• MushuChupacabra
        211 year ago

        I strongly disagree with the mental illness tag; I reject any attempt to shift culpability away from their purposeful shitty decisions.

        The lack of critical thinking is bang on though.

      • @TheJims
        121 year ago

        They’re just assholes it’s not complicated

    • finthechat
      1 year ago

      If Trump shat his pants at his next public appearance, his followers would eat that shit up just like they eat up all the shit that comes out of his mouth.

      • @HWK_290
        51 year ago

        Remember when she had to apologize? God, she was right about so many things

      • @TheJims
        21 year ago

        Deplorable is too kind

      • finthechat
        1 year ago

        Keep posting anyway. Trump won in 2016 because Democrats got complacent. It cannot happen again.

        • @TokenBoomerOP
          51 year ago

          Yeah, I just get tired of hating on Trump/Repubs. Maybe I’ll focus more on state and local stuff.

  • @Kinglink
    1 year ago

    Can we stop finding the stupidest people and shoving a microphone in front of them giving them a platform?

    Are there people who think Trump can do no wrong? Absolutely. Did other people vote for Kanye in 2020, or Anthony Fauci? Yeah. Should any of these people be given a platform absolutely not.

    And if you think they do deserve it, do you decry if a child molester is used as an example of the LGBTQ community, or someone who calls for forced Veganism/communism is used to represent the Democratic party? Unless you think this is ok for both parties then it’s not really ok for either (And even if you think it’s ok, it’s wrong because it builds a false narrative).

    I feel like platforms use this shit for clickbait more than everything but also to kind of brainwash people because this implies there’s a large group of these people with only two people even referred too. I mean honestly there should be a higher standard for something to “Be a story” than how many clicks it’ll get, but alas not in 2023.

    • Flying Squid
      221 year ago

      You make it sound like they searched high and low for these people. They didn’t. They didn’t have to.

    • @[email protected]
      141 year ago

      I don’t think this is as fringe as you’re making it out to be. Even after several criminal indictments, Trumps support for 2024 has only grown

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          so roughly half of all Americans?

          Again, this isn’t some fringe thing, these are choices being made by roughly half the voting population in the US. Sure - a lot won’t use as much idolizing language as the folks in the OP, but they’re still planning to vote for Trump, despite everything that’s been uncovered so far, and everything more that gets uncovered every day.

          • @EmpathicVagrant
            21 year ago

            Roughly half of voting* Americans. The population is hardly over a third Republican.

            • @[email protected]
              11 year ago

              We don’t know what non Americans think (by definition), but you can’t just immediately count them as “not republican”.

              Anecdotally, my parents are republican, think Trump is better than Biden, and that the charges against him are all fake - they also can’t be bothered to vote, and told me the other week that they haven’t voted in years, because they live in CA. and don’t think their red vote will count for anything in such a blue state.

              I obviously didn’t try very hard to dissuade them from continuing that habit, but my point is that there are absolutely people who support Trump despite his criminal charges who dont vote or respond to polls

          • Cethin
            11 year ago

            It’s roughly half of Republicans who responded to the polls right now, so roughly a quarter of Americans max.

            Still, it’s worrying. I don’t know how many Republicans would vote for Trump if he wins the primary. I thinks it’s about half of them for that too, so he’s unlikely to win the general, but who knows at this point?

    • TimeSquirrel
      1 year ago

      Murica man. Wherever there’s a pickup that can’t roll coal, an LGBT child that’s living a happy life, or a school that’s gone too long without a shooting, he’ll be there to set things right. To summon him, just start blasting Kid Rock on any available music system.

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      It’s awful how these people are trying to monopolize the Stars and Stripes for their idiotic crusade. Time to take the American flag back.

      • @TheJims
        11 year ago

        Kenny Rogers special needs cousin

        • @TokenBoomerOP
          11 year ago

          Is it ableist to make fun of conservatives?

    • @joe
      1 year ago

      I’m not going to lie, I fully expected this to be a fake quote, but it mostly isn’t.

      The real version doesn’t mention fool or narcissist.

