
During a heated Oval Office meeting, Trump berated Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, demanding he accept a peace deal with Russia or lose U.S. support.

Trump repeatedly cut Zelenskiy off, accused him of lacking gratitude, and defended Russian President Vladimir Putin. He also ranted about past U.S. elections and personal grievances.

Following the meeting, Trump posted on Truth Social, claiming Zelenskiy “is not ready for peace.”

The U.S. and Russia recently held talks without Ukraine, raising concerns over sidelining Kyiv in negotiations.

  • @Absaroka
    1138 hours ago

    Just when you thought you couldn’t get any more embarrassed being an American.

    This is a great window into how Trump, Vance and MAGA do business.

    Bully. Yell. Lie. Threaten.

    • @disguy_ovahea
      217 hours ago

      The White House posted an edited video, so what we all saw and heard must not be real. They also just pulled infrastructure repair funding from Ukraine, and took Russia off of the cybersecurity threat list under the radar.

      Every member of Congress that stands behind this is complicit as well.

      • @cabron_offsets
        83 hours ago

        Traitors. Every single republican voter is traitor filth. And should be treated as such.

        • @[email protected]
          33 hours ago

          Tyrants is a better title for them, technically John Brown was a traitor and I’d rather not lump them in with ol’ John Brown.

          Plus then we can say Sic Semper Tyrannis, which implies that they will inevitably fail. Traitors can thrive, tyrants cant

    • @[email protected]
      7 hours ago

      I know Europeans hate us Americans and I understand why. I’ve never supported Trump and have fought with my dollar, vote, and time, but I am just too ashamed to show my face in the EU any time soon.

      • @[email protected]
        85 hours ago

        Most Europeans don’t hate Americans and those who do are not worth being around anyway.

        On the other hand… Yeah, your leadership’s right now really sucks.

        But if I had to wait for presentable leadership of my country to show my face abroad, I’d still be living at my parents…

        Source: am Italian, grew up during Berlusconi’s heyday.

    • @Zachariah
      8 hours ago

      If you thought you couldn’t be more embarrassed, you must’ve not looked at the calendar. We’re only two months into in the second month of this shit.

  • /home/pineapplelover
    177 hours ago

    The republican at my work says Zelensky will start WW3, will not be elected next election cycle, doesn’t want peace, is asking way too much, didn’t even thank Trump for the meeting.

  • Talaraine
    528 hours ago

    Two guys who can’t keep a single speech or interview civil calling Zelensky disrespectful. LAWL

  • @[email protected]
    318 hours ago

    What a fucking troglodyte. Immagine being the leader of another country and having your country invaded and some feckless moron you went to for help (because the guy that invaded you is their fuckin’ enemy) and he tells you that you should be “happy” to give away the majority of your countries natural resources for help from them.

    It’s just beyond mentally retarded. There’s not a spec of intelligence to be seen–and MAGA is going to eat this giant turd like “lol daddy Trump doesn’t take any shit!!!” like are you fucking kidding me?

    He’s being a bully. It’s like if your kid was getting his ass beat every day at school and he asked another kid for help and the kid was like “Yeah, sure. But you have to give me your lunch money every single day for the rest of your life” and when your kid is like “wtf” the kid he went to for help was like “FINE, GET YOUR ASS KICKED EVERY DAY, SEE IF I FUCKING CARE!” and people praised that behavior…

  • @ilinamorato
    208 hours ago

    He melted down in a deranged rant against the governor of Maine, too. The surest sign of weakness is a hairtrigger temper.

    • @[email protected]
      197 hours ago

      I hope with time we can prove to you that there’s Americans here fighting against this. I know it doesn’t look great now, and don’t blame you for hating us and our country. As an American, I also hate us and our country.

      • Maeve
        35 hours ago

        Literally lol’d because this is also my sentiment. I don’t blame people for what they think of us. I just hope we can get out of the duopolistic stranglehold and actually have strong candidates with strong for everyone policies that actually get enacted and enshrined into law. And that we also clean up the courts, especially SCOTUS.

    • datendefekt
      117 hours ago

      Hit them where it hurts and boycott USA! Delete all Meta accounts, boycott Amazon, stop watching american shows, install Linux. Every little thing helps!

      • @[email protected]
        55 hours ago

        Yes, boycott us, if the nations won’t try to sanction us in the US, the people can with their wallets. (I’m also trying to shift my spending habits from within, it’s tough)

      • @[email protected]
        45 hours ago

        Also, if you can afford to, consider donating to help Ukraine. I just donated in honour of Zelensky’s courage, trying to spread awareness for them to actually help do something about this BS and show support.

        It’s Zelensky’s fund to help with defense, medical etc (you can pick). They take Euros/USD and its quick & easy with card or bank transfer.

        Slava Ukraini!

      • @BrianTheeBiscuiteer
        14 hours ago

        Wholeheartedly agree. Big business is Trump’s friend only as long as they think he’s good for business. If they see that things were actually better under Democratic government they’ll basically do our job for us (although we really shouldn’t let up until Trump’s damage is completely undone).

    • @RunningInRVA
      17 hours ago

      Hey man. I didn’t vote for the guy ever. I’m saddened multiple times per day by what is happening. Go fuck yourself if you think everybody here is okay with what’s going on here.

