• @theshoeshiner
    43 hours ago

    How about fuck the people that keep buying and popularizing them?

  • @EaterOfLentils
    2113 hours ago

    In fairness, diarrhea is a pretty common response to a major dietary change for any animal, including humans. Any lapsed vegetarian will tell you that if you have been eating one way consistently and then suddenly switch it up, ya gonna shit.

  • sp3ctr4l
    5520 hours ago


    Pugs shouldn’t exist.

    Their existance is pain, constant health problems of many kinds.

    We have sinned against Dog/God, commited a crime against nature, whatever phrasing your prefer, by molding them into what they are now.


    Infact, because pugs tend to have so many health problems, they can no longer be considered a “typical dog from a health perspective,” according to a 2022 study in Canine Medicine and Genetics.

    • Lv_InSaNe_vL
      1718 hours ago

      Actually the breed standards are changing to push breeders towards healthier dogs!

      They are call Retropugs and they tend to be bread with things like Terriers to give them functional skulls and spines!

      • sp3ctr4l
        1318 hours ago

        Oh thank god.

        I did not know this is occuring… I’ve known too many smashed faced pugs with serious lifelong health issues…

        One of them I knew, skittered around a kitchen floor as a puppy… ran into the kitchen island, and his eyeball popped out of the socket, haning on by the optic nerve.

        Its owner managed to get it to a vet and get the eye reinserted… and it seemed to kinda still work… but that pug had so, so many other health issues its whole life…


    • Majorllama
      619 hours ago

      My aunt had a pug and it couldn’t ever breath correctly. It was always drooling and snorting just to walk around. They always thought it was so adorable and I thought it was a cruel existence to purposely create something can’t fucking breath correctly.

  • @yesman
    8823 hours ago

    There should be a parallel kennel show where only mutts and strays are allowed to enter. They should have categories to dunk on “pure”-breeds, like lowest vet bill or dogs over 14yo.

    • @Bgugi
      21 hour ago

      Events to include “breathing”

    • @SpaceNoodle
      5922 hours ago

      Name: Highway

      Breed: I-75 berm

      Birth year: Sometime before McDonald’s stopped using beef tallow

      Total vet bills: -$20 (they paid us not to bring him back)

      • @shalafi
        814 hours ago

        -$20 (they paid us not to bring him back)

        Jesus, haven’t laughed that hard all day.

        • @SpaceNoodle
          813 hours ago

          This is a service I provide free of charge

          (You can pay me $20 to stop)

    • @eaterofclowns
      1821 hours ago

      “Most Egregious Truth Stretching About Breed to Skirt HoA Regulations Against Pit Bulls”

      • Dharma Curious (he/him)
        2220 hours ago

        When I was 18, I lived in an apartment building like 1/4 from the sand in Virginia Beach. They had restrictions on their restrictions so they could restrict you while you were restricted. It was insane.

        My neighbor directly above us had the sweetest pit bull mix in the world named Lola. He used to call her his showgirl, she was amazing.

        He got away with it by showing them papers, that he 100% forged, saying she was a pure blooded Staffing Nannyshire terrier. He was so fucking pleased with himself, and I do not blame him. In case anyone isn’t aware, Staffordshire terriers are a related breed to pit bulls (and pit bull is more of an umbrella term for several breeds), and pittys were called nanny dogs back in the day. He just threw some related words together and claimed her breed was originally bred as show dogs, and weren’t closely related to pit bulls. And the apartment bought it hook line and sinker.

        • @eaterofclowns
          618 hours ago

          Our rescue was a “lab/beagle” on paper, but yeah she’s definitely got some American Staffordshire Terrier. Our HoA is very dog friendly and she’s a favorite around the neighborhood. If you adopt a mutt in the US they’re going to have at least some kind of pittie in the mix.

      • @[email protected]
        519 hours ago

        “I’ll have you know that fluffy is part Pomeranian. Can’t you tell from the constant, loud [yet deep throated] yipping?”

  • @constnt
    22 hours ago

    This is just straight up false. The oldest dog breed and the one most generically related to the wolf is the fucking shih tzu. Humans have been breeding dogs for every purpose we could need since before recorded history.

    But inbreeding is morally disgusting.

      • Septian
        1822 hours ago

        It’s one of the oldest dog breeds. Has less DNA in common than the Shiba Inu, but it’s number two last I checked. There’s paper floating around from a university in Hawaii that goes into more detail, but I couldn’t dig it up in a quick search. Will try to find it and reply with it when I have more time later.

      • @constnt
        1221 hours ago

        All the ancient Chinese breeds are the closest related to Wolf. Lhasa Apso, Maltesw,Tibetan Terrier, and Pekingese. Then you get into Nordic breeds like huskys

    • @[email protected]
      13 hours ago

      Also, just because a dog looks “designer” doesn’t mean it’s unhealthy. The Bichon Frise for example is pretty hardy and regularly live to 16, 17, or even longer without many long term health problems. Part of the reason is because they’re not a wildly popular dog breed and as a result they’re not overbred and their gene pool is pretty healthy. (I have a bichon, not like a PURE breed one with a certificate or anything, which is good, but no obvious signs of being a mix either. Not trying to sell you on the breed obviously but just wanted to use it as a counter example).

  • @thatradomguy
    318 hours ago

    Seriously though, the human obsession with playing god is truly dumbfounding to the point where I almost wish an asteroid did finally come and wipe us all out. People really believe they can justify anything…

    • @[email protected]
      617 hours ago

      Wanting to wipe out everyone because you don’t like what they’re doing. Sounds pretty god like.

  • @ThatGuy46475
    320 hours ago

    Not the dogs fault you fed it Taco Bell

  • Random_Character_A
    019 hours ago

    You heard about the theory that dogs are just wolves with their version of down syndrome, so they were more docile. We kept breeding that trait till it became standard. This was in the very beginning 30-40 thousand years ago.

    • @[email protected]
      13 hours ago

      are just wolves with their version of down syndrome

      Categorically false. Down syndrome is due to having an extra chromosome. While dogs have 2 fewer chromosomes than wolves. No, it’s not the same thing because it is a single matched pair that is missing, which is the the “normal” way chromosome counts change through evolution. Dogs don’t act like wolves because they have been evolving mostly separately from wolves to the point where they are generally considered a separate species. Dogs aren’t wolves with down syndrome in the same way coyotes aren’t wolves with down syndrome. They act differently because they’re different animals adapted to wildly different niches.

      The docile nature comes from literally having fewer neurons in aggression/panic/fight regions of their brain. MinuteEarth video

      • @shalafi
        214 hours ago

        And there are shitloads more super-hot peppers that never existed in nature. Evolution be weird sometimes.