While most view Trump’s Jan. 6 charges as serious, many GOP voters remain loyal.

  • Hairyblue
    991 year ago

    That’s because many GOP voters don’t believe in democracy. They are fine with stealing an election if Trump is the one doing it.

    Stop voting for Republicans. They don’t believe in our democracy.

  • @Hazdaz
    701 year ago

    They WILL vote.

    Will you??

  • @YoBuckStopsHere
    1 year ago

    Conservatives have been quite open about destroying the Consitution and installing Trump as a Dictator to own the libs.

    • @[email protected]
      311 year ago

      As a non-American it seems they want a very particular reading of certain parts of the US Constitution.

      Much like how the same people pick and choose the parts of Christianity that serve them and ignore the parts that don’t.

      One nation, under God.*

      *Terms and conditions apply.

      • @kazoo0o
        1 year ago

        deleted by creator

      • toiletobserver
        81 year ago

        Funny story, the god part isn’t part of the original pledge of allegiance.

        • @TheDoozer
          41 year ago

          If I remember correctly, it was:

          I pledge allegiance to my Flag, and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

          I feel that the original is the best one (though I feel uncomfortable about people “pledging allegiance” to a flag just because they were born there).

      • @Rusticus
        11 year ago

        deleted by creator

    • GreenBottles
      1 year ago

      the thing is they’re going to own a lot more than the libs if they’re successful

    • SokathHisEyesOpen
      -251 year ago

      Unfortunately most of the libs aren’t actually hearing the things the Republicans have repeatedly told them.

      • @kescusay
        1 year ago

        Okay, say something that is:

        • Substantive
        • Doesn’t attack LGBTQ+ people
        • Doesn’t reject science

        Let me be blunt: Right now, “the libs” largely think Republicans have lost their minds. They’re hyper-fixated on disgusting and hateful myths about “groomers,” they’re pretending the climate hasn’t changed (or are even actively embracing climate change), and a credible presidential candidate who is the governor of a large state is actively pushing schools to start talking about the fucking upsides of slavery.

        We think Republicans don’t actually care about good governance, and the way they’re behaving proves us right continuously.

        So talk politics. Talk infrastructure, foreign policy, taxes, whatever… and we’ll listen to what you have to say. But if all you can do is scream about drag queens every time we give you an opportunity to say anything to us, then why the hell would we bother anymore?

        It’s up to you, now. It’s up to you to take the steps necessary to prove Republicans aren’t all deranged morons, because I gotta be honest, that’s the base assumption amongst “the libs” these days.

        • SokathHisEyesOpen
          161 year ago

          I’m not a Republican. What I’m saying is that you’re not listening when they tell you they’re not interested in policy, infrastructure, foreign policies, taxes, or whatever. They’re fully committed to a theocratic dictatorship at this point and ignoring that is dangerous as hell. They’ve told us that they’re not interested in playing fair, the law, the constitution, or our positions. So why does the democratic party continue dealing with them as if they are. When someone tells you they’re going to burn your house down, believe them!

          • @kescusay
            141 year ago

            Ah, totally misunderstood your comment. We’re in complete agreement.

      • Puppy
        161 year ago

        Wait, why should the libs cares what the cult is saying?

        All I hear is “woke woke woke woke woke woke” but no actual plan for the country

        And somehow they think that will bring in votes?

        • SokathHisEyesOpen
          141 year ago

          They’ve been saying that they’re going to dismantle democracy for years. They’ve been saying that they won’t play by the rules. They’ve been saying that they’re okay with violence as a method to victory. But the democrats continue playing by an old rule book, acting as if the republicans will suddenly be reasonable and ethical, even though they haven’t been the previous 987 times, and have said they have no interest in being such.

      • @YoBuckStopsHere
        1 year ago

        Moderates, Liberals, and Progressives have grown tired of the MAGA Right messages and largely ignore it. They won’t care unless it affects them. We are talking about 60-65% of the nation.

        They won’t care until September 2024.

      • Meldroc
        61 year ago

        Oh we’ve heard, we just don’t believe those lying, bigoted, traitorous pieces of shit.

      • @Rusticus
        41 year ago

        I’ve been listening to Liz Chaney and Mitt Romney. I doubt you have.

          • @Rusticus
            81 year ago

            A lot of what they are saying I already know to be true based upon the facts. For example, Jan 6 was an attempt to subvert democracy and disqualify my fucking vote because the majority of the Republican Party thinks their personal opinion is more important than the vote of the majority of Americans. The entire fucking party is complicit and are anti American terrorists.

            • @SCB
              11 year ago

              And now they’re being imprisoned for it, which is sort of the opposite of not taking something seriously

  • @eran_morad
    351 year ago

    Well, yeah, republicans are traitors.

  • @MicroWaveOP
    301 year ago

    But not all GOP voters who spoke with ABC News feel this way.

    Hall Haselton, a Tennessee voter born and raised in Nashville, said that although he “respects” Trump’s view that the indictments constitute a “witch hunt,” he believes the legal system should ultimately be allowed to run its course and that he does not support the former president being elected to a second term.

    “We know that he’s a liar. We know he wants all the credit for everything that went right,” he said. “He wants no blame for everything that went wrong.”

  • Meldroc
    291 year ago

    Anyone who still supports Trump after all he did is a complete piece of shit of a human being.

  • @flossdaily
    241 year ago

    Why would Republicans be deterred by the new indictments when their entire media and social media experience is just a reinforcement of their anti-reality world view?

    They are a cult. Really and truly a cult. Trump is playing hard into being a Christ figure for them, LITERALLY telling them that he is being indicted FOR THEM.

    And not a single one of their presidential candidates has the balls to speak the truth of this situation.

    I honestly don’t know how this ends. This divide will not end with this election cycle.

  • @DaddleDew
    211 year ago

    Trump turned the party into a cult with himself at the center. He convinced them through constant disinformation and gaslighting that America is doomed unless he is re-elected as the “savior” and that any legal action taken against him is part of a conspiracy to stop him from “saving America”. His supporters are thoroughly brainwashed and will completely disregard the plethora of evidence of the contrary.

  • @infyrin
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

    • @GiddyGap
      131 year ago

      “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK?” Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. “It’s, like, incredible.”

  • TwoGems
    161 year ago

    Yes, many Trump voters remain shitty people. More news at 11.

    • dtc
      31 year ago

      Always have been 🌎👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