• Whiskey Pickle
    11 months ago

    lmao, no it doesn’t. the US didn’t go to Afghanistan to eradicate opium. the US didn’t give a shit about it at all, lmao.

    do tankie so kindly hate the US that they’ll give the Taliban a bj just to try to make the US look bad? wow…

    • Fazoo
      6911 months ago

      We also didn’t threaten to kill the farmers for growing it. No shit the Taliban was successful. Comply or die. They’re the ones who were profiting from it anyway. Now that they’re in charge again, religion trumps financial needs.

    • @[email protected]OP
      811 months ago

      The Afghanistan Papers: A Secret History of the War is a summary of the Washington Post’s reporting on Afghanistan, specifically on the US government’s own internal assessments from all levels of the military and political administration. In it, you’ll find this quote:

      Of all the failures in Afghanistan, the war on opium ranked among the most feckless. During two decades, the United States spent more than $9 billion on a dizzying array of programs to deter Afghanistan from supplying the world with heroin. None of the measures worked. In many cases, they made things worse.

      The US doesn’t need “tankies” or anyone else to make themselves look bad as far as the Afghan drug trade goes.

      • Whiskey Pickle
        -1311 months ago

        lmao, so? we get it. you hate the US. what’s your point? just to come here and whine about it?

        • @[email protected]
          211 months ago

          person replies back with factual evidence contradicting your personal beliefs in a foreign war, “lmao, so?”

          Where is here? The World News community? The only one I see whining is the pickle. Is this a small step away from saying people should go back from where they came from and leave this social space you’ve claimed as your own? IDK wtf you’re thinking coming into someone else’s post, refuting verified evidence, then proclaiming hate because its context makes the US look subpar. What’s your point, you love the US, why come on here and have to ignorantly shout it?

          • Whiskey Pickle
            311 months ago

            person replies back with factual evidence contradicting your personal beliefs in a foreign war, “lmao, so?”

            you mean an Association Fallacy that fails to prove their claims? US Maries also peed while they were there. That doesn’t prove it’s why they were there.

            • @[email protected]
              011 months ago


              the US didn’t give a shit about it at all


              the United States spent more than $9 billion on a dizzying array of programs to deter Afghanistan from supplying the world with heroin


              lmao, so?

              That doesn’t prove it’s why they were there.

              Now the goal post has been moved to WhY?!? were we there? Throw up some more pretty images to explain the situation please.

              • Whiskey Pickle
                11 months ago

                Now the goal post has been moved to WhY

                wow, that’s quite the pretzel you’d twisted yourself into trying score some imaginary “point”.

                The “goal post” was always the “why” and it was never to eradicate opium. Every source, every article linked here bears that out. all that’s ben proven here is:

                the US didn’t give a shit about it at all

                ya got me there. they did care. still doesn’t prove that it’s why the US was there, and, in fact, several of the linked sources directly state to the contrary against claims that it was.

                try not to hurt yourself with more of those mental gymnastics. it’s hilarious to watch

                edit: ya know, you probably wouldn’t be so outraged and angry all the time if you didn’t constant make stuff up to be outraged and angry about.

          • Whiskey Pickle
            111 months ago

            They were directly responding to your words, to disprove them.

            except they didn’t disprove them. US Marines also peed a lot while they were there, but it’s not why they are there. it proves nothing.

            Do you really not see the connection between the comments?

            correlation ≠ causation

            • sobuddywhoneedsyou
              -311 months ago

              You selectively picked an activity that American soldiers would do everywhere (peeing) over something they did only in Afghanistan (guarding opium fields) only because it would support your argument.

              That my dear good m’sir is a classic case of cherry picking.

              • Whiskey Pickle
                11 months ago

                You selectively picked an activity that American soldiers would do everywhere (peeing) over something they did only in Afghanistan (guarding opium fields) only because it would support your argument.

                nope, just an example. you’re not very good at this

              • Whiskey Pickle
                511 months ago

                You’ve moved the goalposts, but no matter.