  • @TropicalDingdong
    121 year ago

    Hear me out. Trump is unelectable. He can get through a primary. He can’t get through a general. He precludes any other candidate and more importantly, he precludes any other kind of candidate. Desantis had a chance, because he did an OK job of replicating ‘Trumpism’. But you can’t grow beyond a core base of pyschopaths with that kind of candidate. That base isn’t growing. Its a fixed quantity. Having Trump around means you both a) cant run an alternative candidate because you cant capture the core to get through a primary, and b) can’t expand beyond the core because of the nature of the candidate.

    The Republican party is basically fucked because of this. Because until Trump goes away, they can’t move on. And you’ll never win a national election with him again.

    • iAmTheTot
      211 year ago

      Hear me out. Trump is unelectable. He can get through a primary. He can’t get through a general.

      Can we not fucking underestimate stupidity again, please? Were some of y’all not around in 2016? Your entire comment could have come wholesale from that time around. And then after everything, he barely lost 2020.

      This kind of conjecture is harmful. Calling him unelectable is harmful.

      Register to vote. Follow through.

      • @TropicalDingdong
        -91 year ago

        This kind of conjecture is harmful. Calling him unelectable is harmful.

        This is hyperbole. Its more important to get things right than to engage is histrionics. He’s not electable because he ran in an election and couldn’t get elected. That makes him objectively UN-electable.

        2016 falls completely on the back of the Democrats by forcing through a candidate who was also, objectively, un-electable. She had lost her previous bid at a national election to Barrack Obama.

        The definition of unelectible means that they can not win an election. Donald Trump meets this definition.

        • iAmTheTot
          91 year ago

          That makes no fucking sense. “both had unelectable candidates, so one won over the other” uhhhh not unelectable then. Donald Trump does not meet that definition because he won a fucking election.

          • @TropicalDingdong
            -51 year ago

            That makes no fucking sense. “both had unelectable candidates, so one won over the other” uhhhh not unelectable then. Donald Trump does not meet that definition because he won a fucking election.

            Bro, can you even follow a simple series of statements? Trump wasn’t unelectable in 2016. He was an unknown. He hadn’t lost an election. Hillary had. Try and keep up.

            He’s now lost an election. He is coming off a L into an election. That makes him less than electable, because he did not win his previous election; as in he a loser, a failure.

    • @charliespider
      181 year ago

      The Republican party is basically fucked because of this. Because until Trump goes away, they can’t move on. And you’ll never win a national election with him again.

      They’re perfectly ok with taking the whitehouse by force

      • @TokenBoomerOP
        171 year ago

        And now we get to the core. Fascism won’t go away by ignoring it. Police and military force will be required. Unfortunately, the government won’t do that because they are captured by corporations, and it would wreck the economy. So fascism will be allowed to fester until it takes over.

        • @TropicalDingdong
          31 year ago

          And now we get to the core. Fascism won’t go away by ignoring it. Police and military force will be required. Unfortunately, the government won’t do that because they are captured by corporations, and it would wreck the economy. So fascism will be allowed to fester until it takes over.

          They are also to an extent captured by fascists. Its important to identify them and call them out as such.

        • @[email protected]
          31 year ago

          Also the police are fascist too. We need to rework our entire system from the ground up which will take a long time. Or we can burn everything and start over.

          • @dancingsnail
            61 year ago

            Or we can burn everything and start over.

            Hear me out, what if instead of burning everything we only burned the fascists?

        • @fubo
          11 year ago

          It certainly doesn’t help to have fascist-collaborators telling people it’s inevitable.

      • @TropicalDingdong
        21 year ago

        Yeah but they can’t. They had a solid shot on J6, and came within about 90’s of doing so.

        They will not get that shot again. The next general isn’t even going to be close.

    • LemmyLefty
      81 year ago

      Unfortunately the Republican party has been basically fucked throughout my entire life, and it still manages to slouch towards Washington.

      • chaogomu
        51 year ago

        Increasing amounts of cheating at the local level. Mostly through gerrymandering and voter suppression. That’s the only reason they look like a viable party.

