The biggest I’ve seen in a published source in the wild is an 80-fold error in a reported distance, which I think came from a series of at least three unit conversions and area/length misinterpretations.
The biggest I’ve seen in a published source in the wild is an 80-fold error in a reported distance, which I think came from a series of at least three unit conversions and area/length misinterpretations.
Did you not notice the unit modifier in the my second phrase???
Let me spell it out for you.
3 (three) ’ (feet) ^2 (squared)
You’d have me repeating myself like a monkey, which is, NINE.
3 (three) sq (square) ft (feet) is THREE.
but I suspect you’ll disagree at at this point I’ll move on, my only sadness is there was a person out there who agreed with your original argument that they were the same.
Tell me what “three plus four squared” is.
Nope, forty-nine.
There’s this thing called the order of operations
And seeing as how you don’t know about it, it makes sense that you won’t know the difference between square miles and miles squared.
Please check out a junior high school math text book before bothering to argue on the Internet.
Edit i see where you’ve made the mistake,
If it’s (3+4)^2 then you’ve failed to combine like units, something they teach you about in kindergarten.
No, I was clearly thinking of parentheses when I wrote it, so you should have said them when you said it.
Take your meds, Donnie.
Please read my comment again about combining like units you…
Nope that’s all you get out of me until you remember apples and oranges
Take your meds, Donnie.
My medicine is fighting misinformation, guess what the source of that is here?
I’m not doing this for you, you’ve shown yourself beyond saving.
I’m doing this for the poor person who read your first comment, said, ‘yeah that sounds correct’ and gave you an up tick.
My they, and others who stumbled upon it, read through our dialogue here and realize one of us has logic, and the other has “go take your meds”.
Nice to see you fall back on the person you’re talking with is in need of medication, rather than considering they’ve made a point you should consider.
I wonder if it’s projection, but I shouldn’t consider malice when you’ve repeatedly shown me you’re probably just stupid.
Johnny has 3 and 4, Billy wants 2, johnny gave Billy two but billy wanted apples and Johnny only had dollars and bullets,
Fortunately Johnny gave Billy the two bullets so Billy wouldn’t have to live in an idiotic world without labeled data
Go back to grade school or pull your head out of your ass, you’ve either been deprived of an education or you’re deliberately ignoring it to bait me into wasting my time teaching you fundamental mathematics.