A genie appears before you and says you must choose to be very physically attractive, but slightly below average intelligence, or very intelligent, but slightly below average attractiveness? Which would you choose, and why?

  • @[email protected]
    55 hours ago

    Attractive, it’s wild how people are more likely to help you in either small or greater acts or be willing to overlook some of your flaws.

  • @[email protected]
    56 hours ago

    Honestly, according to IQ tests, I’m already in the 95th+ percentile for intelligence. I’m also on the autism spectrum, and just got diagnosed with severe ADHD late last year. I’ve accomplished fuck-all by being smart, and it’s mostly made me depressed. I’d pick being slightly dumb, but hot.

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppetOP
      6 hours ago

      What IQ is the 95th percentile?

      Edit: huh, if this chart is accurate then I’m in the 99th percentile based on the score I have repeatedly received from multiple tests. This can’t be right. I’m not that smart!

      • @[email protected]
        35 hours ago

        I’m officially in the 99th+ percentile, but IIRC your score gets less accurate the farther you deviate from the mean. And a high reasoning ability is absolutely no predictor of success in life.

        Plus, I feel like a douchebag when I say shit like, “oh, my IQ is 140…” as if that’s some kind of achievement or worth something all on it’s own.

        • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppetOP
          34 hours ago

          Right? I never talk about it unless someone else brings it up first and doesn’t have an embarrassing score. LOL. I have a friend who took the test when we were in high school, and was bragging about how he got a 98. He wasn’t smart enough to realize that’s not a good score. The rest of us were like “oooh, that’s greeeeat!”.

  • @[email protected]
    46 hours ago

    I think I’d rather be smart. I’m honestly often so impressed with beautiful people, because that shit takes work.

    I can roll out of bed, pull my three week old sauce stained shirt over my gut, and go do smart shit with a terrible haircut and no one gives a fuck.

    Beautiful people will have chosen matching outfits worth thousands, spent an hour on hair and makeup, all after a morning gym session, and they’ll keep that hair perfect all day, getting their spa session in and finding time to do their nails.

    How do they even have time to cook a healthy well balanced meal?

  • Enkrod
    47 hours ago

    So… the genie offers to make me look better by increasing my looks to only slightly below average? Noice!

  • RiverGhost
    58 hours ago

    How about slightly below both but with some solid executive functioning and 0 mood disorders? I’ll take that.

  • @BigBenis
    37 hours ago

    If we’re talking 90+ percentile then no question I’d go with smarts and use it to have a big impact on some field of science. Otherwise I’d probably still pick smarts but it’s more of a tossup.

  • @[email protected]
    16 hours ago

    Can I so intelligent as to quickly figure out how to CRISPR-Cas9 my looks or does tge wish prevent me from changing my appearance?

    • deadcatbounce
      8 hours ago

      Not really a genie, more of a willo the wisp, but I get it from a bloke called Spider. It’s very more-ish.

  • @[email protected]
    18 hours ago

    The latter. I guess that’s kinda what I have already and I have no complaints. I’m aro/ace anyway so I don’t really need the stunning looks for dating purposes. My relatively decent ability to learn new things never ceases to entertain me

  • Dizzy Devil Ducky
    18 hours ago

    Smart because if I ever started getting into making videos for my fictional P²EMG company, would needs the smarts to make a v-Tuber model of my fursona work, alongside some other tools I won’t disclose.

  • @whaleross
    310 hours ago

    Would I be pretty and daft enough to not overthink and complicate everything and to finally be happy?

    Ok then. Let me be a himbo. The ladies may take advantage.

  • @[email protected]
    518 hours ago

    It’s lonely being intelligent. Maybe I’m just in the wrong social circles.

    I like to read books at my construction job when we’re not busy. Yet none of my coworkers have read a book since early middle school, and they only skimmed it to half-ass a book report. I can’t talk to them about anything except work.

    I’ve never been beautiful my whole life. I’d give myself a 4 out of 10, a little less than average. I never really cared about my looks, I haven’t worn makeup in ages.

    I’d be interested in giving beauty a trial run, see if it suits me better than intelligence.

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppetOP
      16 hours ago

      There are definitely intelligent people in the trade jobs, but the overall mindset is completely different, and a certain lack of soft skills that get developed in other types of careers.