• @[email protected]
    2061 year ago

    No teeth ✅️

    Ignorant ✅️

    Violent ✅️

    World view carefully constructed by news media designed to demonize other political parties and minorities, thereby ensuring tribalism and Nationalism continue to plague our nation ✅️

    Yall better not sit this election out. 'Cause Captain 'Merica sure isnt.

    • Echo Dot
      1 year ago

      They actually tend not to vote when it actually comes down to it. Trump was actually a bit of an exception because he was viewed almost fanatically.

      If students ever actually bothered, the left would probably win pretty much all of the time. And this is a problem in many countries, not just the United States.

      The right will always prioritize the old population (aka direct their propaganda mostly at them) because they know, for whatever reason, younger people don’t vote.

      • @Facelesscog
        1 year ago

        Don’t be so sure.

        What do you mean, exactly? That Trump will be going to prison or face some other justice that he’ll actually notice? Based on everything we’ve experienced so far, he’s going to slide through this thing like a greased pig and twice as ugly.

    • @hglman
      31 year ago

      So many replies telling people not to vote.

  • Bipta
    1741 year ago

    He added: “This is what many on the left will do, they’ll take a clip of that and they will run with it and, all of a sudden, the statement that is that you want to ‘kill everybody’ or whatever. We all know that’s not what you meant to get across.”

    Fuck these gaslighting pieces of shit

    • chemical_cutthroat
      851 year ago

      That’s all the man said! He gave a list of people, and then said he wanted to kill them. It’s not like he was giving a review of the Barbie movie and anecdotally said that sometimes he has dark thoughts. He said he wants to kill anyone who doesn’t support Trump.

    • TechyDad
      501 year ago

      “How dare the left use things that the right says and does against them! Doesn’t the left know that they are supposed to only say flattering things about the right as they sit and get bulldozed? The nerve of the left pointing out the things we are actually saying and doing!”

    • @[email protected]
      141 year ago

      This is literally what that douchenozzle did on stage a few years ago. I’m forgetting who it was but he said “the only good Democrat is a dead one” and then immediately had to backpedal saying “I mean politically dead, you know they’ll take that out of context.”

      Sorry fucko but the audience cheered like crazy to your bullshit BEFORE you backpedaled.

    • @Legendsofanus
      61 year ago

      Off-topic but how would you quote text like this? I’m using Voyager

      • Madlaine
        1 year ago

        how would you quote…

        > text

        Just put a “>” in front of the quote

      • @Tyfud
        51 year ago

        It should just use markdown, so a right chevron (>) at the beginning of a new line. Like this.


        • @Legendsofanus
          51 year ago

          Oh I never knew “>” had a name!

          And thanks man

  • gk99
    1331 year ago

    And they wonder why we think they’re lunatics.

    • @Gyella
      381 year ago

      Think? Most of them are lunatics and some even worse.

        • @thallamabond
          21 year ago

          I’d like to add a word to this and that word is “Branding” there’s probably better words.

          Trump in the Republicans are Masters at branding, every nuance discussion a Democrat wants to have, these Republicans have a three-word phrase designed to create Boogeyman.

          Stop the steel, groomers, lock her up, build a wall, taxation is theft, and so many more.

    • @CADmonkey
      151 year ago

      I don’t think they’re lunatics, I know they are. It’s plainly observable.

  • @solstice
    1 year ago

    Ask a democrat what they want and they say affordable healthcare, housing, education, social mobility, better work hours and wages; you know, better quality of life in general.

    Ask a republican what they want and they’ll say 'hurkdydurk I’m ‘onna kill me some lib’rals durrr’ like this guy. I literally think he may have drooled on himself while slurring that sentence out.

    • @Gyella
      671 year ago

      “I agree with that” doesn’t get much more in agreement than that.

    • @Bluehood380
      571 year ago

      Mf actually said (hastily) “I agree”

      • @rock_hand
        81 year ago

        Just spins for me and doesn’t play video. Cool concept though, I hope it takes off.

