• @[email protected]
    4610 months ago

    Lots of suspicious comments in this thread. Seems like political astro-turfing has already arrived on Lemmy

    • @[email protected]
      1910 months ago

      Unfortunately they’re probably real people. Most of Lemmy was full of tankies before the reddit migration so any post involving China or Russia brings them out in force.

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        Possibly, I didn’t look where they’re all from, nor do I know what hexbear is or why it’s significant. Sounds like some kind of intra-Lemmy drama which I’m not too interested in. Just noticed a fair amount, lets say…not totally organic, seemingly agenda pushing comments.

        Edit: Forget my previous comment. I now see the problem with Hexbear.

    • @[email protected]
      1210 months ago

      I know right! How come there are so, so many people defending China here? I thought they were the minority. Ugh. When I was back on Reddit comments like those would always be downvoted to hell.

      • Cethin
        610 months ago

        The issue is there are a much higher percentage here because brigading wasn’t allowed on reddit so they’d be banned for this type of activity. They come here and can do what they want, which is fine as long as it doesn’t hurt other people doing what they want, which in this case is arguably happening because it clutters the comments with the same thing repeated over and over, and they are organized so it’s all up voted. This doesn’t make them the majority opinion though. It makes them the organized opinion. They are not the majority by any means, but they will make sure to come to China’s defence whenever it’s mentioned, where others won’t bother.

        • @[email protected]
          10 months ago

          Yeah! It’s kind of sketchy how most hexbear.net comments here have >10 upvotes

          edit: it’s also sketchy that over 95% of comments on this post are from hexbear.net, while on the average Lemmy post (not on lemmy.world) there would only be less than 20%

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      Yea, it feels like 4chan suddenly saw the light and then turned far-left all at once. They act like what the far right imagines the left to be like, but just looks like really bad anti-leftist propaganda, or they’re just tankies :/ some hexbears are ok, though, but most here are just discrediting themselves by throwing the propaganda handbook at the passersby.

      • @[email protected]
        510 months ago

        Yea, it feels like 4chan suddenly saw the light and then turned far-left all at once

        Exactly this. They’re running around spewing barely-sensical insults acting like they’re dunking on people, but all their really doing is turning off anyone who was ever possibly sympathetic to their cause. And are completely un-informed on top of that

    • @MiddleWeigh
      -510 months ago

      China is the high-water mark of human governance!!

  • AutoTL;DRB
    2510 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Taiwan, which China claims as its territory, has repeatedly complained of Chinese military activity near it over the past three years, as Beijing steps up pressure to try to force the island to accept its sovereignty.

    Taiwan’s defence ministry said that starting at around 9 a.m. (0100 GMT), it detected a total of 25 Chinese aircraft engaging in operations out at sea, including J-10 and J-16 fighters, as well as H-6 bombers.

    The ADIZ is a broad area Taiwan monitors and patrols to give its forces more time to respond to threats, and Chinese aircraft have not entered territorial Taiwanese air space.

    China staged war games around Taiwan in April after President Tsai Ing-wen returned home from a visit to the United States where she met U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

    Taiwan Vice President William Lai leaves for the United States this week on his way to Paraguay on what is officially only a transit but which has angered China.

    Taiwan’s democratically elected government rejects China’s sovereignty claim and says only the island’s people can decide their future.

    I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • ArxCyberwolf
    10 months ago

    Surprise surprise, Hexbear users came to brigade other instances exactly the way they said they would. Bad actors through and through.

  • @[email protected]
    1110 months ago

    Goddammit, I do NOT want us to be propping up a war in Ukraine and fighting an actual war with China.

    • @[email protected]
      310 months ago

      I wonder if we’d drop Ukraine if WWIII was starting. On the one hand, it’s WWIII, on the other hand maybe Russia is still a likely enemy?

    • @TheRealTurducken
      010 months ago

      Nobody wants to have to defend free and sovereign nations such as Ukraine and Taiwan from agressive expansionist foreign powers like China and Russia. But here we are.

  • @[email protected]
    310 months ago

    Holy shit this thread is a good example of why Lemmy is quite far from mainstream still. The army form one instance is strong here, quite fascinating and amusing to read.