      • PhobosAnomaly
        7 hours ago

        Very few people think everyone on your side of the pond is okay with your political shitshow.

        It’s disheartening to see around a third of your voters being cunts, but then every country has their regressive arseholes, but it’s downright frustrating to see another chunk of your voting populace being okay enough with it to not bother voting against it.

        So, by majority, the Americans are a clownshow. A small #NotAllVoters contingent doesn’t really change that - coupled with a modern history of American exceptionalism (and i say that with a straight face even with the British track record) then you can see why you’re getting dunked on.

        • Bahnd Rollard
          76 hours ago

          We get it (and deserve it), but your preaching to the choir. The US residents of Lemmy are usually either socially active net-izens who are very aware of, and trying to act against of the shitshow unfolding in what ways they can, or fringe groups (see the tankie instances) who have been thrown off of enough mainstream platforms that they had to go make their own.

          Once todays vent session is done, we should focus on keeping constructive posts visible and discussed. (Stuff individuals or small groups can do to help our firends on the other side of the pond and ideas to try and course correct shit stateside)

          Im just trying to not be too pesimistic…

        • Maeve
          35 hours ago

          The American exceptionalism has been a huge burr in my blanket for forever, and I live here.

        • @[email protected]
          47 hours ago

          Disrespectfully, fuck off. There are A LOT of folks who voted against him. You can be angry at the MAGAts that voted for him, or the imbeciles who didn’t vote, but there are quite a few of us who never supported him and are doing anything we can think of to remove him.

          • @grue
            3 hours ago

            You know what? I’d like to say the same thing to him, but I can’t. You know why?

            Because I said the same things that he’s saying about all the Russians who failed to depose Putin. I didn’t care if they never supported him; I only cared that they failed to act against him.

            Just like you and I are failing to do right now.

            We deserve this.

            • @[email protected]
              127 minutes ago

              I get where you’re coming from. I can’t say I ever blamed the oppressed for their oppression, but at the same time I’m sure I’ve thought “why don’t they do more”? And now I, and it sounds like you, know. Right now, despite screaming to high heaven about this, I don’t know WHAT to do. All I know is that I don’t want to be the first, because I have ZERO faith anyone else in the country will back me up vs just shrugging it off. And like most Americans who can see what’s happening, I have a lot to lose.

  • @[email protected]
    7 hours ago


    meh. This is fine.

    edit - no, they are celebrating it. You know where to look. I wonder how bad it will get before that place finally realizes he’s not just hurting the people they want him to hurt.

      • @[email protected]
        17 hours ago

        Maybe I gave up too early in the thread. I saw nothing more than lukewarm criticism of Trump/Vance, and the anti-Ukraine comments were as you describe.

        I like to keep a feel for whether any of them are starting to wake up, but I have to limit my exposure over there because the things some of them say just really disgust me, and it’s all just so at odds with the values I was taught we had as a nation growing up, I just can’t take more than a few minutes of time there before I have to bail.

        I shudder to now realize I’m walking around with 77 million people who continue supporting this jackass and what he’s doing to our country. It’s literally a nationwide cult. I’ve lost friends and family to it, as has everyone in the nation. It’s really just too much to handle sometimes.

        (sorry for the rant, I didn’t intend it when I started typing)

        • @Nightwingdragon
          87 hours ago

          There was some pretty stern criticism.

          I deleted my post because in the last few minutes, those threads got deleted and there’s been a flood of new posts that are much more anti-Ukraine. My guess is that the shot callers over there saw something resembling independent thought among the rubes and decided they needed to put a stop to that right quick before they actually start forming their own opinions.

          • @[email protected]
            7 hours ago

            Edit - well I’m now deleting my entire response because I misunderstood yours lol. In any case - all good! :)

    • @Kalon
      97 hours ago

      He is far worse than that.

  • @Delta_V
    -419 hours ago

    Two entertainers making a spectacle. A cynic might think it was staged.

    • @[email protected]
      388 hours ago

      Except the one who was actually a successful comedian and actor was not the one trying to make a spectacle

    • @spongebue
      208 hours ago

      A cynic might. Someone who actually thinks things through might not.

    • @[email protected]
      -48 hours ago

      And… Why would they stage that? Trump wanted to get a peace deal so he could claim it as a win of his anti-war presidency. Zelensky wanted to secure further support. Both didn’t get what they wanted.

      • TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)
        138 hours ago

        Trump wants whatever Putin tells him. And right now Putin says no deal, and that he’ll sell minerals to the US from Russian occupied Ukraine. Handing Ukraine over to Russia was always Trump’s plan, and if he could extort precious resources from Ukraine before then even better.

      • datendefekt
        67 hours ago

        My take: Trump promised his voters that he would quickly end the war. Turns out it’s not that easy to it so that it pleases Putin and makes him rich. Publicly escalates a conversation into a shouting match so that he can deflect the blame on Zelenksy and save face.

        Trump being Trump, he couldn’t manage a quiet diplomatic path that would make everyone happy, (Which would be what you would expect of the top diplomat of a country) but instead did the most destructive thing possible and now everyone loses.