My partner and I are really struggling. There are so many shitty places in the city… the few good spots go away immediately. I’m wondering if people are offering over asking for rentals…
I’ve never offered over asking. But I didn’t get everything that I wanted in my apartment. No dishwasher, old electrical, no parking.
I offered over asking back in 2007
I got really lucky with my current place; I was friends with a couple living in the complex who told me about the opening before it hit the market
It is brutal
I’m wondering if people are offering over asking for rentals…
I offered extra on a place in South Bay and still didn’t get it (this was years ago). I assume someone else outbid me.
I’m currently in Oakland where some new buildings went up downtown. The first one I viewed was terrible. There were no windows to outside (a tiny one was viewing a stairwell). I got lucky on the next one. It was just over a year old and someone had just moved out of one of the best spots. I snatched it quickly. Good luck! I’m sure SF is a greater challenge.