According to a statement from the Miami Seaquarium, she died due to a suspected renal condition

  • Nightwatch Admin
    741 year ago

    Poor animal. Sensitive and intelligent creatures, locked in isolation for this long would drive any human completely insane. WHY are humans such god awful miserable bastards?

    • @Burn_The_Right
      1 year ago

      I mean… It is Florida. Conservatives fucking hate animals. If they can profit from torturing an animal to death, they will. And they did.

  • @Barns
    651 year ago

    Fuck each and every person involved in this tragedy

  • @reddig33
    411 year ago

    Tragic. But at least these places are all finally closing down. Hopefully this never happens again.

      • DigitalTraveler42
        41 year ago

        Probably a bunch at the various Sea World parks, but there’s plenty of other aquariums globally.

    • @PetDinosaurs
      101 year ago

      Counter point:

      Humans are the most effective predators ever. If we don’t actively protect all “large” animals, we will just murder them all with our lifestyle. By accident.

      Now, how do we get people to care about all these wonderful creatures?

      My answer is that we make sure that all humans respect and expect to care for animals. That means that children need to see these animals.

      To me, that’s a zoo. Yes, that’s enslaving the animals, but seeing an elephant makes me much more likely to give two shits about keeping it alive.

      • @money_loo
        391 year ago

        The problem with this attitude is my kids already love elephants and hate zoos.

        My daughter cried the first time she saw an elephant at the zoo, and asked me why they were all in cages.

        She called it an animal prison and I kinda agree.

        The younger generation gets plenty of world information from the internet now, they don’t seem to need or like the idea of zoos like we did growing up, before you could just see any animal any time you wanted with a pocket computer.

        • Mossy Feathers (They/Them)
          211 year ago

          How big was the zoo?

          I grew up near a zoo that’s pretty big and tends to take really good care of the animals. Some exhibits, especially those in the newer Africa section, don’t even have any obvious fences because the cages were designed with natural walls. The result was that while they had some older exhibits that felt like jails, those were being phased out in favor of the more natural ones.

          When I got older I was surprised to find out that exhibits like that weren’t normal. It wasn’t normal for the tigers to have 2-3 acres of land, with visitors viewing the tigers from bridges. It wasn’t normal for the ostriches, elephants, zebras and giraffes to share a massive exhibit covering a quarter of the park.

          What was normal, was putting them in tiny boxes.

          What the fuck?

          However, it is because of my experiences growing up that I believe zoos can be ethically created and maintained. The issue is that they need a lot of space and funding to do so, which they rarely get.

          • @[email protected]
            81 year ago

            Wild tigers have a territory of ~20km² for females and over 60km² for males. How is giving them 2-3 acres of land not cruelty?

            You’re applying human standards to animals, to you having 2 acres on your own is impressive, to them it’s a prison.

            • @[email protected]
              51 year ago

              They need that much land in the wild because they’re apex predators, and that’s the amount of land necessary to support enough wildlife to feed them continuously. Not because anything less than that is confinement to them.

        • @IMongoose
          161 year ago

          Zoos do more than just hold animals. They are vital in the preservation and recovery of many animals.

        • @PetDinosaurs
          1 year ago

          Sure. But that’s your and your kid’s privileged experience. My child has the same privilege.

          The whole of humanity needs that same experience.

    • @Kbobabob
      -81 year ago

      Why do those sentient animals not deserve a chance but all others do?

      • @[email protected]
        121 year ago

        Because both these species literally domesticated themselves.

        Dogs are Wolves that chose to live with humans, and cats are… Cats.

        Orcas are significantly more intelligent than either cats or dogs.

        • @I_Fart_Glitter
          81 year ago

          My cat just decided to move into my house one day. That was that. She doesn’t like when I play videos on my ipad with the sound on. I don’t do it without headphones anymore. She doesn’t like when I cook spicy foods, I installed a kitchen door and a window fan to keep the smells out of the rest of the house. She doesn’t like when the blinds are all the way down and she can’t see outside. They are never less than 6 inches from the window sill. She doesn’t like it when I eat without sharing, I always have plain chicken to put on my plate to give to her. I’m pretty sure I am the one who has been domesticated.

      • brcl
        91 year ago

        Well, I actually think dogs and cats come out on top. So I think they are using their chance to the maximum. My cat’s almost got nicer shit than me.

      • @money_loo
        61 year ago

        There are three times as many puppies born each day as humans.

        I think they took their chance and are running with it already, and doing quite well.

      • ɠισƚԋҽϝʅσɯ
        1 year ago

        Arbitrary reasons. All the reasons people gave you are abritrary and I am sorry no one here told you the brutally honest truth. Cows are slaughtered by the millions in one country but are sacred and protected in another. It is all justifications humans come up with so we can live with our choices.

      • Narrrz
        31 year ago

        if my cat wanted to run away, there isn’t actually anything stopping him.

  • @[email protected]
    51 year ago

    …she shared her small enclosure with a male orca named Hugo for the first decade of her captivity. In 1980, Hugo died from a brain aneurysm after an extended period of banging his head against the tank’s spectator glass during fits of depression.

  • Flying Squid
    21 year ago

    We tortured her to death. A slow, lingering death in a tiny prison.