        • @ridethisbike
          21 year ago

          Have that happen quite a bit. Just refresh the page a few times usually fixes it.

          • @rock_hand
            41 year ago

            Took a nap and your comment was there when I woke up. Clicked it again and it worked immediately. Perhaps it was a server hug.

            • @ridethisbike
              11 year ago

              The way I understand is… The website uses different servers/instances to do its thing. Some work better than others. Refreshing the page usually changes the instance in use. I could be wrong though.

    • @[email protected]
      331 year ago

      Ah, the “globalists”.

      I need not watch past that, because now I know he’s on the side of Captain Inbred.

    • fmstrat
      91 year ago

      RSBN host Brian Glenn then offered support to Alvarez and said the clip would be viewed out of context by those on the left.

      Don’t think he knows what that means.

      • @Serinus
        61 year ago

        Viewed without the previous context of 2000 hours of Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, Ben Shapiro, and Tucker Carlson.

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      He tried to say he didn’t hear that because it was loud outside. All the people I can see are smiling but not talking. Blatant lie.

      • @[email protected]
        391 year ago

        Yeah because, as we all know, “I agree” is the only response to “Joe mall”

        gtfo honestly

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          What? You’ve never been there where you can’t hear somebody say something and you’re like, “oh yeah for sure” because you need to move on.

          Seriously, listen to the guy. He sounds like talking with no teeth and a mouth full of marbles.

          I don’t know who this guy is, but his biggest faux pas here is saying, “I agree,” instead of “ok,” or something else.

          Edit: oh never mind, after watching again this guy was asking leading questions. He’s a shit journalist.

          Anyway, fuck this guy, but not for that part. I honestly believe he didn’t understand what ol’ Fatface Marblemouth there was saying because I didn’t either even while not having to deal with all the background noise.

          Edit 2: The downvotes tell me that tribalism is alive and well on the left. There’s plenty of things to criticize republicans on, why waste your time and energy getting mad about this? By showing you’re opponents zero understanding as human beings you’re also showing that you’ve fallen for the diversionary tactics used by those to keep us fighting amongst each other.

          • @Polydextrous
            1 year ago

            If he only said it the first time, I’d agree with you that it’s possible. But he said it, and then said it again more clearly. I’m sorry, but you can’t chalk this up to “he didn’t understand/hear.” If it were really loud there, even, and he said it twice, maybe you’d have a point. But it was not very loud where they were standing.

            Not to mention, he had the context of the conversation they were having. He was trying to goad them into spouting their rhetoric. There’s no way, given the context, the volume of the area, the fact that he said it twice…I’m sorry, you can’t buy his bullshit back peddling.

            I think exactly what they’d hope would happen has happened: create a controversy to become the new OAN. I, for sure, had never heard of “far right news” or whatever the fuck the name of that “network” was.

            • @[email protected]
              -141 year ago

              Yeah I get what you’re saying, but just yesterday at work I asked a guy to repeat himself and I did the whole “ok yeah gotcha” thing when I didn’t understand what he said even the second time. It happens.

              I’m not saying this guy isn’t a piece of shit, I’m just saying this incident isn’t the one to nail him on. The whole, “the globalists? The lefties?” or whatever the exact quote was is much more egregious in my opinion. A reporter shouldn’t be influencing people’s opinions.

              I agree with you about the context. I can tell this guy is part of the problem in America, I’m just not going to condemn him for something I did just yesterday. 🤷🏻‍♂️

              • @Polydextrous
                51 year ago

                Come on, you can’t be that naive. Yes, misunderstandings happen. But what are the chances that this reporter had a misunderstanding exactly when it was most politically expedient for him?

                There is this weird thing people do in modern politics, where the people that have the same political beliefs they do can just never be wrong. People have their team, and everything that comes out of anyone with the same color shirt on or the right letter next to their name is suddenly defensible, no matter how obviously silly or ridiculous.

