Wow, this is perfection. Wait, why are you transporting me for saying tha…?
Oh, hi. Do you know what way is the restroom?
Take a left out the door, down the hall and into a…
int buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; for (int i; i < BUFFER_SIZE + 1; i++) { buffer[i] = i; }
Believe it or not,
We have the best buffers in the world, bc of
There oughta be some kind of joke here about how England used to sentence prisoners to transportation.
It’s all just a little bit of history…
I’m gonna give Keiko a bufferin’ while staring at her in transporter room 3 when you’re off duty.
Hi Chief … how ya doin?
Evenin’, Captain. Bit quiet 'round here today. Need me to buff, er, transport you anywhere?
Chief? What did I say? WHAT DID I DO!!!
If I go on sufferin’, you all get a…
🎵 Bufferin’, bufferin’, b-b-b-bbufferin’! 🎵
You get a pass.
For now.