Just give them a firm handshake and look them in the eye. I’d like my parents to sit in on some of the developer interviews I’ve had.
Apply to jobs in person. Attach your resume to a brick, and throw the employer’s front window.
are those of us with boomer parent(s) still getting job advice? mine already retired haha
Mine was even though they were already retired. Tbf I was only working for 2 years at the time so I was still getting job advice. It was basically “try to work in government so you get a good pension when you retire”, even though the private sector equivalent jobs were paying double.
I’m in my 30s and still get this kind of advice occasionally when I’m job hunting from my retired parents. My mom still talks about “rising through the ranks” even though I’ve been telling her for a decade that that’s not a thing anymore. Nobody goes from mail room to CEO. And nobody gets a gold watch either.
Something like 15 years ago, I was in grad school and my elder boomer father in law told me “when it’s time to find a job you can shave your beard.” Only this wasn’t a beard, it was just me not having shaved for a week. Is that what he would prioritize if he were hiring someone?! I’ve met few people in my life who are less in touch than that man
Back when I needed a job I showed up on a construction site, asked politely, and they put me right straight into operating a crane. Just get out there, pound the pavement, shake some hands. You’ll be hired in no time.
Showing up and asking would probably work on a lot of construction sites though.
This is the second day recently that I missed, so there’ll be two tomorrow and two the day after to make up for it. I’m just really distractible; sorry.
Just don’t let it happen again