They look pretty happy with the development.
Of course. They’re on drugs.
And they don’t gave a god telling them they aren’t good enough.
God got wasted and wrecked his Charger, so God’s dad sent him to a military school in Idaho.
Remember kids: don’t drink and deity.
Pretty shitty of your god to abandon you like that…
He always was a flaky sob, all these rules to abide by or else you’re out
These squares have never done shrooms
They’ve definitely never traded their assholes for a shot of heroin so dirty it’s barely going to help the dope sickness.
Oh, another square who equates all drugs as being the same.
Guess you’ve never seen God either.
I forgive you. You know not what you do.
Sorry I’m lost.
Are we talking about drugs, god or forgiveness?
No-one hits a home run their first time on the field.
Remember, kids: Don’t do school and stay in drugs.