        That and their propaganda channels Fox, OAN, Newsmax…

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      Trump won in 2016 and came within a few thousand votes of doing so in 2020. His supporters now are even more fired up and enthusiastic.

      Most people who vote for Biden do so grudgingly. So this is an uphill battle for Democrats

      • @TropicalDingdong
        11 year ago

        Until the priorities of the the Democratic party become the priorities of their voters, every election will be an uphill battle for them. This is the contrast between the two parties. We may hate, and should, the priorities of segregation, hate, racism, and classissm represented by the Republican party, but to be clear, these are also the priorities and values of their voters. This alignment makes them formidable, no doubt.

        However, the Republicans has set themselves up for an easy layup in 2016, and frankly, screwed the pooch in 2020 with their COVID response (although it’s not clear to me they could have done otherwise with their base). Bidens got some strong Ws to run on and, frankly, has shocked many with his political competance.

        The elections for the next cycle will be close, but a clear Democratic victory. The margin will increase in the next cycle. After that, I expect a third conservative party to manifest, because conservative voters will be having a hard time voting for a party incapable of winning.

        I don’t expect white nationalism to go away. I think it’s an occified feature of the American body politic. Howerber, and because of this, it will make it difficult/ impossible for conservatives to compete effectively for the Presidency.

  • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
    121 year ago

    And when he dies half of them will insist he’s still alive and will fight a holy war against the other half who insist he’s ascended to heaven and will return one day.

    • @joe
      161 year ago

      I can’t speak for anyone else but I fully support their right to vote for him even after he dies.

      • @Kinglink
        1 year ago

        I’m kind of curious now when/why does the vice president become president.

        So originally I had a question was “Can a president in jail still be president?” and the answer is apparently yes, and a candidate has done it with a minor success (not much, but enough to be valid). Obviously the 25th amendment can be invoked at any time, but a president can serve while in jail.

        But what if a president dies or is dead. Apparently “What if before the electoral college” is taken care of. The delegates can vote for someone else. But let’s say they don’t want to?

        So obviously if he’s not sworn in there’s a huge problem, but let’s say he’s sworn in and dies a week after that. He’s president. The immediate thing people will say “Well Vice President takes over”. Now hold on, there’s specific steps that happen, The vice president has to take the oath of office.

        Seems like the answer is actually “Well the Vice President is the president with or with out the oath of office.” And that’s probably the truth of the matter, but I don’t know I’m now curious if someone legitimately want to keep the president in office for some reason, even for a day, could they? Do they have to immediately invoke the 25th amendment or is it automatic? (Again probably the later, but I’m just thinking about it)

      • @tallwookie
        11 year ago

        not much difference between that and dead people voting for candidates (happens every election season)

  • Dem Bosain
    81 year ago

    “I will support Joe Biden no matter what, until he dies.”

    See, that’s how you sound. You sound like that.

    • @TokenBoomerOP
      1 year ago

      You, my friend, desperately need to read some Carl Jung.

      Projection incorporates blame shifting and can manifest as shame dumping. Projection has been described as an early phase of introjection.

      • Dem Bosain
        21 year ago

        You think I’m projecting because some people in this country are willing to swear fealty to one man regardless of that man’s capability or worthiness? In their own words “no matter what”. Seems weird, being willing to take an oath of loyalty to anyone.

        Or perhaps you think there are some people willing to support Biden regardless of the situation. You might be right, but I’m going to call out anybody that says that, too.

        • @TokenBoomerOP
          11 year ago

          Oh. You were talking to Trump supporters. Sorry

  • @xc2215x
    71 year ago

    No surprise to anyone.

  • OhStopYellingAtMe
    61 year ago

    Well then let’s hope that “until” clause is sooner rather than later.

  • Gamingdexter
    51 year ago

    I feel like it is just an embarrassment to be a Republican now. When I was growing up, I saw, from the outside out least that it was focused on small Gov, great military and defense. Now it just seems like trying to cancel everything with reverts to some dump white people. Just embarrassing

    • @fubo
      11 year ago

      It was never really about small government. Government grew under Reagan, Bush I, Bush II, and Trump.