                “I know you are but what am I?” is not a convincing argument. most people learn this when they’re 5. (borrowed form another comment)

                Operation Enduring Freedom was sold as a war on terrorism

                see, you even admit that it wasn’t about opium.

                the US repeatedly cited opium as a target of the war because they claimed it funded the Taliban.

                you’re welcome to cite sources to back up your claims. and I’ll be happy to point out how the timeline doesn’t support your assertions that the war was about opium, it just happened to be something the US did while we were there.

                Or did you think it was retaliation for 9/11 or something?

                what I think is irrelevant. that facts are what matter.

                I have American friends who died defending those poppy fields. I remember it all very well.

                irrelevant. present facts. not anecdotes or your feelings.

                Also do feel free to explain how this is any way relevant to the conversation:

                correlation ≠ causation

                I have, repeatedly. your inability/refusal to understand is not my problem.

  • @LostMyRedditLogin
    8711 months ago

    Editorially, MintPress News supports Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, and the governments of Russia, Iran, and Syria. It opposes the governments of Israel and Saudi Arabia, and reports geopolitical events from an anti-Western perspective. In one contentious article, MintPress News falsely asserted that the Ghouta chemical attack in Syria was perpetrated by rebel groups rather than by the Syrian government.

    Wikipedia article on mintpressnews

  • pjhenry1216
    6511 months ago

    This is one of the dumbest articles I ever read. The entire government changed. Taliban can be dictators. The US couldn’t. On top of this, they essentially had two years to switch to wheat before this occurred. Something that was less economically feasible over two years ago due to an unfortunate food shortage in the area now.

    Asking why someone couldn’t get something done as quickly as a dictator is something a naive child asks.

  • @[email protected]
    5611 months ago

    I mean… Sure there are major improvements that can be had in the US, but punishment and consequences as defined in Sharia law isn’t exactly something that the US can simply adopt.

    • @[email protected]
      -511 months ago

      May I suggest you read the article before commenting

      Armed with little more than sticks, teams of counter-narcotics brigades travel the country, cutting down Afghanistan’s poppy fields.

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        And may I suggest you do some research before replying?


        Balancing an AK-47 assault rifle slung around his left shoulder and a large stick in his right hand, Abdul hits the heads of poppies as hard as he can. The stalks fly in the air, as does the sap from the poppy bulb, releasing the distinctive, pungent smell of opium in its most raw form.

        In April 2022, Taliban supreme leader Haibatullah Akhundzada decreed that cultivation of the poppy - from which opium, the key ingredient for the drug heroin can be extracted - was strictly prohibited. Anyone violating the ban would have their field destroyed and be penalised according to Sharia law.

        The sticks are used to destroy the fields, not beat people 🤦

        And punishment under Sharia law is much more severe than getting beat by a stick, which isn’t something that obviously will never fly in the US.

        • @[email protected]
          -611 months ago

          The sticks are used to destroy the fields, not beat people

          That was my point exactly.

          But invoking the spectre of “Sharia law” is just as vague as referring to “US law”.

          • BrooklynMan
            1211 months ago

            But invoking the spectre of “Sharia law” is just as vague as referring to “US law”.

            right, because Sharia Law and US Law are exactly the same thing…

      • pjhenry1216
        1611 months ago

        Something the US couldn’t do under the previous government. Plus many switched to wheat beforehand anyway due to food shortages. The US didn’t rule Afghanistan and had to work within Afghanistan’s government. That government is gone. The Taliban can act like a dictator. Sure, armed with little more than sticks, but farmers had a two year lag beforehand to switch to wheat. This ban wasn’t just announced it’s old. It was just never enforced til now. I mean, it’s ridiculous to compare the two situations. If the US did the same, at the time they were there, there would have been total economic collapse plus basically commiting war crimes.

        • @[email protected]
          -411 months ago

          iirc there was barely any opium production in Afghanistan pre-2001 under Taliban rule. It was in the following 20 years that the industry boomed and a lot of those government officials you refer to and their relatives got extremely rich from that, including President Karzai’s own little brother. The US put those people in power and propped them up for over 2 decades. It’s pretty clear the US decision-makers tried to eradicate poppy just as little as they tried to create peace in the region (not at all).

