I think he should hear the chimp out.
In the law of the jungle … if one chimp wants to try to horde 100 bananas and not share them, all the other chimps will attack the one greedy chimp and take all the bananas.
As intelligent humans, we’ve allowed a few chimps in our global community to horde a banana pile the size of mount everest and that’s perfectly normal to us.
Kinda sounds like the opening to a hominid Law & Order show
In the law of the jungle … if one chimp wants to try to horde 100 bananas and not share them, all the other chimps will attack the one greedy chimp and take all the bananas.
These are their stories. dun dun
Lol … I also thought of it as Farside comic panel
To be fair, most people don’t see that pile in their day to day.
Please stop relating everything back to politics.
Said the person in the waning days of the collapse of civilization as they know it due to problems caused by politics.
Apes together… (beats chest)
StrongThat’s an ape!
I always wondered what the cutoff would be for apes/humans going to heaven. Apes aren’t allowed, humans are allowed. At one point in evolution, a non-heaven-compatible creature gave birth to a heaven creature. That poor proto-human, living in heaven without parents and probably unable to speak. They wouldn’t be able to sing along to the Ronnie James Dio concerts up there 😔
Aren’t religions with a heaven and a god against evolution theory?
Not all of them.
Whenever I feel powerless, I remember the wise words of my ancient ancestors:
“Ooo eee ooo ahh ahh, ting tang walla walla bingbang.”
Were your ancestors some chipmunks?
Or the Danish gadget pop formation ‘the cartoons’?
i dunno that monkey makes a good point
Wait you don’t have to worry about Lions and Wolves eating your wife? You are winning!
I would be terrified to live in a place where wolves and lions share a hunting ground.
I was thinking sabretooth lions since they’d be likely to share similar territory as wolves. Good thing they went extinct
Just went down a rabbit hole about sabertooth lions, tigers and inevitably got to the Smilodon. What a kitty.
They supposedly had stocky, well muscled proportions.
That last ancestor might be onto something
Brings up my favorite theory. If ghosts exist, surely their is a few caveman ghosts floating about. Probably haunting a mall or a place utterly foreign and confusing to his primitive mind. Only ended up there because thousands of years ago that is where his yurt was.
Anyhow would make for an awesome retro horror movie plot. Call it “Ooga BOO-ga”.
This is part of the plot of Ghosts (UK) and it is very funny. I believe the US version has a Viking instead of a caveman. Both are good.
Thanks, gonna add that to my watch list.
Seek wisdom from Descendents instead.
I have come to grant you guidance, If you see a light swim towards it.
Oh so like if an opportunity presents itself don’t let it pass you up cease it? That’s so profound.
What?! No my eyes have only evolved to see dark and light, literally my only instinct is to swim towards light, I have no idea what any of those words mean.