• @[email protected]
    751 year ago

    If you simp for dictators you cannot be leftist. All authoritarian is right wing. Tankies are virtually no different than MAGA Republicans. Both have the same goals regardless of the minor differences. And I have never seen a tankie talk shit about conservatives.

      • BaroqueInMind
        1 year ago

        “Make America Great Again” Communism doesn’t make sense, however if you follow their stupid logic that MAGA will render the United States into a religious theocracy and post-apocalyptic wasteland, running a small local commune to survive is possibly the only way to survive if they succeed.

        Fuck tankies, fuck MAGA, fuck rural uneducated dipshits who vote that way, fuck capitalism, fuck cops, fuck anarchy, fuck me, fuck cars, and most importantly fuck you for reading this.

      • @cmbabul
        121 year ago

        I don’t want to live on this planet anymore

        • @scurry
          131 year ago

          Don’t worry they’ll follow you to space.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Tens of millions of communists have died fighting for the emancipation of the working class. Half the world was communist at one point. The people you call “MAGA communists” are an online micro-ideology of a few hundred infantile Westerners, who most communists are not even aware of, and who all communists who are aware of them reject as explicitly anti-Marxist and crypto-fascist. They have no relevance to communism whatsoever.
        This is one of the purposes of the ‘tankie’ slur - to associate Marxists with people who are explicitly opposed to them and so fringe as to be otherwise irrelevant. In this way the ideas of communism can be confused and distorted in the public consciousness.

        • @[email protected]
          41 year ago

          I have separate distinctions between “Tankie” and communist.

          Communism, true communism as explained by Marx. Classless, stateless. NO ELITE CLASS This is the goal. This is good.

          Tankies seem to just want Putin or Xi to rule the world. Or are capitalists LARPing as what they think commies are in effort to troll. Probably both with some true believers filtering in over time. Sorta like the origins of r/The_Donald and flat earth theory.

          TLDR Communism != Tankie

        • DessertStorms
          41 year ago

          the ‘tankie’ slur

          another example of you demonstrating op to the letter - playing victim. Just like all oppressors who seek to flip the script - white people who claim reverse racism is a thing, men who claim reverse sexism is a thing, transphobes who claim being called cis is a slur.

          What a pathetic fucking clown.

        • Cyrus Draegur
          11 year ago

          MAGA Communists are the tankies.

          Anyone who simps for authoritarian state violence inflicted militarily upon civilians is a tankie and anyone who DOESN’T simp like that ISN’T a tankie, full stop, regardless of their espoused economic model. If you’re not simping for a power-mad mass murderer, you’re not a tankie either.

    • @Falmarri
      211 year ago

      I was arguing with one earlier about how you can’t criticize desantis for attacking Disney because Disney is a corporation

  • @Someboynumber5reborn
    651 year ago

    As an anarchist I tried being peaceful with tankies in leftist spaces, but the moment I criticized shit like Putin invading Ukraine they immediately turned on me. These people don’t give a shit about leftism they care about state capitalism. After reading Lenin I now know why they hate other leftist so much, it’s because he hated them too

    • @[email protected]
      -21 year ago

      Lenin did not hate other leftists. Kropotkin, for example, was one of his favourite writers. His own brother was an anarchist. He did consider non-Marxist ideologies to be incapable of effecting real change or defeating capitalism. It was ‘other leftists” who, in the early days of the revolution, aligned themselves with reactionary forces, attempted to overthrow the revolution, and tried to assassinate Lenin himself.

      • @Someboynumber5reborn
        1 year ago

        I’ve read revolution and state and he literally calls anarchists opportunist, he also destroyed actual anarcho communist communes during the Bolshevik revolution because he saw them as anti-revolutionary, if he liked Kropotkin he didn’t like anarchists

  • Franzia
    1 year ago

    Thank you. I tried interacting with one today and they just kept telling me I’m not introspective enough. Like just outright shaming me as if I don’t understand my own thoughts and choices. Conatantly attacking my character rather than my arguments.

    OP points out it’s not just their beliefs that are problematic but this like, systematic behavior of disrupting our beliefs.

  • @[email protected]
    -61 year ago

    Would you call Malcom X a “tankie”? Were the Black Panthers reactionaries? Was Albert Einstein a fascist? Were the tens of millions of communists who died in the 20th century fighting for human liberation equivalent to Nazi’s?
    This is an honest question. I would be fascinated to understand the thought process of anyone who answers yes, which presumably should be anyone who uses the term ‘tankie’.

    • @ikidd
      321 year ago

      Oh, fuck that noise. Tankies are anyone that figure the Soviets were good for the Eastern Bloc countries, and that China can do no wrong as it oppresses a fifth of the world’s population like they’re expendable slaves. Usually they’re out here telling us how Ukraine should just roll over to Putin and that there’s nothing to see in Xinjiang.

      I’m not going to stop using “tankie” to describe these fucks.

    • Rozaŭtuno
      1 year ago

      No, no, no and no.

      Socialist != tankie.

      And what do the USSR soldiers that fought 83 years ago have to do with the people spewing Kremlin propaganda today? Or Einstein for that matter?

      You’re responsible for your own actions, if you simp for a despot, you’re a tankie. Hiding behind ideology doesn’t make it okay.

    • @[email protected]
      111 year ago

      The people in the US that were anti intervention in WW2 until Soviet Union got invaded, but then changed their stance were tankies (doubly so to the Union leaders that were fine with genocide in Poland but stopped striking the moment Stalin’s criminal treaty backfired). The people that supported Soviet oppression in the Warsaw pact were tankies (that’s what the terms comes from). The people supporting an Fascist land grab and genocide attempt, done under the same pretexts as Hitler had for Poland, right now, are tankies and truly worthy of their 1939 ideological ancestors.