The price seems ridiculous for what it is.
It’s for people who think the only thing holding them back from writing the next great novel is their TikTok addiction.
Most of these devices have the same fate as that new year resolution treadmill.
However the idea of running Linux on this form factor is interesting.
Yeah, nah.
A used laptop running Linux is cheaper, and I can have multiple windows open with timelines, research, notes, etc.
This might be useful for doing some business related writing, but it’s a step back for anything else
A new laptop running Linux is also cheaper, I got an Asus for $130 2 years ago and removed the wifi card.
You can also just delete all other apps expect for the writing app, set to open on boot, create a standard user, and forget the admin password.
There! No distractions.
So, a word processor. We’ve been here before.
Man we’re going back to those goofy keyboards with single row LCD screens that they used very briefly in writing classes in the US. Can’t remember what they were called
Edit: Alpha Smart word processors?