    • Trudge [Comrade]
      11 months ago

      Three million dead in the Afghanistan war alone wasn’t brutal enough for you?/ / The systematic, institutional rape and torture of men, women, and children in Abu Ghraib was more brutal than anything defined in Sharia law but we still pretend that the occupation was clean.

      • Smoogy
        11 months ago

        Both can be wrong, Sounds like you’re just here to derail into having a different conversation you want to have entirely separate to the topic rather than addressing the actual topic.

        • Trudge [Comrade]
          11 months ago

          I’m staying on topic.

          I am demonstrating how the American occupational forces handed out harsher punishments and consequences than the Taliban did, yet couldn’t curb opium production. Ergo, the Americans were never interested in curbing opium production.

          • bluGill
            1611 months ago

            The Americans didn’t intend to kill all those people. They intended to kill soldiers, and lots of other people who they deemed evil, but growing drugs was never deemed evil enough to be worth killing someone over. The Taliban intended to kill those growing drugs, along with a lot of other people doing things they deem to be evil I’ll leave moral judgements to you.

            • Montagge
              -511 months ago

              No one I served with gave two shits who they were killing or why

              • Whiskey Pickle
                11 months ago

                you consider a source of homicidal psychopaths a reliable source of information?

          • Julian
            1111 months ago

            I mean my takeaway would be that the us shouldn’t slaughter and torture people, not that they should have slaughtered and tortored more people to curb opium production.

      • pjhenry1216
        1011 months ago

        Are you suggesting since the US did that, they should institute unconstitutional laws in the US as well? Your argument is seriously that they did some bad things so let’s do worse?

      • adroit balloon
        911 months ago

        the US didn’t go to Afghanistan to combat the opium trade. thanks for the false equivalence, though.

        • @[email protected]
          -611 months ago

          So all those DEA guys, FDA folks teaching wheat farming, millions of pounds of drugs burned, raids we conducted to “combat opium traffickers”, and all the reports we were fed about how we are responsible for eradicating Afghan opium all means what, exactly? What were we (and Myself, personally) doing there, again?

          • adroit balloon
            11 months ago

            So all those DEA guys, FDA folks teaching wheat farming,

            hilarious. you should do stand-up.

            so, you’re claiming, without evidence I might add, that people from the DEA and hehehe… the FDA were teaching wheat farming to the Afghani people? The DEA and FDA. And you expect anyone to take you seriously? lmao

            and all the reports we were fed about how we are responsible for eradicating Afghan opium

            what reports? let’s see these alleged “reports”

            What were we (and Myself, personally) doing there, again?

            I have no idea what you were doing there, and if you think this is what was happening, I seriously doubt you were ever there at all.

              • adroit balloon
                611 months ago

                aww, look at you, with your tantrums and your insults because you have no facts to back up your claims.

                and look! you even have a link that contains exactly nothing that backs up your claims. funny how you insult my reading comprehension, but if yours wasn’t so terrible, you’d see that for yourself. it’s cute how angry you are.

                sleep well.

      • @[email protected]
        911 months ago

        Unscholy_source is referring to domestically. US can’t adopt wholesale murder of drug-users because it doesn’t benefit the dealer to kill their clientele. Plus, it’s super-cool to kill and torture people from the middle-east because we don’t like the way they pray to their invisible friend.

  • @[email protected]
    5511 months ago

    from MediaBiasFactCheck.com

    Mint Press News – Bias and Credibility



    A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

    • Overall, we rate Mint Press Far-Left Biased and Questionable based on the publication of conspiracy theories, pseudoscience anti-Israel propaganda, poor sourcing, failed fact checks, and false claims.

    Detailed Report

    • Reasoning: Propaganda, Conspiracies, Pseudoscience, Poor Sources, Failed Fact Checks
    • Bias Rating: FAR LEFT
    • Factual Reporting: LOW
    • Country: USA
    • Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
    • Media Type: Website
    • Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
    • MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY


    Mint Press News is an independent Minnesota-based news website launched in 2012 by Mnar Muhawesh. It covers political, economic, foreign affairs, and environmental issues. According to their about page, “We focus our coverage on issues relating to the effects of special interest groups, big business and lobbying efforts and how they shape policies at home and abroad, including American foreign policy. Through the lens of social justice and human rights, we report on how these dynamics drive our foreign affairs and impact the world, and examine the effects they have on our democracy and freedoms as defined by the constitution.”

