Not green, but sort of feels green

    • @[email protected]
      273 days ago

      Can you imagine if that was your superpower. You just walk around and not machines, not tools, but guns specifically get disassembled in your presence.

      Reminds me of a Nancy Kress story about a group of suburban terrorists who go around with a “dissambler” (nanotech) that erodes machinery in order to undermine a nanny state government that tries to keep a lid on technology. It eventually comes down to an arms race between different tech factions, and the idea of government is dissolved completely as the world descends (ascends?) into an anarchic-commune type situation.

      • @[email protected]
        153 days ago

        There’s a Ray Bradbury short story called A Piece of Wood about a man who invents a device that rapidly decomposes any modern weapon in his vicinity. It doesn’t end well for him.

      • @ieatpwns
        43 days ago

        What’s the name of the story?

      • @[email protected]
        43 days ago

        Can you imagine if that was your superpower. You just walk around and not machines, not tools, but guns specifically get disassembled in your presence.

        Should send that person on a tour around the entire country and then appoint them ambassador to Israel. Especially if their superpower extends to other weapons as well.

  • @[email protected]
    783 days ago

    There’s an old saying in Tennessee - I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee - that says, fool me once, shame on - shame on you. Fool me - you can’t get fooled again.

  • @Nurse_Robot
    423 days ago

    Anon should just buy a 3rd gun and take it apart

  • @HollowNaught
    82 days ago

    I’ll always be surprised that you can just go into a pawn shop and buy a revolver in America

    I’m assuming this is set in America, at least

  • @[email protected]
    153 days ago

    Antique firearms are often fiddly to take apart, repair and reassemble. After all, they weren’t the most optimized designs and often required a lot of hand fitting to get things to work as compared to today. But they aren’t that complex nor were they designed like an iPhone to be near impossible to take apart and reassemble.

    But, like most mechanical things, you really only need to be 5% smarter than the machine to actually work with it. A high bar for some I suppose.

      • @[email protected]
        133 days ago

        I intended to make a joke about leaving the screws out, but there are only 5. (Plus nuts and bolts.)

        10 springs though. A lot more than I anticipated.

    • @[email protected]
      83 days ago

      I used to do a lot of repair stuff and I posted a lot on the associated subreddits and stack exchanges related to the topic. I’ve seen a lot people with things much less complex than this post pictures like “how do I put it back together??? They’d get detailed instructions from people on how to do it, then post angry replies that people basically weren’t doing it for them and (I assume) give up

  • @[email protected]
    193 days ago

    sigh. See all those rivets? i doubt he drilled them out to enable that level of disassembly.

  • don
    213 days ago

    Why have one problem when you can just as easily have two problems of the exact same kind? Efficiency, if you ask me.

    • SeekPie
      23 days ago

      And if you now fix one of the problems, you resolved two problems at once. Efficiency!

      • don
        43 days ago

        I see you assumed that two exact copies of the same problem required the exact same solution for both. If you will, allow me to show you where you went completely wrong.

  • atro_city
    123 days ago

    That’s why you film yourself doing these things and then play it in reverse.

    • @EvacuateSoul
      83 days ago

      Yes and use a tacklebox organizer to drop pieces in order

  • @mx_smith
    23 days ago

    He should have looked up the breakdown on ifixit.

  • @[email protected]
    -53 days ago

    it doesn’t look that complicated but I guess I’d have to have been born white in the states to have disassembled a real gun

    • @[email protected]
      93 days ago

      While white people do own a lot of guns, so do non-white people in the U.S. it’s something like half the white people, and a 1/3 of the non -white.

      Which is funny to think about with neighborhoods. If there are 125 houses in your neighborhood, odds are you are surrounded by 50 guns before you leave the neighborhood. Obviously it doesn’t always work that way because some neighborhoods are less likely to have them. (125 was the number in my neighborhood growing up, so I guess why that’s the number that popped in my head first)

      • @[email protected]
        3 days ago

        You’re talking about the number of people who have a gun, but not talking about the number of guns that they have!

        • @[email protected]
          3 days ago

          Well I do keep 6 under my pillow, 1 felt lumpy so I just flip them around trigger to trigger and it makes your pillow feel level.

          Edit to put /s

          • @[email protected]
            33 days ago

            American here

            No /s needed. It’s definitely more comfortable that way, as well as more efficient for going from zero to guns akimbo before your blurry-sleepy eyes can even clear up. And by the time you mag dump two of them and can now see cleary… you don’t even have to reload! Just grab the next pair and unload.

            6 is bare minimum, in my opinion. Gotta have at least 8 under an overstuffed pillow, so that you’ll have plenty of cover fire while you go for the armory that’s built into the boxspring

            Do you have a spouse? Cause now you’re rocking 4 at a time, with 12 more at ready… that’s before you even have to make a move for the heavier firepower

            Good luck walking into my house, cause I’ll be damned if the kids ain’t just as prepared… we make sure to teach 'em right and teach 'em young!