  • theodewere
    10 months ago

    oh yeah, lots of internal economic pressure on the CCP as their property market comes CRASHING down… Emperor Xi the Eternal needs a big distraction quick… and he needs to be a bully, so that people think he’s strong… and bullying Taiwan is so easy for him…

    what a big, brave, clever Winnie the Pooh

            • @[email protected]
              1210 months ago

              Fox News and Russian/CCP media use the same double talk, enemy at the gates, boogie man bad speak. Supporting Russian aggression in Ukraine or Chinese aggression in Taiwan is the as supporting American agression in the middle east. It all has the same stink.

                • @[email protected]
                  310 months ago

                  Lol, I went to high school in the years after 911 and had trash thrown at me and had to have a meeting with the principal when I stopped saluting the flag. I felt like everyone lost their minds and were replaced by pod people. If you’re going to make personal attacks, take a bit of time to check the comment history of who you’re insulating. I’ve never once simped for America.

            • @DTFpanda
              410 months ago

              This is a bot ass reply if I’ve ever seen one

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      So let me get this straight, a group of people overwhelmingly wish to separate, and the government tries to prevent them from doing that, and you don’t think that’s imperialism? I bet you don’t feel the same about separatism in Catalonia, Donbas, Kurdistan, or the Zapatistas. Classic tankie logic: imperialism good when done by purported “communists.”

    • @Badass_panda
      210 months ago

      It can’t, so this must not be part of the PRC’s territory! :)

        • @Badass_panda
          10 months ago

          How are those things related? There’s a wide spectrum between “right wing wacko” and “tankie nutjob”.

            • @Badass_panda
              410 months ago

              The existence… of the nation … of Taiwan … is a ridiculous conservative conspiracy theory?

              My man, I’ve been there. It existed! Go figure

                • @AngryCommieKender
                  210 months ago

                  Western Tawan has no claim over the Island of Taiwan.


                • @Badass_panda
                  210 months ago

                  Gosh, really? Did they just move out there? How did they get there? Are there many of them? Eye opening stuff!

        • Ataraxia
          010 months ago

          Ah so you’re one of those qanon guys. Jfc…

  • @TokenBoomer
    -14410 months ago

    Weird. There’s a lot of anti China stories circulating this week. Like maybe they are trying to influence public opinion.

    • @NOT_RICK
      8110 months ago

      China does thing

      News reports on thing China does


    • @DakkaDok
      5310 months ago

      haha yeah or maybe China is an imperialist military dictatorship.

    • @glimse
      3010 months ago

      Don’t do shitty things and there won’t be coverage lmao

      • @[email protected]
        -1310 months ago

        Shitty things like… Flying within China’s ADIZ that happens to overlap with Taiwan’s ADIZ because Taiwan refuses to use the median line as their ADIZ boundary like China does?

    • AnonTwo
      2510 months ago

      I find it more weird you brought that up honestly. News is News, post something else if you want more variety, nobody is stopping you.

      • @TokenBoomer
        -2310 months ago

        Just so you know, when you insult someone like that without explanation. You push them away from your position. I will now make it my mission to learn everything I can about tankies to prove you wrong. 😃

            • @Astroturfed
              2110 months ago

              You’re defending a dictatorship that pretends to be communist. China is closer to fascism than most of the world. Which you’d understand, if you weren’t a fucking tankie.

              • @TokenBoomer
                -1910 months ago

                I’m not defending China, or Russia, or America. I’m just looking at media with a clear perspective. Which you would understand, if you had a skeptical mind.

                • @Astroturfed
                  1210 months ago

                  I’m skeptical of you having more than like 4 working braincells.

    • @duckington
      1210 months ago

      What do you think the truth is, bro?

      • @TokenBoomer
        -2610 months ago

        Capitalism and the neoliberalism that supports the aristocratic hierarchy funneling wealth from developing nations is destroying the world. But go ahead, focus on China while the housing crisis and inflation fuels fascism inside western countries destroying them from the inside.

        • @duckington
          3210 months ago

          it’s okay to admit both are true lmao. we can have developing fascism in america AND china can be a dictatorship. They’re not mutually exclusive

          • NormalC
            -1310 months ago

            Developing fascism is the understatement of the century lmao the US has slavery enshrined into the 13th amendment. Henry kissenger is literally still alive.

