That kind of stuff annoys me because they don’t recognize their behavior is entirely based on politics not health.
Like there are some religions that don’t allow some medical treatment… I don’t like that but I understand it. “I might die but if I do this treatment I might go to hell for all eternity… So I chose death”
This is different. This is “I believe the covid shot and/or vaccinations have negative health effects… So I chose death to avoid the risk… Of negative health effects”
You clearly aren’t worried about the health concerns. You’re just being an idiot.
It, unfortunately, reminds me of the parents who would rather have their child die from an easily-preventable disease than vaccinate them and risk their child “turning” autistic. As if it’s a fate worse than death.
It actually is. Being autistic with those kinds of parents is absolutely horrible for everyone involved. Everyone deserves love and care and having parents that aren’t educated enough or care enough to be educated to know the cause for the neurotypical child is absolutely a bad sign.
Like it can be scary to have to care for someone unlike yourself, but you signed up for it when you had a crotch goblin.
Sorry I work with a lot of autistic kids and they’re so sweet and don’t deserve bad parents 😭
“It actually is?” It actually is a fate worse than death? You’re saying those autistic kids would be better off dead from a horrible disease because they have bad parents?
I am very concerned about the kids you work with if that is the case.
I’ll clarify bc yeah it’s pretty hyperbolic bc I was really upset at the time.
These kinds of parents are very likely to abuse and mistreat autistic kids bc they’re different and try to force them to conform to being “normal” which can stunt their growth and well-being.
I read that as “It’s a fate worse than death for those kids whose parents think it’s a fate worse than death.”
Essentially that being misinformed about how “bad” being on the spectrum is makes their kids’ lives actively worse due to how they treat or deal with their kids. Instead of adopting an approach that regards their kids as people with different brain processes they stick to old fashioned ideas of treating them like misbehaving problem children. This makes the kids’ lives harder, which in turn makes the parents worse. I’d guess this is where the autism vaccine “community” gets their “special attitudes” from, just frustrated people hitting their heads against the wall repeatedly and becoming more dogmatic (and shitty about spectrumy things, by what must be complete coincidence).
I’m from a part of the world where the average person is still very misinformed about this type of thing. It’s pretty common for kids who are far enough on the spectrum to essentially be treated as shut-ins. It’s getting better but it’s still quite bad.
Well then you read it wrong. These are parents who have no problem letting their child die from measles because the alternative is they have autism, which the parents think is worse.
And I’m not sure why you’re not aware of that antivaxxer stance.
I think it’s just regional. The average anti vaccine person here is specifically concerned about the HPV vaccine causing ovary (?) issues (cancer?), as well as the COVID vaccine bullshit that’s popular all over the world.
Links between autism and (MMR?) vaccines are not a relevant connection at all here. Also all schools require measles vaccination (as well as a whole bunch of others I definitely wouldn’t know off the top of my head) so it’s not particularly controversial.
Just the HPV one, just for girls, and then COVID brainrot for everyone else. Our Palestinian cousins just a border (and a half) away used to get “vaccines” that were just chemical sterilization, so we’re primed to assume the worst. And that kind of thinking is very hard to tackle, but it is a different social contagion than what you’re describing. There’s much more “The West/Jews/Christians/Muslims/Chinese/Americans/French/Rothchilds/Trump/Democrats/Media want to make our little boys into infertile burgeoning transes” thinking here. Totally normal and functional country, just like the one you’re from :D
I don’t know where “here” is, but Wakefield sure did damage in a lot of the Western world. And if you are aware that it is a relevant connection in other parts of the world, I’m not sure why you thought I was talking about specifically where you live.
It feels like you’re just trying to excuse parents who would rather let their child die from something they could have vaccinated them for rather than have an autistic child. If they just can’t bare raising an autistic child, put them up for adoption. Even foster care is better than dying from measles. I think you need to read what that’s like.
It’s not that for everyone.
I’ve been working on deprogramming my coworker for a few weeks and the only thing that’s made her budge on COVID is learning that, despite not having any existing conditions, it almost killed me…and DID kill a guy on the jobsite we caught it at. She simply didn’t believe it was that deadly.
It’s still extremely stupid but not for the same. Many people are VERY worried about the health concerns because they think vaccine complications are significantly more common and deadly so it’s a choice between “maybe getting sick for a week” and “permanently tainting my blood with this poison” - not to mention the number of people who think there’s 5G antennas in there or whatever.
This made me want to look up if transfused blood even contains antibodies. An interesting thing I found was that receiving a blood transfusion around the same time as receiving certain kinds of vaccines can make the vaccine ineffective. If the donor already had immunity, their blood could contain enough antibodies to destroy the virus before the recipient’s own immune system can react to it.
I wondered if blood transfusions could work as a form of vaccination, but the transfused antibodies degrade quickly and aren’t replaced. If someone who wasn’t vaccinated for COVID received a blood transfusion from someone who was, the recipient would temporarily have increased immunity. However, the antibodies will degrade and won’t be replaced since the recipient’s immune system isn’t actually generating them.
I’ll bet you haven’t considered the spiked protein or the being batshit insane parts.
Also this is cool information. Thanks for sharing.
Hmm, so not vaccination, but possibly a last-minute treatment for someone who already caught the virus, when hitting them with the vaccine wouldn’t do much anyway.
they hear spike protein and they think shit its like barbwire blood cells, its ripping us apart!!
“Spike protein” had become a “spiked protein” as if someone added rohypnol to their favourite protein drink.
They do not have the education to “do the research” to understand that the protein makes a literal spike on the virus shell. This spike connects with a receptor on a human cell and that therefore allows the virus to enter the cell to start replicating.
They don’t do direct transfusion from one person to another, but you can make a “directed donation” of blood, and if it’s compatible they will use it for your person of choice. You can even donate your own blood to be saved and given back to yourself as needed. Anyway, misguided as they are, they could obtain “clean” blood if they get the right fit of donors.
I actually ended up chatting on a Facebook group with someone about this post who does this work, and she said directed donation requires a great deal of sign off, and they probably wouldn’t do it for dingdong antivax reasons. Idk.
I’ve mostly seen it in regards to cancer kids who need multiple units from a reliable and compatible donor. Yes these folks are fools.
Apparently close relative donors also have a higher transfusion reaction risk?