maybe serious white collar crime, because it can often lead to a bunch of suicides.
Though even then, once they’ve done their time (and hopefully received a lot of counselling, and not treated like an animal in prison) maybe the even they deserve to reintegrate into society.
Maybe human rights should be universal. My hot take haha
- Abolish the death penalty. It has shown zero ability to deter crime, it costs much, much more than life in prison, and at minimum 4% of those executed are objectively innocent. There’s zero valid reason to perform the death penalty if it fails to be either accurate or a deterrent, and it fails both.
- Stop making jokes that normalize prison rape. I know most people are on-board now with how tasteless these have been, but it really is gross the extent to which we’ve normalized extrajudicial punishment in jails as a society, let alone rape.
- Allow felons the right to vote even while serving their sentence. Not only are those convicted often innocent, but even if they weren’t, they still deserve to have a say in how their life gets governed just like the rest of us. Disenfranchising prisoners and felons simply leads to worse treatment of prisoners. It also isolates them further from society, making it just that bit harder to reintegrate.
- Stop using prisoners as slave labor. In the long-term, amend out the part of the 13th Amendment that lets us do that.
- Socialize prisons. Private companies having their hands in this isn’t good for the taxpayer, and it definitely isn’t good for the prisoners. This includes even small but impactful things like price gouging prisoners for calls to their families and friends.
- Stop sending drug users to jail. At worst for destructive drugs, treat it as a public health issue and enforce some sort of treatment regimen if caught.
- Take some of the excessive funds given to the police and put them toward social services which improve people’s lives and the community to reduce the chances they fall into crime to begin with. An ounce of prevention, etc.
- Make prison more like the outside world. Rigid standardization is still good for reform, but by giving prisoners a basic standard of living, you reduce recidivism and make prisons dramatically safer.
- Stop using cash bail. Either someone belongs on the street or they don’t, and pre-existing financial situation should never determine that.
- End bans on government benefits for felons released from prison. These are arguably the people who need help to get back on their feet the most.
I know someone with a minor misdemeanor (no jail time, unrelated to drugs) and they’ve found that alone to be limiting for jobs… (Amazon delivery person to be specific)
We got kicked out of our apartment because one of us walked across the rail tracks. It’s insane.
You skept the forced labour stage during prison.
Panel 5.5: Trying to vote to improve the system, but can’t.
Now imagine how self-fulfilling it becomes when you overpolice a particular demographic to the point where a very high percentage of them experience an event like this. Imagine what happens when you do it for decades. Centuries maybe?
Then imagine what that means for their likely outcomes in society compared to other demographics.
Then imagine what an absolute piece of shit you must be as a member of another demographic losing your shit when someone starts to talk about systemic racism or white privilege, or when you fight against justice system reforms, social safety nets, and efforts at rehabilitation.
Spoiler! It did.
This is a good comic except for the gratuitous prison gay panic joke straight out of a crappy 1980s sitcom.
Prison rape is a real and on going problem that has nothing to do with the LGBTQ community. In fact LGBTQ people are often the victims of rape in prison.
You are correct on both accounts. It’s still a shitty cheap joke who’s “humor” is derived from gay panic.
If it was set anywhere else I would agree.
Yeah, it is.
So like, making stupid jokes about it perhaps isn’t the greatest way to, uh… raise awareness.
It’s not the joke on it’s own. In fact there’s not much actual joke here. It’s showing the self fulfilling prophecy of the prison pipeline.
Could’ve shown it in a less rapey way. Like meeting a hostile gang or something?
John Oliver commented on this. https://youtu.be/_Pz3syET3DY?si=dYIgBO5gKu1pFmOM&t=197
I mean, were you laughing when you read the comic strip? I wasn’t.
Were you laughing at any of the supposed jokes with laughtracks in the clip I linked? I wasn’t.
I don’t the issue is either of us, to be honest.
But I also don’t think this was meant as a joke. Certainly nobody in the comments section seems to be laughing either.
FUCK YES. So many people fail to understand this based on numerous conversations I’ve had. Cops especially don’t seem to recognize what even a minor brush with incarceration or arrest can do to someone’s life. (Or they like the power they have over the people around them. Maybe a little of column A a little of column B in that case.)
Quantum esp