            When white people do it, it’s “difficult history but ‘workable’” but when China superficially resembles it (taking Chinese history at face value), it’s “unforgivable capitalist dictatorship imperialist empire big brother”

            • @duckington
              1010 months ago

              So China is not a dictatorship? I’m confused on what you’re arguing

              • NormalC
                10 months ago

                There’s more to China’s political system than “just a dictatorship” but I won’t disagree with you that it’s not a dictatorship if you see one party rule as emblematic of one.

                What I am arguing is that even well intentioned comments like the one I was responding too still misrepresents history and is to the benefit of the American political establishment (that being Washington and its business oligarchs). The person I was responding too wasn’t blatantly wrong, but the diction at use here is deserving of criticism. “Developing fascism” is an easy way to conflate both the Western European fascist culture and aesthetics and the historically unique proto-fascist (before fascism was defined academically) culture of the USA.

                Neoliberal bootlickers like Johnny (“sell-out to the WEF”) Harris exploit this heavily to great effect on large for-profit social media sites: trading historical nuance for sensationalism. This isn’t a moot point it’s whats happening now.

                • @duckington
                  010 months ago

                  Fair enough. I can see how the phrase “developing fascism” might mask the severity of the existing and growing problems within the U.S. To be honest, I wasn’t really aware of such differences, and think that myself and a lot of other people could learn a lot from that message. I’d be happy to discuss what we both think of as Fascism to make sure we’re talking about the same thing.

                  But also, that wasn’t really my main point. I’m not trying to minimize the faults of the US or demonize the Chinese political system. I of course know that there are a lot of forces contributing to the state that it’s in, and that there are a lot of factors that keep it that way. And I’m not even especially criticizing the idea of one-party rule.

                  But the fact is that there are many, varied human rights and freedoms being suppressed in today’s China, and those problems have been perpetuated or worsened under the control and direction of a single dynasty of leaders. I’ve read and watched a lot of accounts of political events in 2021/2022 from people who live inside and outside of China, and I’m forming my opinions on those. Stuff like the inhumane conditions during lockdowns, constant nucleic acid testing, corruption and negligence leading to huge wastes in the housing markets, etc. And I know that a lot of these phenomena were spun up due to how quickly China industrialized as a nation. But too many of them were brought about under the direct orders of Xi.

                  So when people see criticisms of China being challenged, whether or not they disagree with the idea of a dictatorship, they see it as a denial that those injustices are happening. I think more productive than arguing with someone who you perceive to be misunderstanding something, would be to ask them questions, see where their misunderstanding lies, and to offer information or sources that could educate them or help them educate themselves. When you go into the interaction assuming that someone is trying to paint with a broad brush and accuse them as such, then you’re going to get a lot of people to shut down, and then they’ll never receive your message.

            • @Coreidan
              910 months ago

              In other words what you’re saying is that because other countries do fucked up shit that means it should be perfectly acceptable when china does it.

              Seems awfully strange to try and normalize shitty behavior.

    • @[email protected]
      710 months ago

      China discovered that Lemmy exists and sent their bots here, it’s so obvious! No thinking person would ever doubt Western media!!!111

      (Not saying that one empire is better than the other, yadda yadda)

      • @TokenBoomer
        -710 months ago

        Yep, I’m a bot. Don’t think for myself at all. Just an NPC. How ‘bout we stop empiring?

      • @TokenBoomer
        -710 months ago

        Sure, everyone that doesn’t agree with state department propaganda is a tankie. Why isn’t Sudan covered? Or Yemen? Or Ethiopia? Or Niger?

    • @[email protected]
      510 months ago

      There’s been both “China Best” and China being shady posts. We’ll never know for sure in this age of fake information. Might be that they’re trying to follow the Russia model.

      • @TokenBoomer
        -2010 months ago

        Haha. You don’t even know what that means. Please, let’s discuss dialectic materialism for the masses. Revel in your ignorance.

    • Nioxic
      10 months ago

      Or maybe its because china is china… lol

      Theres also more heat wave/clinate related news in the summer than in the spring