                Like communists will defend every single massacre perpetrated under the banner of communism. It’s absolutely insane. Just admit that people who you agree with can do/say things that are just wrong. It’s not that hard. And it doesn’t make your convictions less your convictions.

                • @[email protected]
                  1 year ago

                  I’ve been explaining myself all day about a joke I made at the expense of the moron who can’t speak correctly. I don’t care what you have to say. I’m sure it’s already been addressed in other comments.

          • @AbidanYre
            331 year ago

            The downvotes tell me that tribalism is alive and well on the left.

            Dude said he wants to kill everyone that isn’t a trump supporter and you’re crying about tribalism on the left because of downvotes? Fucking seriously?

            • @frickineh
              131 year ago

              Haven’t you heard? Clicking a down arrow on the internet is literally the exact same thing as making a death threat. Both sides are equally bad!

            • @[email protected]
              -221 year ago

              No, Marblemouth said that. The guy’s a bad reporter and a reporter should never say, “I agree,” but rushing to condemn him over that is just as tribalistic as supporting him because he’s a, “right wing reporter.” (A thing that shouldn’t exist)

              If you really want to get him fired I’m sure he’s done way worse shit than not hear somebody.

              Anyway, I’ve already called talking about this a waste of energy yet here I am still talking about it, so I’m done. See ya.

              • Dr. Dabbles
                61 year ago

                but rushing to condemn him over that is just as tribalistic as supporting him

                lmfao Ah, the fabled “both sides” of saying you want to murder political rivals. Incredible to see you here saying it so loudly and proudly.

                • @[email protected]
                  1 year ago

                  Haranguing me over saying “I dunno, it was loud and the guy can’t speak clearly. Maybe he didn’t actually understand what he said and was moving on, like we’ve all done.”

                  Funny how people are completely ignoring the parts of my comments where I agree this guy sucks for other reasons, which are on display in the same video.

                  Tribalism. The tribe has decided that I’m the enemy even though I am firmly on the side of anti-fascists, but you still have to be able to think for yourself, man. You’ve fallen for the divisionary tactics they use to make us fight each other.

              • @AbidanYre
                1 year ago

                I never mentioned the reporter.

                I was simply pointing out the absurdity of you crying about leftist tribalism because of downvotes on a video of a guy literally saying he wants to kill all non Trump supporters.

                • @[email protected]
                  1 year ago

                  And I was talking about how it’s not unreasonable to believe that the reporter couldn’t hear Marblemouth in a loud environment and wasn’t aware of what he was saying “I agree” too.

                  Marblemouth can go fuck himself and if that’s what you’re bitching at me about then at least be on the same page.

                  And you know what? Marblemouth votes. Do you?

          • @Taco2112
            241 year ago

            He has an earpiece in, he can hear what’s being said into the microphone. He agreed because he was pandering.

          • @[email protected]
            141 year ago

            Bro you can’t even admit that this dude meant what he said because he’s right wing and you’re whining about tribalism

            • @[email protected]
              1 year ago

              I mean, he could be lying. I’m just saying it’s not unbelievable that he didn’t understand what he was “agreeing” too because it’s loud and the moron he’s talking to can barely speak.

              I don’t fucking care if he meant it or not. Everyone’s right that he’s a shit journalist. My point is that you could get on his case about the other obvious propaganda tactics in the video instead of the one that will never gain traction and I can’t believe that me making fun of old Marblemouth there led to me being called a Nazi in the comments. 🙄🙄🙄

              Everyone here is so eager for a fight? Put your money where your mouth is, go find him, punch him in the mouth and leave me alone. I’ll pitch five bucks for your flight.

              • @[email protected]
                41 year ago

                This is all a lot less funny when you put into context that nearly all domestic terrorism in the US is from right wingers. These people listen when others say to be violent.

