It’s the beginning of February! The first of the month is weigh in day for our birds. Little Lionel is doing good on his New Years Resolution, but we wanted to showcase our Great Horned Owl Henry demonstrating how well he stands on the scale
(and yes he is.)
There are a few owls that temporarily get too chonk for their own good. When getting off the ground is important, one tends to pack lightly though! 😀
Hank the Tank feels targeted with that statement (The northern hawk that helps mum with her rabbit problem. total chonker.)
I think a stout little hawk owl would carry the weight well. Like a dwarf from LotR.
He’s in shape.
Round, is a shape,
Darn tootin!
Mighty fine standing there, Henry.
Mighty fine. Keep up the good work!
This one looks very food motivated to me. I hope he gets the plumpest chick of the day for such perfect standing.
Well? How much does he weigh? How much is he supposed to weigh? I’m guessing less than a pound for that cute little fluff ball.
Henry looks to be a big boy! Scale looks to say 132x, assuming grams. Average for a Great Horned male is 1200g / 2.6 pounds and the high end is 1360 g / 3.0 pounds. If he’s 1320-something, that’s about 2.92 pounds, so he’s either a big fella or just a little chunky.
A petite female starts at Henry’s current size. 1600g /3.5 pounds is average for a female, going up to 2500 g / 5.0 pounds or slightly more for a big momma.