• Dragon Rider (drag)
    1512 hours ago

    Adults get to have tons of sex, play video games all night, and eat unwise amounts of candy.

    Should we? Who cares.

  • @[email protected]
    2419 hours ago

    Fixing something minor and annoying in your house by yourself is actually incredibly satisfying though

    • @dx1
      313 hours ago

      Try fixing something major, with dramatic improvements to your quality of life.

        • @dx1
          34 hours ago

          It’s all doable with some basic tools and a little bit of willingness to endure suffering, that’s my point. And for the more specialized ones, wading through documentation and codes enough to do a job correctly (can’t emphasize that enough). Framing, roofing, plumbing, electric, siding, insulation. Can save a fortune and know exactly how well the job was done.

          • @[email protected]
            23 hours ago

            When it comes to the serious stuff like plumbing/electrics/gas where I could destroy my house and myself if I fuck up then I’m more inclined to pay for a professional, but I’m always up for trying simple fixes myself.

            Speaking to tradies I think they both love and hate people trying it themselves; they loathe trying to pick apart someone’s half-arsed bodge-job but are very happy to be paid to fix someone’s cock up!

            • @dx1
              2 hours ago

              That’s the part where it gets really interesting. The right mindset when approaching those tasks means doing the research to do the job professionally, yourself. You meet that threshold, and actually start going through and reworking what was already done - you start to notice all the little shortcuts and weird decisions and bodge jobs that the professionals in the past did. And now, armed with the knowledge and basic tools to do the job - you’re not talking about $200 to pay a plumber to come out and fix one leaky elbow on your pipes - you know how to isolate it, drain it, cut it, deburr it, flux it, solder it, and clean it up, for like $3.00 in parts (and for what I said specifically, a minimum of maybe $50 in tools - cutter, blowtorch/propane, deburring tool, flux brush, emery cloth). For example. And for what could be a $5000 job, you can do it yourself for maybe $1000 in materials.

              There are actual methods that the professionals have developed to be certain they did the job correctly - you just have to learn them.

  • @Kelly
    16 hours ago

    My 8yo has been using a new towel each day this week, now its the weekend they are going to learn the joy of a “towel only” load of laundry.

    They grow up so fast.

  • @Lost_My_Mind
    218 hours ago

    Did you just…draw my life, but replace me with a woman with glasses? I’m not in this comic, but I am, and I’m not ok with it…or am I?

    Aw hell, now ya done and confused me! WHO AM I??? cries in the corner

    • Ohbs
      114 hours ago

      I know, right?? This is… scarily and exactly accurate