• SavvyWolf
    418 hours ago

    The playdate’s crank thing was an interesting gimmick that opened up new ways of controlling games. They also had a number of other design decisions and limitations that breed creativity.

    This just reminds me of the Mario Galaxy games. Rather than pressing a button to attack, you instead swing the wiimote just for the sake of being a gimmick. The coin is just a fancier switch or button; what can you do with the coin that you can’t do by holding a button combo?

    Also, those coins are absolutely going to get lost, hopefully they’re 3D printable. And hopefully they’re not fomo tokens where you need to buy them separately…

    Still, I hope I’m wrong about this and it does turn out to be good. Is certainly an interesting idea.

  • Owl
    111 day ago

    That’s a really stupid gimmick

    • @0li0li
      319 hours ago

      Stupid at first yes, then when they start selling new coins amd tap into FOMO, it won’t be stupid anymore, just disgusting.

  • @HeyJoe
    91 day ago

    Although the idea sounds cool, is it really something people want or will use? It just seems like a lot of work for something so trivial. The coin could just be a button, right?