I go to work to work and then go home. I calculate how much time my commute needs so I can maximize my free time and don’t waste time at the workplace before the shift begins. I don’t owe my employer any unpaid time.
I’m the only one who thinks like this: my coworkers are full in the “we are a family” vibe and some of them come 30 minutes before the shift begins, what to me is an extremely idiotic idea. Why being at the workplace more time than needed?
This is nursing and I need to hear report before working. Our second shift begins at 12:35 but some coworkers want to start it at 12:30, even to the point of giving report without me, which is fine as long as they give me report about my patients. Each of us has, theoretically, 3 minutes to change into scrubs, but this is also ignored. They expect me to be at 12:30 fully dressed and seated, ready for report. Union says 12:30 is the time I enter my unit and change into scrubs, so I start at 12:35. My coworkers simply don’t want to hear that shift begins at the hour it begins, the manager is passive.
Our union is very conflict avoidant.
I’m not the kind of person who does things like expected just because that’s how it’s always been done but if I question why I get yelled at. I like following the book because otherwise the manager’s favorites get away working less and blabbing more.
I don’t know if this is one of those situations where I should pick my battles and let it go. I feel they steal my free time.
And the union doesn’t care as much as I do.
It’s possible your coworkers are playing the social game to advance their careers. That doesn’t mean you have to.
Get a standalone voice dictation device list this $20 one:
- Walk in at 12:30 and set this while recording in front of the co-worker that starts their report at 12:30.
- Walk away and get changed into scrubs.
- Be ready for your shift at 12:35
- Sit down and press “play” and listen to the report
Everyone wins!
Who cares what others do if they want to waste their time go ahead, just follow your contract, if it states start at 1230,shift begins at 1235 then show up at 1230 and begin at 1235.Anything they decide to do prior to you is not your problem.
Just get what info you need after the fact. It’s bonus because you also now can waste X Amount of time trying to recap what you missed since you wern’t present/working at that time.
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if I question why I get yelled at.
Yelling is bad behaviour. This person’s bad behaviour, not your’s.
One idea:
Tell them in your calmest voice (!) that the one who yells is wrong. Always. Didn’t they know that? Because, if he were right, he would not need to yell.
This isn’t the most solid logic, but then it’s better to argue about the yelling and not about your 5 minutes.
About that family thing. If anyone ever tells you that “we are family” it means you can call them for help when you’re moving. If you have trouble configuring your router, call your new family for help. If you need to drill a hole in a concrete wall, but you do don’t have the right drill bits or other tools, call your new family.
If your boss doesn’t want to come over to drill some holes in a concrete wall on a Saturday afternoon, they’re not really family, and they can’t expect you to act like family either.
You have a very different family than me.
If work was like MY family, we’d all work in different countries and I’d visit my manager once or twice a year and get the jobs done that we couldn’t sort out over the phone or email. I’d find out about all the stuff they’d been letting slide and sort out as much as I could over a weekend. When I got home people would ask me if I had a good holiday.
Wait. That IS how my workplace operates!
Yeah, this is just socially enforced time theft. If your coworkers bitch to you, it’s not your problem. It sucks that your union doesn’t have your back on this.
If you’re not getting paid for it, don’t do it. You’re not a volunteer. You’re an employee.
Are you salaried or hourly? if you’re all hourly, the person showing up early, clock in as the first thing you do. You’re entitled to being paid for the time that you work. (and that might be why the person showing up 30 minutes early is showing up 30 minutes early. that’s 2.5 hours of overtime right there, every week.)
If you’re salaried, then start when the shift starts. They’re not entitled to anything more just because they want to knock off five minutes early.
In any case, the person showing up 30 minutes early in this case may be slow getting into scrubs, etc, may want to stop and chat people up on the way in, or just take a moment to adjust their thoughts. Alternatively, they take the bus.
That extra 5 minutes is ~20hours and hundreds of dollars of unpaid labor a year. It seems to me that the coworkers are being very irresponsible in exposing their company to a potential lawsuit over something so minor. That doesn’t sound like being a team player to me.