                • @[email protected]
                  -51 year ago

                  I agree with that 100%

                  Like Christ, I started this conversation by making fun of the asshole that actually said it and I guess it wasn’t funny enough because I was instantly told to gtfo.

                  Then I’m like “meh, it was loud. Maybe he didn’t actually understand what he was saying.” and now I’m a Nazi. 🙄

                  I agree the reporter sucks, marblemouth sucks, Nazis suck, but holy shit people need to calm down.

          • @[email protected]
            01 year ago

            Why are Nazis and people concern trolling for Nazis allowed on this server? Doesn’t lemm.ee have rules against that sort of thing?

              • @[email protected]
                21 year ago

                Nope, that’s not going to work on me. I used to be a centrist, I know the game and I am not going to be taken in by you pretending to be an impassive third party when im reality, you support and defend a hate group that wants to kill anyone different from them.

  • @Perhaps
    781 year ago

    If US society continues to devolve and these people actually attempt to make good on these threats, don’t expect the police to save you. Just saying.

    • The Snark Urge
      101 year ago

      Tom Morello got one thing wrong; it’s now more like all of those that work forces.

      • rigatti
        -51 year ago

        Why do you think the guitarist wrote the lyrics?

        • The Snark Urge
          81 year ago

          Because I don’t do research to back up my throw away jokes. This isn’t Reddit, don’t be insufferable.

  • @Lifecoach5000
    681 year ago

    These dang leftists just aren’t gonna understand the context of agreeing that some people should be murdered! It’s just what cancel culture breeds!

  • @[email protected]
    641 year ago

    I can’t help but think if these people were brown or wore turbans they’d all be in jail by now.

  • mo_ztt ✅
    461 year ago

    s/backpedals/agrees wholeheartedly then backpedals later/

    • @[email protected]
      161 year ago

      Tomorrow? What about all those mass shootings. These people have been encouraging each other in their various echo chambers to commit violence for over a decade now. Just look at the online cesspool known as 4chan.

      • norbert
        131 year ago

        You don’t need to look at a shitty image board, you can load up Fox News, One America, The Babylon Bee, shit you can just load up Twitter and get plugged right in to your very own right wing grifter telling you what to be mad about and who you want to kill.

        It’s your very own Two Minutes Hate delivered by your choice of bland talking head.

        • @[email protected]
          61 year ago

          I posted this story a few weeks ago, but it’s relevant here, too. A few weeks ago, I was sitting with two members of a club I’m in. One, retired military, noted that some US bases in Turkey are restricting access to retired military members, and he expressed concern that the same policy would spread to bases in the US, essentially removing a benefit that they were promised upon retirement. Okay, I see his concern, and he mentioned no reason for the change in rule (also, I just read an article about it, and no specific reason is given).

          The other guy: “It’s those damn woke assholes. They ruin everything!”

          So, basically, the right wing media tells the second guy to jump, and he doesn’t even wait to ask how high. There’s no conscious thought - we’re hating woke people today, so that’s who must be behind this change. It used to be black people, then it was gay people, now it’s woke and trans people…they don’t notice how they’re being strung along.

          It’s insane. And scary as shit. The first guy was like, “Well, I don’t know about that…” and moved on to something else.

  • @saltesc
    411 year ago

    Imagine being so indoctrinated with a political party that that’s your stance. The party’s meant to be your bitch, not the other way around

    • @nomadjoanne
      01 year ago

      There are people who claim to be feminists on Twitter calling for genocide against men daily.

      Sadly people fall prey to rather ridiculous ideologies including, it seems, this moron at the Trump rally.

  • @Slagathor
    371 year ago

    He literally said that he agreed with the guy twice while being recorded.

  • @GiddyGap
    271 year ago

    The Republican Party is truly turning into the party of the uneducated.

    • @fidodo
      351 year ago

      Uneducated, violent, and fascist