Pyongyang’s anti-drone tactics manuals:
If Lightning cant strike the same place twice, then artillery can’t either… Right?
The Somme has enetered the chat.
What a slow and ineffective way of taking down a drone. Faster is to just say to it, “Down boy! Heel! Who’s a good boy?” and the drone will automatically switch sides
Just grab your robes and start shouting Wololo
Actual question, what’s the credible advice if your small group is caught in the open by a drone?
Obviously “don’t be” or “have EW coverage of your operational zone”. But beyond that what is the prevailing wisdom western soldiers are taught assuming countermeasures don’t work and you have to risk exposure?
Shoot it. Repeatedly.
Drop your pants and expose your anus in a sign of submission.
The amount of videos of russian soldiers being blown up with their pants down proves you wrong
Perhaps there’s another way
Send a bigger drone with a net on it to catch the smaller drone.
A kite
There’s always a bigger drone.
Every drone gangster until the UAV AC-130 flies in.
Nice try, Shoigu!