If we properly allocated resources, people could live their lives having more free time than work time.
We’re dropping the ball so hard just to let a few nepo babies play god.
At the same time, I would like to ward against the primitivist argument that we’re worse off now, in terms of leisure time, than we were before the development of human civilization. We’re incredibly better off now than previously.
It’s just that having a better life than people living at a subsistence level still does not legitimize having years of our lives stolen from us so a couple of nepo kids can circlejerk on their yachts about how much better they are than us Poors.
Bes D. Marx has a great youtube channel for those interested
And I bet that if we refocused things on generating/providing useful and high-quality products/services instead of this blind chasing after short-term profit and infinite growth, the work itself would become such that people wouldn’t even mind working in the first place…
Speaking from personal experience as a QA Engineer, I never want to touch any part of software development ever again in any start-up or corporation, unless they’re doing it for the software and not the money. My 13-year career ended in nothing short of heartbreak. At least for the time being.
I think it all stems from our individualistic society.
The propaganda says if you fail it’s 100% your fault and you won’t get help, so why should anyone do anything for others?
Altruism is the antithesis of Capitalism, it’s not smart or efficient or valuable to be kind and generous, because it will always be more profitable to stomp others down like crabs in a bucket.
There are finite resources, finite wealth, and if they aren’t equally distributed then there will be winners and losers
Making people prioritize what you are saying would require a fundamental change in our economic system to not extort people’s lives for labor, to voluntarily give people what they need and give them the resources to let them pursue benefits to society.
Suddenly, instead of thinking about “what can I do to make money for myself to survive?”, they then can focus on “what can I do for myself to improve my life, then the lives of my friends and family, and then my community?”
Damn, does it sound beautiful…