One day, the fish will discover a scratch on the inside of the bowl, and will then rediscover it in a different orientation with respect to the general orientation of everything else on subsequent cycles.
What I can’t be sure of is whether this will cause a realisation of the truth or a more entrenched and complicated world view of the sort I can’t yet fathom.
The last line was unexpected and made this pretty great.
Poor fish, terrible owner
Never put fish in bowls. Use a decent sized tank, filter and, if necessary, a heater. Read up on what your fish actually need
Make sure your heater is sized appropriately so you don’t make fish stew by mistake.
This is just a comic, ma’am
This is the plot from Dark City… Which The Matrix stole many scenes from.
And the rooftop set!
Several of the stairway sets as well. Dark City is a great film and everyone should watch it.
Bad human. Goldfish in waaaaaaay too small of a tank.
And too much water! You’re not supposed to fill a fishbowl much past the widest point of the bowl.
The goldfish has discovered the Mandala Effect.