“Putin can come race karts with us.”
Plus Bowser actually looks good topless.
Is Bowser not always topless?
This is literal Bowser libel. He loves his people, and they love him in return.
Anyone who disagrees has never played Paper Mario.
Or Mario rgp
Honestly? I’d rather have Bowser over any real world dictator. Bowser actually gives half a fuck about his minions and domain, while looking sexy as hell in the process. That’s a step up from the “real deal”.
I’m still kinda looking forward to the Mario game where Mario goes after Peach only to discover, at the end of the game, that Peach is actually in love with Bowser and that Mario just committed mass murder out of a misogynistic, misplaced belief that Peach can’t defend herself or pick her own partners.
I second this notion that Bowser is sexy as hell
I mean actually…
Granted I don’t know that Putin himself is ever invited.