    Analysis / Bias

    Mint Press presents news with a strong left-leaning bias in story selection. Headlines and articles use moderately loaded language like this: NFL Freezes Policy Barring Players From Kneeling During Anthem. This particular story is republished from the conspiracy website ZeroHedge. Typically, Mint Press sources their information, but sometimes it is from Mixed factual or conspiracy websites. In general, story selection moderately favors the left, such as this Trump Administration Opens Door for Corporate Attack on Vulnerable Wildlife.

    Read more at MediaBiasFactCheck.com

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        ya know, I’ve looked into it. one of the biggest problems with bots is that they have to be hosted from somewhere. that’s my first hiccup.

        I’d LOVE to make this a bot, but I don’t know where I’d host it from.

  • @[email protected]
    4311 months ago

    No, it doesn’t raise questions. We knew back in 2003 that there was never a long-term plan. The point was to kill a guy, and then to do some military spending. A major success, on those lines.

    The Taliban are terrible, though.

    • @[email protected]
      1411 months ago

      Those Sackler and Purdue shareholders weren’t going to create profits themselves, government subsidized opium helped them fuel the opium epidemic for those record corporate profits.

      • adroit balloon
        11 months ago

        explain to me how, exactly, you believe the tackler family profited from afghani opium. I’m curious about your thought process.

    • @qwertyqwertyqwerty
      011 months ago

      Upon first arrival in the middle east, US troops protected oil & poppy fields first.

      My friend went there several years after the start of the conflict and he said that the troops watched over the fields and poppy farmers. He said it was a surreal thing to see, and he completely changed his view of the US government. Then when he was done with his service he went full-blown GQP. I don’t understand the Qanon bs, but his distrust of the government comes from a very real and tangible place.

  • Madbrad200
    11 months ago

    I think it comes down to the US being tolerant because winning hearts and minds was more important than destroying Opium. The Taliban has no such qualms.

  • Horsey
    2511 months ago

    This one is pretty simple to me: the Americans weren’t putting guns to peoples head and murdering people for drug trafficking on the spot. When the Taliban shows up at your house with guns, and just slaughters your whole family, because they think that you have opium that’s a much stronger deterrent than whatever the Americans were doing.

  • @[email protected]
    2411 months ago

    80% of worlds’s opioids consumption is in USA which has 4,5% of worlds population.

    That’s what they are doing, waging Third Opium War on their own people.

  • @[email protected]
    2011 months ago

    I had a bunch of friends who went to Afghanistan/Iraq and they were protecting poppy and marijuana fields

    • @[email protected]
      -511 months ago

      I’m not sure if you noticed but when you’re scrolling down your feed list, just below the link itself is a little bit of text that shows the source. Just read it … takes a fraction of a second… and if it’s from somewhere you don’t like then don’t open it. Just move on.

      Moderators … please pay no attention to posters like this, you’re doing a fine job and we thank you. Keep the news coming from various sources abd let us decide for ourselves if we want to read it. Like adults.

  • Aesthesiaphilia
    1111 months ago

    MintPress News (MPN) is an American far-left[1] news website founded and edited by Mnar Adley (née Muhawesh) which was launched in January 2012[2] and also publishes the MintCast podcast. It covers political, economic, foreign affairs and environmental issues. Editorially, MintPress News supports Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, and the governments of Russia, Iran, and Syria.[3][4] It opposes the governments of Israel and Saudi Arabia,[5] and reports geopolitical events from an anti-Western perspective.[6] In one contentious article, MintPress News falsely asserted that the Ghouta chemical attack in Syria was perpetrated by rebel groups rather than by the Syrian government.[4]

    Tankie propaganda. Ignore.

  • AnonTwo
    811 months ago

    Was opium a goal? I don’t remember ever hearing anyone talk about it in the US.

    • VanillaGorilla
      111 months ago

      I’m sure it was a goal. There’s so much money to make with … oh wait. You meant stopping it? Yeah sorry, nevermind …