Grippy socks are awesome.
And honestly, scrub bottoms are great PJs.If I didn’t know any better, I’d think “scrub bottoms” are the counter parts to “scrub daddies”…
every. single. hospital visit. this is perfect
I LOVE grippy socks and seek them out whenever I can. A long long time ago in an anti-social media far away, the first subreddit I joined was r/hospitalsocks. sigh those were the days…
You get those socks even if you have surgery at a regular hospital.
Don’t even need to have surgery, anyone that’s a fall risk gets 'em, even patients who aren’t but that want to move around. They’re just really convenient + disposable anti-slip footwear.
The grippy sock hotel is pretty nice though
Not where I live, lmao. The grippy sock hotel that I had to stay at once convinced me that they’re shit and full of abusive staff.
I’m sorry that was your experience :( that’s not what you need when you’re there
Yeah, but you’ll be paying for it for long enough that the pressure may send you back before you pay off your first visit.
Idk I kinda wanna try the grippy socks, but the rest of it sounds like a bit of a hassle tbh